Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1541 Second Life 4

Seeing that she was a child, I thought she was doing a work-study program, so the natives who picked up garbage did not chase her away. This was also the benefit of being a child. If it were an adult to snatch the scraps from them, there might be a dispute.

An Ran picked up scraps for an hour. After seeing that his physical strength was almost restored, he sold the scraps for five yuan.

Although you only get five yuan for an hour of picking up, it is not more cost-effective than the previous class - a class is only forty-five minutes, and you can get five yuan - but for picking up waste, as long as the things you carry do not exceed the prescribed weight , it does not consume physical strength and can restore physical strength.

After regaining her strength, An Ran went to class again to make money.

After five classes, it was dinner time. An Ran bought two meat buns as usual and exchanged the extra twenty-eight yuan for twenty-eight hundred yuan in real currency.

Since it was already getting late in the game, it was unrealistic to pick up scraps, but he still lacked the physical strength to continue studying. So An Ran went to the built-in forum and read the discussions to see if there were any valuable strategies to choose from.

Although the original body has the memory of this game and has many good strategies, but after a long time, the original body only remembers what is the best thing to do when you first enter the game. The original body only remembers to read it from elementary school and cannot choose the adult mode, but cannot remember anything else. It is too clear, so Enron needs to enter the forum and absorb advanced experience.

Others may not know whose strategy is right and whose strategy is wrong, so they dare not choose, but An Ran, who has the memory of his original body to refer to, still dares to choose.

Posts on the forum are diverse.

"I think this game is quite boring. It's just like reality. I found a job and started playing it. It feels no different from the outside. What's the point? In fact, it would be great if the game is set in ancient times. At least it can Experience a different world.”

"It's said that it's called Second Life. It must be similar to reality. Otherwise, can it be called Second Life?"

"It would be nice to have a holographic game for you to play, but what else do you need a bike for?"

"It may not be fun for us to play, but those scientific research experts will cry with joy. The time flow rate is four to one, four times the time. If they conduct scientific research in the game, wouldn't our real world's technological level develop at four times the speed? ?”

"It's true. Technology is developing at four times the speed, which is good. I've always felt that technological development has stalled a bit recently. We were promised that when we grow up, there will be robot butlers to serve us. Where is it? I'm tired of eating takeout. Now, I’m just waiting for the robot butler to cook for me!”

"We look forward to the great development of real-world science and technology."

"Is anyone speculating in the stock market? I'm not a wealthy person, but I don't have the money to collect a lot of game currency. I can't afford to buy a house for the time being, and I can't speculate in a house. However, the cost of stock speculation is low, so I can have some fun. Is there anyone speculating?"

"You've just entered the game. Do you understand the situation of each company? Then buy stocks. Don't lose all your money."

"What a waste of money. I randomly chose the place where I was born. I got a thousand yuan reward. It's only a thousand yuan, so I'll just lose it."

"There are so few missions in this game, and I don't know how to get more missions. I like traditional games that have a lot of missions and you can gain experience points by doing them."

"That's because you didn't choose the right place to be born. My city has city missions."

"There is also a city mission? Strange, what is it? Tell me."

"City mission: The city is demolishing old bungalows and building more beautiful buildings. Because the construction tasks are heavy, players are expected to participate in the construction. Mission reward: 100 yuan/day, wages are paid daily. I signed up, which means moving bricks and building buildings. .According to this time flow rate, in one day outside, I can work inside for four days, earn 400 yuan, and then sell it to those rich people, which is equivalent to me making 40,000 yuan a day in the real world. I earned 40,000 yuan a day. In the past, I can’t even think about it. I’m going to be a rich man soon.”

"Let me go, it only costs 100 yuan a day to move bricks? Those private real estate developers build buildings and recruit people for 200 yuan a day. Who is willing to do it for 100 yuan a day?"

"Private real estate companies build buildings and recruit skilled workers. If we don't know how to do it, others won't accept it. Unlike me, people who don't know how to do it will accept it. We teach on-site and you can do it after you learn it. Also, You can go there every day until the project is completed. For the private one, sometimes the project funds are not available, and the work may stop, and you have to find a new construction site to work. It is not as stable as this one. And the salary can be paid on a daily basis. For those private real estate developers, even if you do a good job, you may not be paid. You have to wait for a long time before you are paid. In case of arrears, you have to engage in migrant workers in the game. It is not cost-effective. We Now that I have just entered the game, what I want is to make money quickly. If you can’t get money after doing it for a long time, then what’s the point of doing it? So considering all the circumstances, this is quite cost-effective.”

"That makes sense. Which city is the floor master from? I want to see it."

Although there is a place of birth in the game, there are no restrictions on player movement, so players in other places can also go there to do things.

"Is moving bricks the job that least requires technical skills and still pays high wages? If so, I will go and have a look."

"I advise everyone to be careful when choosing to move bricks. Haven't you noticed? The average life span is eighty years, but there is an arrow floating up and down at the back. I clicked on it and found that it said that overwork will lead to a shortened life span; On the contrary, if you have adequate nutrition and easy work, your life span will increase. If you are moving bricks, you will definitely be overworked and shorten your life span."

"It really does happen. Isn't it too real?"

"Then I have to think about it. I don't want to run out of fun soon."

"Actually, apart from moving bricks, you can earn a lot as a student. A class costs five yuan. There is no limit on how many classes you can take in a day. You can take them as long as you want, except for those who need to recover your physical strength. Time, I can attend at least 16 hours of class a day, which costs 80 yuan, which is much easier than moving bricks. Moreover, the prices of vegetables in the school canteen are much cheaper than those outside. Vegetable buns only cost 50 cents each, and the meat The steamed buns only cost one yuan each. Vegetarian dishes are the cheapest for two yuan, and meat dishes are the cheapest for five yuan. Is it okay to buy them from outside? Plus, moving bricks consumes energy quickly, and you need to eat more meals. This comes and goes. , the earning is no less than moving bricks, maybe even more.”

"I'm not a student. Is this true?"

"It's true! Being a student should be the easiest job, and it will definitely not shorten your life span. Especially when you are a primary school student, class is like playing, but it is a bit boring."

"Oh my God, it seems I made a bad choice. I thought I couldn't make money as a child, so I chose an adult."


An Ran read the forum messages, went to a few more classes, and then went to the safe offline location provided by the system and logged off.

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