Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1611 True and False Princess 4

General Luo was annoyed by their noise, but he couldn't ignore their thoughts. He had no choice but to send someone to send them away in the midst of his busy schedule.

Since they were sent away, it was impossible to leave An Ran alone, so An Ran immediately followed everyone on the road, making An Ran quite dissatisfied with these people. After all, she could have stayed a few more days, and she could practice better. Better yet, in the end, instead of delaying it, she left early, leaving her before she could achieve anything in her practice. Couldn't she be quite dissatisfied? After all, there was a lot of chaos outside in Jiangbei, and she really didn't feel safe if she didn't have time to stay close to her.

Although she was dissatisfied, An Ran did not raise any objection because she did not want to increase the burden on General Luo in the face of a powerful enemy, so she followed Xu Qian and others on the road.

As a result, after walking less than a hundred miles, they encountered rebels.

That's right. At this time, north of the river, there were rebels and bandits everywhere, and a single person would not dare to go on the road at all.

However, An Ran was not worried that General Luo's men would not be able to deal with these people, because since Xu Qian later became a high-ranking official and the emperor's confidant, General Luo's men had successfully sent them across the river.

An Ran's guess was correct. These rebels were quickly repelled by General Luo's men.

But... some soldiers were injured.

An Ran looked at it and knew that General Luo sent this small group of soldiers (about two hundred people) to send them back. Although according to the original trajectory, they should have completed the mission, I am afraid it will not be so easy to complete, and there will be casualties. It's all there, after all, the road is so messy.

Thinking of this, An Ran couldn't help but feel sad. She naturally didn't want to see these warriors who fought for the country get injured or even sacrificed just to escort young masters like Xu Qian or the scumbags who would kill General Luo in the future.

Because he couldn't bear to see these soldiers injured, and he didn't want to see them die from their injuries, An Ran bought some of the best wound medicine of this era from the mall and pretended to take it out of his luggage. , handed it to the soldiers and said: "This is the great secret medicine. I always carry it with me. It is excellent for wounds. You can take it and use it."

As for whether people would suspect that this was not the secret medicine of Da Nei, An Ran didn't need to worry, because none of the young masters who were traveling with him knew clearly about Da Nei's affairs, including the only prince among them.

Even if she knew it clearly, she didn't necessarily know that Ouchi Tai Hospital didn't have the medicine on hand, so she didn't have to worry about exposure.

The soldiers were surprised when An Ran actually gave them the secret medicine, and then they were very grateful.

Although she was originally a princess in distress, but now that she has escaped, she will probably become a princess and noble daughter in the future. It is normal for a person of such status to be so kind to a soldier like them, and they will be grateful.

The next two people expressed their gratitude.

An Ran said: "No need to thank you, it was very hard for you to escort us back."

Then he told them how to use the medicine.

Immediately, some injured soldiers used the medicine.

An Ran said to the leader of the team: "Now that we are far away from the border road, the danger in Wu Country should be less, and we are not in such a hurry to go back. In this way, on the next road, you can inquire about the situation ahead. If there is any We will take a detour to avoid any further casualties among the large groups of rioters, bandits and the like, which will allow us to survive."

The leader of the team was Mr. Qian. After hearing An Ran's words, he couldn't help but look at her with admiration. He secretly thought that this princess was more benevolent and righteous than those young gentlemen. Those young gentlemen did not say such things, and after An Ran said it, two of them She seemed unhappy, obviously not happy to hear what An Ran said. Isn't it Princess Fu'an who has a better character than those young masters? Mr. Qian just pretended not to see the expressions of those young masters, and only smiled at An Ran: "Thank you, princess, for being considerate of our brothers. That's all right. I will obey His Highness's order."

Naturally, he puts his brother's life first. No one spoke before, so he didn't dare to do that. Now the princess has spoken, and she is the highest status among this group of people. Listen to her, that's right, so of course she does. .

When Xu Qian and others heard what An Ran said, they couldn't help but look at each other, secretly wondering what they had to feel sorry for. Do they need to be so polite to these big-headed soldiers? Being able to escort noble people like them back is a blessing they have accumulated over many lifetimes. After all, when they get to the place, their rewards are inevitable, so there is no need to be so nice to them.

Besides, why aren't they in a hurry to go back? They were anxious. After all, they were sleeping in the open air. They wanted to return to the stable Jiangnan as soon as possible, find their families, and live a life of being cared for. It was not like they were on the road now, eating only dry food, walking without a carriage, and they were exhausted. , if they hadn't been kidnapped by the Wu Kingdom and suffered some hardships, they wouldn't have been able to survive.

Although they had endured hardship before, they were able to survive it now, but after staying at General Luo's house for a few days, they gradually regained the feeling of being well-fed and well-fed. Now, life has become worse again, and they simply can't stand it. Naturally, they wanted to go back earlier, so after hearing An Ran say on their behalf that there was no rush to go back, many people were cursing in their hearts, wondering if the princess was stupid for saying such stupid things for their sake.

But because An Ran is a princess and she said nice words, they naturally can't refute her. After all, if the princess is a good person and they are bad people, isn't this going to attract people's hatred? So although Xu Qian and others are dissatisfied with An Ran He spoke on their behalf, but said nothing at the moment.

Only when he was resting, Xu Qian went to An Ran in private to remind her and said: "Princess, how come you didn't discuss this matter with us beforehand and just made your own decisions like this?" It is better for everyone to discuss it together, otherwise the princess will make the decision alone, which will be too arbitrary and everyone will be dissatisfied."

Xu Qian is not very afraid that An Ran will be unhappy after hearing what he said. After all, in his opinion, Princess Fu'an did not commit suicide after being raped by the Wu people. She will not get any good treatment when she goes back. In this way, naturally there is no need to She took it to heart.

After listening to his words, An Ran said calmly: "If you feel dissatisfied, then just go on your own. I will follow them slowly."

What is this nonsense! What's the point of being arbitrary and not listening to advice, and asking them to go alone in a weird way? So Xu Qian couldn't help but change his face after hearing An Ran's words, pointed at An Ran and said: "You!..."

But there was no point in arguing with her about this, so I couldn't help but throw up my sleeves and leave. Thinking about this woman, knowing her personality, I really shouldn't have encouraged her to run away with her in the first place. It didn't help me at the moment. It has become a burden!

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