Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1557 Second Life 20

Luo Xiaofu said proudly and show off: "Yes, Qin Hao was afraid of being accused of being a softie, so he refused to live in my house and said he wanted to buy a house. It doesn't matter if this is the case. Houses in first-tier cities will always go up. Sooner or later Buying Hao Zao also forces us to save money to avoid spending it lavishly."

No wonder Luo Xiaofu was proud and showing off. She was originally a native of a first-tier city, so she felt superior to her non-local classmates who couldn't afford local houses. What's more, she was the first among her peers to buy a house. How can a person not be proud and show off?

In fact, it was quite difficult for her and Qin Hao to buy a house in a first-tier city, because neither her family nor Qin Hao's family had much money, especially Qin Hao's family, which had even less money. It was not easy to pay the down payment, so they just planned. But they don’t have money to buy it yet, so they will wait until the couple saves more money before buying it. Fortunately, house prices in first-tier cities have not increased much in the past two years, and have even fallen a bit, so they don’t have to worry about rising house prices or rising wages. However, the housing prices are becoming increasingly unaffordable as time goes by.

Although she can't afford it yet, it doesn't stop her from showing off about it to show her disdain for An Ran buying a house in the game.

After hearing what she said, the others stopped bragging about An Ran's performance in the game in front of her. However, in any case, An Ran is indeed the best person in the game among their group, so it does not hinder her. They asked An Ran for game strategies.

So An Ran was asked about the game strategy by a new member of his class, and soon he was asked by his classmates again. It was really busy.

What she told her classmates was naturally similar to what the newcomers in her class told her. After all, she only had these strategies for the time being, and she had nothing to hide.

Therefore, her strategies are not applicable to many classmates, but they are not completely inapplicable, because many of her classmates are also highly intelligent. At least the math competition should be applicable, but that one The career of a Go player is not accessible to everyone. After all, many people may have taken Go interest classes, but few are good enough to become a Go player.

Time passed very quickly. Soon half a year passed outside, and another two years passed in the game. A total of six years passed. Anran graduated from elementary school. In the elementary school graduation exam, she got the first place in the city and got the exam as she wished. Side mission rewards and city welfare rewards.

——Although these rewards are very few to her now, mosquito meat is also meat, and she will not dislike it.

Then the mission was also updated.

"Main mission: Obtain a junior high school graduation certificate. Mission reward: 1,000 yuan."

"Side mission: Take the first grade exam and achieve a score of 90 or above in each subject. Mission reward: 1,000 yuan/subject."

"Side mission: Rank first in the province in junior high school graduation exam. Mission reward: 100,000 yuan. City welfare reward: 100,000 yuan."

Other daily tasks are pretty much the same. One lesson still costs 5 yuan.

However, earning 5 yuan per class in junior high school is much harder than earning 5 yuan in primary school. After all, knowledge is much more difficult in junior high school and above. Unlike primary school, you basically don’t have to listen. You can play with yourself in class and don’t have to worry. I didn’t attend the class and my test score was below 90 points.

But in junior high school, if you don’t listen carefully, you might get a score below 90. After all, over time, Enron has forgotten some knowledge. No matter how good Anron is, it is not so easy to get a score of 90 or above. Yes, if you don't believe it, let some famous college students who have graduated decades ago take the junior high school test paper. If the paper is a hundred-point paper, you may not be able to get a score of 90 or above.

After the primary school exam in the game, it’s another Spring Festival outside the game.

Naturally, An Ran was still not ready to go back, after all, she didn't want to deal with the Li family at all.

After she paid 5,000 yuan to Li's father and Li's mother for the festival, they had no objection and asked An Ran to work hard in City B. They were fine at home and would be fine if they didn't go home.

After all, Anron said that he was paying off his student loan and there was not much money left. If he went home, he would not have much money to give them, so naturally they would rather have the five thousand yuan than come back to Anran. After all, five thousand yuan would not be available to them. One thousand yuan is equivalent to a quarter of the money they got from Grandpa Li and Grandma Li. It can allow them to live for two or three months. As long as they can get money, what good will their daughter do? I really want to see her in Wouldn't it be enough to just video it on your phone?

An Ran knew they would think so, so he spent 5,000 yuan on it.

Even if I can still use the student loan as an excuse now, I'm afraid I won't be able to use it after next year. After all, it's enough to pay it back for two or three years. If I use this as an excuse again, I'm afraid they will find something wrong. Then she had to find another excuse. Anyway, she couldn't let Father Li and Mother Li take advantage of her too much, otherwise the original body would be dissatisfied. After all, the original body had said that in addition to the pension obligations that she should bear, she would not be allowed to have a child. Don't even give her children to her parents and younger brother. She can say that she is giving some money this year to buy a quiet life, or to shoulder the obligation of providing for the elderly, but no matter how much it is, it will definitely not work, so she still has to find a way, both If you don't give her more money and you don't have to go back, it's better to completely break up with her and she will have an honest reason not to go back.

Maybe... There is no need to give any excuses in the year after tomorrow. When she pays only 5,000 yuan again, Li's father is afraid that he will say that her student loan should be paid off, and he should give them more money. He will directly say that in the future, She only pays five thousand a year. If they think it is less, she will not pay a penny in the future. She will not support them until they lose the ability to work.

An Ran thought this method was good. After solving a small problem, An Ran was in a good mood. Until that day, when she checked Han Rourou and He's father on a whim, she found that after so long in the game, He's father was finally planning to divorce. Congratulations to your mother, and congratulations to Feng Jingshen for leaving home.

Seeing this, An Ran couldn't help but secretly cursed herself for forgetting this matter. She never found a chance to inform He Feng, and she didn't know if it was too late to inform him now.

You can't blame her for forgetting this matter. After all, it is something that has nothing to do with her. It is normal for her to forget it as time goes by. When she remembered it, she thought it was time to tell He Feng about it.

Originally, An Ran planned to hack He Feng's work email and directly reveal to He Feng that He's father was planning to make He's mother clean up and leave the house. After all, it was difficult for her to explain directly to He Feng in person. How do you know this news?

But that day, she was lucky enough to meet Han Rourou, who came to perform in the city, and... He's father, who accompanied her in a low-key manner.

Seeing this, An Ran felt that he could meet with He Feng directly to discuss this matter. Anyway, he had seen that Father He and Han Rourou would buy information about a celebrity from others in order to make a fortune, and then accidentally learned about it. It is normal to want to sell this news to Mr. He.

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