Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1577 Demon Concubine 6

An Ran was full of confidence. Zhang's mother, Grandma Zhang and others were not as confident as her. At that moment, Zhang's mother still hesitated and said worriedly: "Is everything okay?"

An Ran said: "It's really okay. If something happens, I will definitely tell you in advance and I won't keep you in the dark."

An Ran said this, which at least eased the anxiety of Zhang's mother, Aunt Zhang and others. At that moment, Aunt Zhang advised Zhang's mother to relax and said: "That's right, the empress can never harm us."

This is true. When Grandma Zhang said this, Mother Zhang felt more at ease, so she was no longer as worried as when she came.

No longer worried, Mother Zhang asked about another matter and said, "My dear, you have always been favored, but you are not pregnant with a child. What's going on? Do you want to take a look?"

An Ran said sadly: "I was afraid that you would worry about this, so I never told you, mother. In fact, because I was so beautiful when I was young, many people were jealous of me and ostracized me, including some concubines in the harem. Before I was discovered by the emperor, they deliberately made me go to the laundry department to do laundry in the middle of winter without giving me hot water. I soaked in cold water for a long time. Not only did my hands often become swollen from frostbite, but I also had some uterine injuries. It’s cold, so that’s why I never have children.”

This is the reason why the original person is so favored but has no children.

Not only is the palace cold, but the original person's hands will suffer from frostbite in winter.

But now that An Ran is here and practicing, all these minor problems are gone. The cold in the palace is gone, and so are the chilblains.

After hearing this, Zhang's mother couldn't help but feel very distressed. Apart from feeling distressed, she also couldn't help but worry and said: "Then what can we do? You don't have children by your side. What will you do when you get old and no longer pampered?" .”

An Ran, who originally didn't want to have a child, saw Zhang's mother so worried, so she thought that maybe she should have one, so she said, "Don't worry, Mom, I've been looking for someone to take care of me a long time ago. The doctor said that my treatment is okay and there will be some." children's."

After hearing this, Zhang's mother felt relieved, and then said: "Who is the person who harmed you?! Can you deal with them?"

She actually hurt her daughter to the point where she almost couldn't give birth to a child. It would be difficult to relieve her hatred if she didn't deal with it.

An Ran said: "I have already dealt with those ordinary palace ladies who have harmed me, but I have not dealt with those concubines before. Now I am even more favored. I think it is time to deal with them."

The original person never dealt with her, because she was afraid that she would be too public and offend too many people, so she would not be impeached, so she only dared to deal with a few unimportant palace maids.

But she is not afraid, so those concubines who harmed the original body in the past really have to deal with it. After all, she always feels unhappy if she does not retaliate with an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth with those who have bullied the original body.

After hearing this, Zhang's mother nodded and said, "I'll rest assured that you are ready to deal with it. Our Zhang family cannot be bullied like this all the time."

Over the years, the Zhang family has suffered enough grievances. They have been framed, caught up in party disputes, one side of the party found excuses to get in front of the emperor, and were demoted by the emperor. After that, they were bullied in the place where they were demoted, not to mention, and later returned to the emperor. In the capital, I have been bullied many times because I have no official position, but because the Zhang family has no ability, I can't fight back after being bullied, which makes me feel very aggrieved.

She didn't expect her daughter to be bullied like this in the palace. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, so naturally she said this.

An Ran said: "Mom, don't worry, I know."

Enron naturally doesn't just talk about it, but puts it into action.

At that moment, An Ran began to investigate the concubines who had bullied the original body at that time.

Then I discovered that there were quite a few concubines who had bullied the original body.

Of course, the low-ranking concubines bullied the original body directly, and the high-ranking concubines also guarded against the original body, but they all instigated the low-ranking concubines or palace maids to bully the original body, and few of them did it directly. After all, they also had to take their face and identity into consideration, so they would not do it directly. suitable.

An Ran couldn't help but marvel at the large number of people, secretly thinking that it seemed that the original body was really amazingly beautiful back then, so so many people were there to prevent her from being exposed, for fear that she would be favored by the emperor if he found out.

It's a pity that things in this world often backfire. The more the original person is transferred to a remote place, the more she is bullied. However, God can't see it. The emperor still finds her and makes her favored. So he bullied her back then. The concubines who passed by her began to feel frightened.

It's a pity that the original person was stupid and was afraid that she would be impeached by the ministers if she was too high-profile, so although she was a beloved concubine, she didn't live like a beloved concubine. Except for those easy-to-handle palace maids, she did not take revenge on other concubines.

Seeing that the original body did not cause trouble for them, after so many years, these concubines were obviously no longer afraid. They were no longer as frightened as they were at the beginning, nor were they as afraid of the original body as they were when they saw the original body being favored, but gradually became less frightened. Then put the original body in your eyes.

Being so low-key, what happened in the end? She got the name of a demon concubine, so An Ran said, she should live like a beloved concubine or even a demon concubine, so as not to eat fish and get fishy all over her body, too Feeling wronged.

Speaking of the discovery of the original body by the emperor, it is also quite funny.

Emperor Yuanfeng wanted to visit privately incognito, so he walked to a remote place to avoid the guards and get out of the palace.

As a result, he met the original person, and he was suddenly shocked. He immediately stopped paying a private visit and took the original person back to the palace. He was favored. After that, the original person was favored even though all the hardships were short-lived.

Seeing this, An Ran decided to start with those things that were easy to deal with.

The so-called easy to deal with does not necessarily refer to those who have no power or background, but refers to those who have lives on their hands. Once exposed, they will be dealt with accurately.

Dealing with such people can not only avenge oneself, but also help those victims seek justice, killing two birds with one stone.

And to deal with such people, she doesn't have to do it herself. She can expose the matter to these people's enemies. When the time comes, these people have the evidence and will definitely take action.

When they presented the evidence in front of the emperor, the people who were punished thought that their enemies were dealing with them, and had no idea that An Ran was dealing with them.

Although An Ran is a beloved concubine and is not afraid of getting involved in these things, it would be best if she could not get involved and not be guarded against.

So on that day, Concubine Liu, the mother of the second prince, was taken away by people from the Shenxing Department. It was said that Concubine Liu was suspected of multiple incidents of murdering the emperor's heirs, and the emperor ordered a thorough investigation.

It is understandable that Concubine Liu would kill the emperor's heirs. After all, for concubines like them who have princes, naturally the fewer princes, the more conducive it is for their sons to ascend the throne. Therefore, it does not matter whether the concubines who are pregnant and expecting to give birth will give birth to a boy or a girl in the future. , anyway, it would be best to do it when they are pregnant so that their children cannot be born.

When Concubine Liu heard what the people from the Shenxing Department said, she couldn't help but fall to the ground with a pale face.

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