Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 169 Time Travel Girl with System 17

Because she was angry, when she met her admirer Feng Shiqing that day, Ye Anyun deliberately pretended to be distressed and said that. Sure enough, not long after, she found out that Feng Shiqing said something to sow discord with the young master of the Tang family, and she couldn't help but secretly Delighted, she also felt that women were stronger than men, and no man could bear it, so she felt that Feng Shiqing's instigation should be effective. Even if Ye Anran was proud of herself outside, what if her relationship with her husband was broken, and she would never be able to do it again? Showing affection in front of her made her dazzled.

As a result, while she was waiting for the relationship between An Ran and Tang Xin to break down, Tang Xin came from outside and said that others who wanted to eat soft rice could not get it, and that he could eat it meant that he had good vision and married a good wife. Ye Anyun couldn't help but feel angry and resentful when he saw that he was not ashamed but proud. He secretly thought that a waste was indeed worthy of being a waste, and he could even be proud of such a thing.

After failing to instigate the relationship between An Ran and his wife, Tang Xin accidentally showed off his affection, which made Ye Anyun even more depressed. In addition, while she was pregnant and could not serve the third prince, the women in the back house were seducing one by one. The third prince, she didn't dare to spend more money now, and couldn't get birth control pills for everyone. She was worried that some women would get pregnant when she was pregnant. What if they were those who she hadn't had time to give birth to? The woman in Nimaru is pregnant and will give birth to a son. She will compete with her son for the throne in the future, which will be very troublesome, so Ye Anyun has been really worried recently.

Why is Ye Anyun sure that she will give birth to a son? This is not simple, because she took the birth pill and will continue to have sons in the future. She did not know that she drugged An Ran that day and was discovered by An Ran. If you take Enron's fertility pills and take the fertility pills without taking the antidote prepared by Enron, it won't work, because Enron's fertility pills are a product of the Fairy Family, not hers. The products produced by Golden Finger System are unparalleled.

So when the child was born not long ago and it turned out to be a girl, Ye Anyun couldn't help but be shocked, thinking that even though he had taken birth control pills, why was the child still a girl?

Now Ye Anyun asked the system again whether it had made a mistake, just like when he questioned the system when An Ran gave birth to his son last time.

The system is an artificial intelligence, so naturally it only insists on its own statement, saying that it is right and that the things are fine. As for why the baby is a girl, it doesn't know. Anyway, its things are fine.

Either he couldn't break the system, or Ye Anyun would jump up and fight the system. Thinking about how to break the system, he wanted Ye Anran to have a daughter, but he gave birth to a son; he wanted to have a son, but he gave birth to a daughter. This system can no longer be trusted!

Ye Anyun didn't know what went wrong, but when he saw that he was giving birth to a daughter, he felt a little panicked. He thought what if the birth control pill didn't work, what would he do if he kept having daughters in the future? In the future, it will be fine if the third prince becomes the emperor. If the concubine becomes the emperor, she will still be the queen mother. What I am most afraid of is that if the third prince does not become the emperor and there is a prince who needs to inherit the throne, I will continue to have daughters and no legitimate son will inherit the throne. I am only afraid of the third prince. But he is about to divorce himself and marry another princess to have a legitimate son!

Thinking of this terrible consequence, Ye Anyun was extremely frightened. He thought about how to solve this problem all day long, so he had no time to cause trouble for An Ran.

When Ye Anyun was worried, An Ran was ready to take action against Feng Shiqing.

She didn't know whether Feng Shiqing and Ye Anyun conspired to harm the original body in the original world. After all, except for knowing it from the unfinished plot, who could know about this kind of thing in the previous life? She couldn't predict it in advance, but in this life, Feng Shiqing It is always true to instigate a relationship between her and Tang Xin. Thanks to Tang Xin not minding, there is no problem in their relationship as husband and wife. Otherwise, it would be necessary to find someone else who would mind, and the woman is not as fearless as she is. If the original person has no ability, if the relationship between the two deteriorates, the woman will be in misfortune.

Naturally, she would not just let it go if he caused trouble for her. She could not think that Feng Shiqing's behavior was nothing just because she was capable, handled it well, and was not affected by it.

It's her business to be capable, and it's not a reason not to punish the murderer.

However, An Ran will naturally not continue to use the nightmare technique to deal with Feng Shiqing this time. After all, Feng Shiqing is not guilty enough to die. Secondly, using the same technique will make people wonder if Huang Jing's accident was his own fault. After all, Feng Shiqing said something bad about him, and something happened to his back. I'm afraid someone will label him as a target of suspicion. If he uses the nightmare technique again, others will think of Huang Jing.

So this time, An Ran only gave Feng Shiqing a suspected infectious disease - giving him a rash, and then everyone who came into contact with him also got a rash, causing everyone in the Feng family to be frightened, thinking that Feng Shiqing had some strange infectious disease. No one dared to contact him.

In fact, of course it was okay, it was just used by An Ran to scare Feng Shiqing.

Didn't Feng Shiqing want to destroy the relationship between her and Tang Xin? Well, let him have a taste of it himself - so that his wives and concubines would not dare to get close to him and make him angry to death.

In addition to this, An Ran also wants to rob the Feng family of a sum of money - no one can cure the medicine she administered, and he will definitely ask her for help when the time comes, and she will be able to rob him of a large amount of money. Are you trying to sow discord? I'll let you bleed profusely. Let's see if you dare to do this next time.

Sure enough, as she thought, the Feng family tried their best but could not cure the rash on Feng Shiqing's face. Although the rash does not seem to be dangerous for the time being, who knows if it is a precursor to any disease. What if it is dangerous? , it would be bad if it couldn't be cured after a long delay. After all, no one is afraid of an unknown disease, and everyone cherishes their lives. In the end, the Feng family found the Tang family as An Ran wished - Mrs. Jingguo Gong's Crown Prince. She came to Princess Jingxian with runny noses and tears, saying that she wanted to ask the Lord of Rongan County to save her son.

Although she already has a legitimate grandson, she is not afraid that something will happen to her son and no one will inherit the title, but she only has a son who has always been a treasure in her heart. If something happens to her, how will she survive, so she naturally comes to ask for help from the eldest princess.

Princess Jingxian saw the Crown Prince and Mrs. Jingguo crying with tears and runny nose, and she was not moved. She said with a calm expression: "How could the Lord of Rongan County go to your home for medical treatment if he is not a real doctor?" What do you think of her? Besides, there are differences between men and women, so it would be better for the Crown Prince’s wife to hire another male doctor.”

When Mrs. Jingguo Gongzi heard that Princess Jingxian had a bad tone, she was startled and thought about what was going on. You must know that the eldest princess has a reputation of being gentle. Even if her status is very different from others, she is rarely embarrassed by others. Yes, why are you speaking in such a tone now? Are you dissatisfied with yourself? But did he offend her in any way?

Thank you Yuer8 for the gift~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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