Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1535 Good luck and good pregnancy 54

After Aunt Gu and Uncle Gu left, Gu Liufu continued to look for a partner. It wasn't that she was short of men. She had just divorced her ex-husband and was looking for someone to have sex soon, but there was a practical reason.

Upon arrival, the Ge family was afraid that they would be interrogated immediately. It would not be appropriate to get married right after the death of the ex-husband, so it would be better to get married before the death of the ex-husband. This would be much better.

Secondly, she didn't know if Gu Anran could win the world. If not, she would take advantage of her current power to find a partner. That would be the best, and she would definitely find a good one. There is no need to worry that if Gu Anran fails to win, her new husband's family will eventually cause trouble for her. She has a golden finger, so she is not afraid.

Thirdly, the age of the ancient woman Hua Xin was too young, and she did not want to delay, lest the longer she delayed, the older she would become and the less likely she would be able to find a good one.

Based on these three reasons, she is eager to find a marriage.

Thanks to Gu Anran's current status, Gu Liufu soon found a family with better conditions than the Ge family before.

This time, she didn't look for anyone specifically for Gu Wufu. It wasn't that she didn't want to look for her, but because she was pressed for time. She didn't have time to look for him, so she just looked for the best one first. She didn't look carefully for the one that suited her best. of.

Afraid that Mr. Ge would be questioned and it would be inappropriate to marry him then, Gu Liufu soon married him off.

Soon, the remaining three parties launched the final battle for the world.

There was an episode in the middle. Duke Zhou and his lord really suspected that Duke Zhou and his lord wanted to defect from An Ran, so they convicted him and wanted to kill him. An Ran's people had already been ambushing Zhou Gong and his lord. He killed Duke Zhou and rescued him to An Ran.

Zhou Gong and Yi Shi did not expect that the lord was really suspicious of himself to such an extent that he actually wanted to kill himself. At this time, he was saved by An Ran. Although he did not agree to work for An Ran, he did not mention the matter of going back, let alone An Ran. If he did it, wouldn't it confirm his reputation as a defector and blame An Ran for ruining his integrity - he was not such a person who didn't know right from wrong - he just stayed depressed at home.

An Ran ignored him and only fought with a few parties.

This battle for the world lasted for three years. In the end, Enron won because Enron laid a good foundation in the early stage - education, technology, etc. were heavily supported.

After An Ran conquered the world, he named Gu's father and Gu's mother the Supreme Emperor, and the Empress Dowager - Gu Gao and Old Man Gu had passed away at that time - his sister was the princess, his brother was the prince, his uncle next door was the county prince, and his daughter was the county prince. Lord—Although Anran didn’t want to block the people living in separate rooms, after all, he wasn’t very close to them, but at this point, he didn’t care about that anymore. Anyway, with the way the second and third bedrooms acted, there might be trouble one day. It is also possible to change the title someday.

In fact, of course Enron prefers the modern system, but being half a step ahead of the world is a genius, and being one step ahead of the world is a madman. Enron can gradually establish a constitutional monarchy in the future - after Gu Liufu is eliminated, so as not to let her discover his identity - but for now We can only establish a feudal dynasty like our predecessors did.

However, although An Ran made his uncle next door the county king and their daughter the county head, which was originally a very good treatment, some people were still dissatisfied. This dissatisfied person was naturally Gu Liufu.

Gu Liufu saw that Gu Wufu was so powerful, but no matter how he targeted her, she still lived well. Even after becoming the emperor, she no longer bothered, but enjoyed the convenience that Gu Wufu's being the emperor could bring to him.

As a result, when Gu Wufu made a large number of ministers, Gu Liufu discovered that he had only made one county prince for his family. How could this be done?

Since her parents have been granted the title of Supreme Emperor and Empress Dowager, then as her father is the younger brother of the Supreme Emperor, he should be a prince no matter what! That way, even if she couldn't become a princess, she could at least be made a princess. But in the end, she was only made a county prince and made her just a county princess, which naturally made her dissatisfied.

But even if she was dissatisfied, she didn't dare to say anything to Anran. After all, Gu Anran is different now. He is the emperor now. Even though they are sisters on the surface, she still believes that accompanying the emperor is like accompanying the tiger. You know, I'm not stupid enough to use sisterhood. What's the point of making a fuss, so as not to make her Long Yan angry? Don't even give her a county head. After all, since ancient times, few emperors have deposed their brothers as common people. ? It would be easier to depose her cousin as a commoner, so naturally although she felt unhappy, she didn't say anything.

In fact, there were many things Gu Liufu was unhappy about, such as his husband.

She had never thought that Gu Wufu could really become the emperor, which made her feel that her current husband was not worthy of her.

In particular, those people who used to be with An Ran have now become real upstarts. They are either Dukes or Marquises. She regrets it to death now, thinking about why she thought those people were weak-minded, unreliable and dare not Marry, so there were so many dukes and marquises, but she didn't get any of them. If she did, she would now be the wife of the dukes and the marquises. Unlike now, when she married someone with such poor conditions, even if she was An Ran was granted the title of County Lord by the way, but it could not save her hurt heart. After all, the County Lord was incomparable to the Duke's wife and the Marquis's wife. The latter were powerful. As the County Lord, she was A sinecure, powerless.

She very much hopes that her current husband will make mistakes and get into trouble again, and that she can be righteous with others again. Unfortunately, he is a good man, but he has not made any mistakes. Even if she wants to change her husband, she cannot change her husband, which makes her unhappy. .

There were so many things she was unhappy with, and she just wanted to deal with An Ran. So, she said before that she wouldn't bother, but in fact she was just not bothering for the time being. When she got the benefits, she still had to think about how to deal with Gu Wufu. After all, Gu Wufu was a mess. It was so good, she was really jealous looking at it.

Although Gu Wufu became the emperor, it didn't mean that he couldn't deal with her.

In fact, she felt that Gu Wufu really had a lot to worry about. Not to mention anything else, there was now a rumor circulating in the Gu family, even the Gu family, and the court, saying that Gu Wufu was a woman after all. Ji Sichen, it is not good for a woman to be the emperor; besides, Gu Wufu has no children yet, that is, he has no heir, so it is best to let Gu Erbao, the only male in the eldest family, and Gu Wufu, who is three years old, have already given birth. Gu Erbao, the two sons, became the emperor instead of Gu Wufu.

Of course, Gu Erbao may not be as capable as Gu Wufu, but that doesn't matter. If Gu Erbao is the emperor, Gu Wufu can be the princess of the town or the princess of the country. Isn't it enough to protect Gu Erbao then?

In fact, there was no such voice in the court, because most of the people in the court were Gu Wufu's confidants. How could they say such a thing? It came out because of the ups and downs of Gu Erbao and his wife, so some people were not clear-headed. People felt that if they supported Gu Erbao to succeed, they would be Conglong meritorious officials, and their status would definitely be higher than now, so they started arguing about this matter.

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