Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1621 The real and fake princess 14

The reason why they are preparing to trouble An Ran again is because the leader of the Wu Kingdom thought that it would be very annoying if there was General Luo blocking the Gu'an line, preventing them from advancing to the south. If there was another general who was not inferior to Luo General's Princess Fu'an, will they still have anything to do with them in the north from now on? Besides, they didn't want to be slapped in the face again and again by Princess Fu'an and make people laugh at the Wu people for being slapped in the face again and again by their concubine, so it was impossible not to deal with An Ran.

This time, the leader of the Wu Kingdom did not send a small role, but asked King Zuodu to personally lead the attack.

The leader of the Wu Kingdom also made it very clear. What he meant was that this is your concubine. You let her run away due to your negligence and caused so many things. Now you should capture her yourself.

Even though the leader of Wu Kingdom did not let King Zuodu lead the team in person, he also wanted to lead the team in person. After all, Princess Fu'an slapped her face hard. Many political opponents in Wu Kingdom were laughing at him. If he didn't let Princess Fu'an If you clean it up, you will really be laughed at to death.

Concubine Su heard that King Zuodu was going to personally lead a team to deal with An Ran, and she couldn't help but hope that King Zuodu would succeed, lest her scandal here would spread to the south and become difficult to deal with.

Although King Zuodu's men failed twice, she still had great confidence in King Zuodu. Without him, when he attacked Daqi that day, King Zuodu came with him. At that time, King Zuodu defeated Daqi. He is a very capable person who runs away from the wind, so if he takes action in person, Su Fei feels that Princess Fu'an will be completely finished this time. Thinking of this, Su Fei can't help but breathe a sigh of relief - she is really afraid that An Ran will say something about her scandal.

Soon King Zuodu ordered his troops and horses to set off.

But he said that because he had sent two waves of people to attack Anran before, and those two waves of people were all his subordinates, King Zuodu knew more about Anran's situation than other people in the Wu Kingdom.

However, despite knowing more about it, King Zuodu still didn't have much idea until he saw the bastion. It wasn't until he saw the real thing that he realized how weird it was.

While King Zuodu was watching, he asked his subordinates who had been there twice before, "Have they all advanced here?"

This place has exceeded the Gu'an Line. However, the Gu'an Line is just a line of defense on the plain. In fact, at both ends of the Gu'an Line on the plain, there is a river at one end and a mountain at the other. The river is very big and the mountain is very high. Naturally, barrier, so no defense line was set up there, only observation posts were left. Once an army was discovered approaching, an alarm would be issued.

Of course, only General Luo has set up observation posts, not Wu State. After all, they are not afraid of the Qi people coming from that way, and the Qi people can't defeat them anyway.

Precisely because they despised it so much, Anron easily spread its power across the mountain and river and developed further afield. Now, Anron's power has embraced the entire ancient An City area, forming a "concave". "Zi-shaped, the forces entered the north of the Gu'an Line, which was previously occupied by the Uzbek State.

The subordinates were very surprised to see that Enron's forces had advanced here, and immediately said: "A few months ago, they had been developing south of the Gu'an line. Now they have advanced here. I am also surprised."

King Zuodu looked at the eccentric castle and said, "It seems to be developing very fast. Why haven't I seen her managing it into a mess?"

You must know that if other forces develop like An Ran, they will collapse sooner or later without peace of mind. As a result, Princess Fu'an managed it very well and did not collapse. This made King Zuodu and others who were observing the situation here People, can you not be surprised, thinking that this Princess Fu'an is so capable and can support such a large stall without any trouble? Why didn't you notice it before?

But... that's right. In the past, she was living in confinement, being a princess, and there was nothing she could do, so it was normal that no one noticed it.

However, I really didn't expect that a princess could become so powerful after such a drastic change, which made many people regret it. For example, King Zuodu, if he had known that Princess Fu'an was so powerful, he would not have been able to guard her easily. People let go.

"How to destroy this castle?" King Zuodu asked his men.

The two subordinates who failed in the first attack and those who failed in the second attack looked at each other, and then smiled bitterly and said: "If this thing is easy to break, we will not fail."

"Aren't the traditional methods of siege working?" King Zuodu asked, not quite understanding.

Although they are grassland people and basically do not build pass cities, it does not mean that they cannot attack cities. Otherwise, how could they break through the Imperial Capital? The Imperial Capital's city walls are extremely strong, weren't they also broken through?

"You will be attacked by several parties. It will be much more difficult. Before you can climb the wall, everyone will be gone. I really can't bear to have the warriors of our clan sacrifice themselves in the hands of these mediocre people. It's not worth it." The man said.

You know, the warriors on the grassland can defeat these Qi people. It is not a problem for one person to defeat ten people. If they are cavalry, one can defeat a hundred. Such warriors are used by the Qi people just because they cannot climb such a wall. It's such a shame to kill people with bows and arrows and other things.

King Zuodu frowned after hearing this.

He also didn't want his warriors to die casually. You know, their tribe is small, and it would be a pity to die. What's more, they attacked Princess Fu'an twice, killing more than 2,000 people, and the losses were huge - although some of them did not die. , just injured, but for the battlefield, injury is often the same as death, because if the injury is serious, you will not be able to go to the battlefield again. Therefore, although some people did not die, they lost their combat effectiveness. So in fact, for soldiers, the effect of injury and death is almost the same. If a lot of people die this time, it will not be something he can bear. After all, most of the people who die are his subordinates. If he dies too many, his power will be damaged. Seriously, this is not what he wants to see.

However, because Princess Fu'an was his concubine, the leader of the Wu Kingdom insisted on him cleaning up this mess, so even though it caused him heavy losses, he had no choice but to come over.

Of course, he just wanted to kill Princess Fu'an with his own hands, otherwise people would always laugh at him for not being able to take care of even a concubine.

At that moment, King Zuodu heard that two of his men who had been here before said that they could not attack. Thinking of the heavy losses, he naturally felt uncomfortable. He did not want to send his men to attack the city at all. However, it would not work if he did not attack the city, so he immediately prepared to send people first. Try attacking it. At the very least, let him see how powerful this castle is, so that he can think of countermeasures according to the situation.

Soon he saw the power of this kind of castle.

He sent a thousand men to attack the city in advance. As a result, no matter which direction his warriors attacked the city, as his men said, they would be attacked intensively by archers and trebuchets from several directions. , and soon there were heavy casualties.

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