Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1552 Second Life 15

"Second Life" is said to be very similar to reality, but it is a game after all, so there are some differences.

In reality, there is no such thing as opening a career, but in the game there is.

The standard for identification is unknown, but generally one must have a certain level to be officially recognized by the game as possessing a certain profession.

Once you start a career, it will bring many hidden benefits.

For example, once you are recognized as a doctor by the game, you can apply for a job as a doctor in the hospital in the game; if you are recognized as a teacher, you can apply for a job as a teacher in the school in the game; etc., and so on, which is equivalent to a professional qualification recognition. If you are not opened to a relevant occupation, you cannot engage in the relevant occupation. Even if you meet other conditions such as academic qualifications, you will not be able to apply.

If you activate Painter, you can apply for jobs in art academies and painting academies, and the paintings you draw can also be sold in various high-end galleries in the game - although everyone can draw and sell paintings, some high-end galleries , the seller will be required to have professional qualifications as a painter.

——This is what Enron saw from the job introduction.

An Ran looked at it and clicked OK.

There's no harm in turning it on anyway.

When she has time in the future, she will paint a picture and sell it in the gallery, but she doesn't have time now. After all, she still has to study.

But... if she draws too much, she will be recognized by the game. She has the professional level of a painter. Then, if she does other things and is recognized as a professional, wouldn't she also be able to have other professions?

Thinking of this, An Ran decided to do other things after she graduated and no longer had to attend eight classes a day. For the time being, she would just sketch every afternoon in the game. Although other things might be very profitable, She doesn't want to try it yet, lest she make less money than sketching and waste time. Maybe, after a year and a half, the game currency will be worthless, so she can do it. Now, of course, she must seize the time to save the game currency.

Although she has a lot of money now, she will have to spend so much money on longevity pills in the future. Moreover, she doesn’t know how the world will develop after the original person passed away. Maybe then, it will really be as some people think. In that way, in reality, someone has also invented the longevity pill. This is not impossible - except where the game itself comes from, which has been studied by elites all over the world and has not been discovered, there are many other things in the game that people in the real world have studied. Once it comes out, with the rapid development of science and technology in the real world, it may not be possible to create longevity pills. What if she doesn’t have enough money to buy them? Maybe besides longevity pills, there are other expensive but good things. If she is greedy but can't afford them, it would be a big loss, so she naturally has to save more money.

This is right now, she is busy earning game currency and converting it into real currency, because this exchange rate is the most profitable. When the game currency becomes worthless in the future, she will buy funds or stocks in the game, otherwise she will save money honestly, yes I can't save much money at all.

The Chinese New Year was coming soon, and An Ran didn't feel like celebrating the Chinese New Year, so he just bought some delicious food and got over it.

At this time, An Ran also knew how Li Anrong's tuition was settled.

She only found out because Li's father's sisters, her original aunts, called her and blamed her for not supporting her younger brother Li Anrong.

Only then did An Ran find out how Li Anrong's tuition was settled. It turned out that Li's father asked several sisters to pay four thousand each, saying that he would pay them back after Li Anrong graduated.

After that, they also paid for Li Anrong's monthly living expenses.

Father Li's sisters have long been brainwashed by Grandma Li and Grandpa Li, and they have always been obsessed with supporting their younger brothers. Seeing that their younger brother's family was in trouble, how could they not help, so they naturally gave it to them.

They said they would pay it back to them when Li Anrong got a job after graduation, but they all knew that the money would probably be borrowed but not repaid. However, they had always been willing to help Li's father, so they didn't mind.

On the contrary, she also blamed An Ran for not studying like them and taking care of her younger brother. An Ran was quite speechless. She secretly thought that this was really brainwashing her into a fool. She probably couldn't tell them serious truth. After all, they didn't know how to do it. Listen.

So An Ran put the microphone aside and let them scold her. Anyway, scolding her through the microphone would not hurt her even a hair.

When they had finished scolding her, An Ran hung up the phone, regardless of whether her aunts would be unhappy if they did so, and then they would talk to each other in their hometown and say bad things about her.

Just say it, she won't lose a piece of flesh anyway.

Moreover, it is because the Li family has been brainwashed like this, and some people in the countryside still have traditional thinking, thinking that a girl has to raise her brothers, that they think she should pay to support her young father Li, mother Li, and younger brother Li Anrong. Most brains Normally, no one would have such thoughts. After all, as long as she provides for Li's father and Li's mother in old age, she is willing to give other things out of love. If she is not willing, it is also her duty. What can others blame? After all, just like her Li Anrong is not her son. Moreover, Li's father and Li's mother are only in their early forties. Why should she raise him at such a young age? No one would agree, especially young people.

Several aunts in the original body saw Enron not being admitted. What they said she was just um, she didn't care, she was unhappy, chatting in the Li family, saying that the girl of the Li family was not good, the white -eyed wolf, the white -eyed wolf, Raised in vain, now that he is capable, he doesn’t even care about his younger brother and his parents, and so on.

Although An Ran was not here and didn't hear it, she could guess what they would probably say, but she wouldn't care. After all, she didn't care what they said. Besides, when Li's father and mother get old, she will take care of them. , I believe other people’s opinions will be reversed. After all, in the countryside, although many women are obsessed with supporting their younger brothers and will supplement their natal brothers, there are really not many who can provide for their parents in old age. After all, the husbands they married are also from the countryside. Husbands are taught that wives do not have to provide for their father-in-law and mother-in-law in their old age. They usually obey their husbands. If anyone dares to shoulder all the responsibilities of providing for their old age, then the husband’s family should not be unhappy. At most, the old man will be taken care of when he is sick.

They didn't take care of themselves when they were old. When An Ran takes care of herself, public opinion will naturally turn around, so An Ran doesn't have to worry at all.

She dared to bet that even if she didn't raise Li Anrong like the original person, according to Li Anrong's character, he would still be like the original person in the world, gnawing at old age and not working hard. After all, the character is developed and it is difficult to change. In this way , Father Li and Mother Li are getting old, and it is simply unrealistic to expect Li Anrong to provide for them in old age, so in the end I am afraid that the responsibility for providing for them in old age will still be on her.

With this comparison, her reputation will eventually get better, so she doesn't have to worry about what the aunts of the Li family say bad things about her now - besides, she doesn't care.

Happy New Year to everyone in advance! All the best in the new year!

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