Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1634 The real and fake princess 27

The ministers also knew that the situation was intolerable. Since Princess Fu'an did not intend to beat them to death and was willing to let them go, if they could not hold on, then let them go!

So everyone immediately agreed to the idea of ​​​​escape.

Now that you agree, let's take advantage of Princess Fu'an's arrival and have time to pack up and leave quickly. When Princess Fu'an's people come, they will fight, but there will be casualties again. They want to flee now, but they can't survive it. There were casualties.

So when Anron successfully occupied most of the Uzbek country, the Uzbek people had already set off and embarked on the long escape road to the extreme northern desert.

Hundreds of years later, history records: After the Wu people were driven out of the Eastern Continent by the Qi people, they fled in a hurry. After paying the price of losing almost half of their tribe, they finally came to the Western Continent, where they defeated the local powerful country and ruled that country. They have always thrived there and become the only Eastern face in the Western Continent. Their civilization is also influenced by Eastern civilization. Many customs are consistent with those of the Eastern Continent; even the language they use is the language of the Eastern Continent.

——And this is why An Ran let people run away. Although they are foreigners, they are also Easterners. Why bother to kill them all? There is still a lot of land on the planet. Let them occupy more land and let Dongfang Isn’t it a beautiful thing when people are blooming everywhere?

Even a defeated army could defeat the powerful country at that time, which made people of later generations unable to help but speculate how powerful the Qi State was that could defeat this defeated army at that time.

Not talking about future generations, but talking about the present, even if he planned to leave, the leader of the Wu Kingdom still made a move for An Ran - he returned the Supreme Emperor.

Obviously, he wanted to see if there would be a struggle for power between the two.

He was leaving anyway, so it was useless to keep the Supreme Emperor around. What would he do if he didn't go back? I need to bring an extra ration with me.

At the same time, Concubine Su and the fake princess were not let go.

He was thinking that now that Princess Fu'an knows that it was Concubine Su and the fake princess who spread the rumor that she is a fake princess, she must really hope that he can put Concubine Su and the fake princess back so that she can kill her to relieve her feelings. Hate, the more she wanted them, the less he would give them, which made her angry; on the contrary, she didn't want the Supreme Emperor, so he insisted on giving the Supreme Emperor to her.

The leader of the Wu Kingdom never thought that An Ran didn't care whether he would take Concubine Su and the fake princess away. After all, her intelligence officers had inquired about the living conditions in the extreme northern desert, so she still didn't understand. Life there is not comfortable at all. In this case, if the leader of the Wu Kingdom does not give her Concubine Su and the fake princess, she will just let him take them with him. By then, their own living conditions will not be good, and she will not I believe that she will take good care of those two people. When the time comes, their lives will probably be worse than those of the people in the south. In this way, it will be more relieved than if she killed them, so they were taken by the leader of Wu Kingdom. Just take it away, she has nothing to be unhappy about.

As for the Supreme Emperor...

After An Ran brought the man back, he asked him if he would like to stay here or go to the south.

If she is willing to stay here, she can have good food and drink, but don't think about anything else. Interfering in political affairs is completely unacceptable. After all, he was not the emperor before, but he lost the country. If he interfered, she was afraid that he would make a mess of the situation she had finally managed.

If he doesn't want to stay here or interfere in political affairs, then she will send him to the south.

The Supreme Emperor had spent such a long time in Wu Kingdom in fear, and now he finally came back. Naturally, he just wanted to stay in a strong place, so as not to be attacked again one day and live a homeless life again.

So now I heard my daughter asking him where he wanted to stay. I thought that my daughter had even beaten the Uguo away, but my son had been hiding in the south. He was a coward. Moreover, he had been asked to write an abdication edict through the Uguo before. It was obvious that he had something to do with the Uguo. Legs, thinking that he was living a miserable life in the north, forget it if he didn't save him, and got involved with his enemy Wu Guo, the Supreme Emperor was not happy.

Not only did he feel that his son was not strong enough, but he was also unhappy about his abdication, so after hearing An Ran's inquiry, the emperor said: "I will stay here and not go to the south. Don't worry, I won't meddle in other people's business."

If An Ran hadn't said that he wanted to meddle in other people's business, he would have sent him to the south. He was afraid of staying in a weak place and being destroyed again in the future, otherwise he might really be able to point fingers, but since An Ran said so, Then he would naturally not cause trouble and be sent to the south by his daughter, where he would once again live a life of fear. After all, his daughter could obviously keep her word, so she made such a promise immediately.

Not only did he make such a promise, but in order to please An Ran and live a better life here, he also said to An Ran: "Would you like me to write an abdication edict again for you? I will tell others that I was the one who was defeated by Wu Guoguo before. I wrote the edict of abdication to him because of the Lord's persecution, not counting. This is true. I was really persecuted by them, not a lie. In this way, you have my edict of abdication, which is orthodox and unifies the south. , it’s justifiable.”

According to common sense, it is natural for his son to inherit the throne, but now it is obvious that his daughter is better. Naturally, he does not dare to stroke his beard and let his daughter give way to his son. He has lived a miserable life these years. Now that he is old, he does not want to live in a miserable life again. As time goes by, I want to live a better life, so naturally I will not do such stupid things to make my daughter unhappy and drive him away.

He doesn't care who becomes the emperor now, as long as he can live a good life.

Besides, as long as the heir born from a daughter still bears the imperial surname, there is no difference between the daughter and the son. In this sense, the daughter has more inheritance rights than the son because the daughter is the legitimate daughter.

Think about it again: Empress Zhang did not want to be humiliated and went to die calmly, while Emperor Jianfeng's mother concubine Su Concubine, in order to survive, would kneel down and lick a barbarian. The higher and lower character of both parties can be seen at a glance.

The Supreme Emperor was moved by Queen Zhang's behavior, so he was naturally more pleased with An Ran.

On the contrary, as for Concubine Su and Emperor Jianfeng, one of them knelt down and licked the enemy who had become the king of the subjugated country, and the other conspired with his enemy and forced himself to write an edict of abdication. Thinking about it made him disgusted, so no matter whether it was from In terms of situation and psychology, the Supreme Emperor would rather inherit the throne safely.

An Ran shook his head and said: "No, if you say this, others will also say whether I forced you. So you don't need to write it. When I unify the south in the future, I can just ask the emperor to write me an abdication edict. It will be the same." Justified."

Seeing An Ran say this, the Supreme Emperor nodded and let it go. Anyway, he showed his goodwill. If others didn't want him, he wouldn't insist on others accepting it. He immediately moved into the place arranged for him by An Ran.

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