Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1619 The real and fake princess 12

Not surprisingly, the people of Wu State failed the previous time. This time their siege battle was the same as before. There was no progress, and they would naturally still fail. In fact, because the soldiers of Qi State were proficient in using this kind of castle, they caused trouble to Wu State. caused greater losses.

Of course, the main reason is that it has been snowing recently. Although these Uzbek people are resistant to freezing, they are definitely more likely to get sick than when the weather is good, so just getting sick has taken away many people.

The two disastrous defeats shocked King Zuodu. He had never thought that Princess Fu'an was so powerful. When she was in his house, she didn't see how powerful she was. She really couldn't tell. It was like this. An awesome girl.

However... King Zuodu thought that the other Qi women who were rewarded, even the mother of Queen Qi Xinjun, Su Fei, could only stay in the backyard and compete for favors, but she was able to escape, and she escaped successfully. From this point of view, , she is indeed different from other women. She was not very powerful in the backyard at that time. She probably hid her clumsiness on purpose and didn't want him to notice.

If we had known that Princess Fu'an was so different from other women, we should have killed her instead of treating her like other women. We felt that giving her to the people of Wu State would not only insult her and Qi State, but also make Qi State Women from China give birth to children in Uzbekistan and contribute to the population of Uzbekistan.

It's better now. She was insulted and probably hated the Uzbek people to death. Now she has gone back and established a strong force. The slogan is to expel the Uzbek people. However, they still lost twice in a row at her hands. Not only did they not eliminate her Saving face, seeing that he was about to lose more and more face, did King Zuodu think that he should have killed her instead of letting the tiger return to the mountain and become a disaster?

The leader of the Wu Kingdom is also hesitant about whether to fight again. After all, it is winter in the north now, and the weather will not get better until March next year. Before that, the men can't bear to start a war. Usually, it is simple and easy to plow grass and grain. It can be dispatched in winter, but this kind of critical battle is different. It is not suitable to fight in winter. Secondly, the new king of Qi has succeeded to the throne in the south. The leader of Wu State believes that seeing Princess Fu'an rise in the north, the new king of Qi may be... They can't tolerate her, even if she is a woman. After all, who can tolerate someone who does better than themselves? They will definitely deal with her by then. They don't need to let the sons and daughters continue to fill their lives, but should find some spies. , used some alienation tactics in the south of Qi State, and asked the new king of Qi State to deal with her.

Regardless of whether the new monarch of Qi State should be allowed to fight Princess Fu'an or not, it was cold now and the leader of Wu State decided not to send troops for the time being.

The Wu Kingdom did not come to fight, which gave Anron another opportunity to develop. After all, although the north is colder than the south, it is still much warmer than the Wu Kingdom living in the Mobei.

Of course, the current Wu Kingdom can no longer be considered as living in Mobei. After all, since they conquered the Imperial Capital of Qi, although they cannot control so many places due to their small number of people, they cannot occupy all the land in the north, but they can The border line was pushed to the Gu'an City area, and this area was called the Gu'an Line.

Although they have no people living near the Gu'an line, they have troops hoarded.

The scope of Enron's previous development was all south of the Gu'an Line.

Now Enron's development is still south of the Gu'an Line, mainly along the river. There is a large area south of the Gu'an Line, which is enough for her to develop temporarily.

An Ran planned to develop this area first before looking for trouble with the black people.

Because An Ran also planned to build a high wall, accumulate food, and slowly become king, he did not plan to cause trouble to the black people for the time being, and the black people also planned not to cause trouble to An Ran for the time being, so the two sides were at peace for a few months, allowing Enron's power further expanded, doubling its territory and population.

Now various forces in the north are beginning to be a little worried about Enron. Although Enron still hasn't attacked them,... the policies under Enron are being spread to all parties through refugees. After all, refugees always have relatives and friends and live and work in peace and contentment under Enron. After that, they would want to find their relatives and friends. Once they found them, they would always encourage them to move to Enron's rule.

As for those relatives and friends, including others who heard the news, they heard that under Anron's rule not only the land was distributed, but no taxes were collected, they were moved and went to Enron's side.

This is exactly what An Ran wants to see.

If it can be solved without using force, then naturally it would be better to solve it with the King's Paradise.

There is no need for a war. What's the point of Qi people killing Qi people? In recent years, Wu State has often attacked Qi State, which has caused the people of Qi State to suffer a lot and many people have died. She doesn't want to do this unless it is a last resort. Fewer people are killed.

When all the people come over, those forces alone will not be able to control a large area, and she will be able to encroach on it then.

And this is not what those forces want to see. After all, everyone has fled, who will they rule?

But they didn't dare to fight against Enron.

The reason why we didn't fight before was because An Ran was a princess and it was difficult to fight; now we don't fight because An Ran has become stronger and the people of Wu Kingdom can't defeat them, let alone these grass-roots teams who rose up after the country was broken, they feel that they can't defeat them even more.

They can't defeat An Ran, and they don't want to watch all the people under their rule run to An Ran. This is not okay, so some helpless forces have begun to issue escape orders, stipulating that people in their territory are not allowed to leave. Otherwise, if they are caught and brought back, it will be a violation of the law and they will be killed.

After this order, more people tried to escape because of fear, but as a result, many people were arrested and many died.

An Ran did not attack these forces, but naturally did not want these people to issue escape orders, prohibit people from leaving, or even kill people, so they issued a notice that no one was allowed to issue escape orders, let alone capture and kill the escaped people. From the day of the notice, she will attack anyone who dares to do such a thing again.

... When it comes to attacking Anron, all the forces are not confident, because all the forces have sent people to experience it under Anron's rule. The fortress is indeed very difficult to attack, but they are also not afraid of Anron attacking them. Yes, because as far as they know, An Ran's people have always been guarding the city and have never left the city to fight with anyone. Fighting with bandits is not considered a problem in their eyes. In this case, who will An Ran say about them? They don't care at all about attacking anyone who wants to kill the common people, thinking that An Ran can't do it.

So although An Ran issued a notice, no one listened and he still went his own way.

Seeing this situation, An Ran knew that she must choose someone to beat. Otherwise, if one of them started to act disobedient, the others would definitely be less afraid of her and less obedient. Then she would be No matter how prestige she loses, not only will she lose prestige, but the soldiers under her rule will also lack self-confidence. They feel that they can defend the city but not attack it, which is not conducive to the development of the force. After all, since ancient times, I have never heard of any force that can grow by shrinking. No matter how powerful the bastion is, it is not indestructible. If the army itself is not strong, it cannot rely on the bastion alone.

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