Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1497 Good luck and good pregnancy 16

Because of this, at first the Liu family was a bit dissatisfied with the Gu family for being weak-legged. Now they are looking after more and more of the Gu family's land. They think that if they can have this income every year, the Gu family will become small landowners in a few years. If the class is different, , so the Liu family, which had a good attitude toward Gu Erfu for the time being because of Gu Liufu, became even more good because of An Ran.

Therefore, when Gu Erfu got married and returned to his parents' home, his expression was very happy. When Aunt Gu asked about it, she said that the Liu family is good, the father-in-law and mother-in-law are good, the husband is good, and everything is good.

Aunt Gu was naturally happy from ear to ear when she heard that the Liu family was kind to her daughter. Even though the Liu family was very poor and didn't give anything either when they were hired or when they returned home, Aunt Gu was still happy. After all, Her daughter married into the only scholarly family in the village. Although she had little money, she had status. Her daughter was greeted warmly wherever she went. Look at Gu Dafu, is anyone greeting her? This is different.

She secretly thought that her youngest daughter had the idea and told Gu Erfu to the Liu family. If Liufu hadn't had the idea, would her eldest daughter be able to marry so well? At the moment, he couldn't help but love Gu Liufu more and more, feeling that she was the lucky star of their family.

After Gu Erfu got married, Gu Gao began to look after Gu Sanfu, who was already fourteen years old.

Because the Gu family now has more fields, better conditions, and a scholar-in-law, they can choose a better marriage for Gu Sanfu.

But Gu Sanfu couldn't be like Gu Erfu, who got married when he was only fifteen. He must stay until he was seventeen or eighteen. The reason for this is very simple - Aunt Gu San is pregnant and can no longer do heavy work in the fields. , I can only do some light work at home, such as cooking and washing. In this way, there is no one to do the field work, so Gu Sanfu, who was previously responsible for cooking, must be put into the fields to farm. After all, there are more and more fields at home. , but the manpower is getting less and less. Without Gu Dafu and Gu Erfu to farm, it will be more difficult for the Gu family to farm. In this way, how can Gu Sanfu not go to the fields to farm? Gu Erfu also went to the fields to farm at her age. of.

Mrs. Gu Gao still attaches great importance to Aunt Gu's third child. In recent years, her life has been poor. As a result, the Gu family has not had a new child for six or seven years since Aunt Gu's son Gu Sanbao was born. It's time to give birth. The child has expanded the family, so Mrs. Gu Gao saw that a pregnant woman was finally born in the family, so she naturally took care of her. Otherwise, in the past, even if she was pregnant, she would still have to work in the fields.

And a few months later, Gu Liufu finally had a lot of lucky energy, and he was ready to cause trouble for An Ran.

At that moment, Gu Liufu gave himself a blessing that all his wishes would come true, and went to find Gu Gao.

Mrs. Gu Gao was telling Mrs. Li about picking a match for Gu Sanfu. When Mrs. Li left, Gu Liufu looked envious and said to Mrs. Gu Gao: "Among us sisters, the fifth sister will be the happiest in the future. With so much dowry on hand, I will definitely live a good life in my husband's family. I don't know which family is lucky enough to marry the fifth sister. The fifth sister has so much money, and she will make a fortune if she marries her."

After hearing this, Mrs. Gu Gao couldn't help but feel moved in her heart. Before she could think more, she heard Gu Liufu continue: "If you ask me, the fifth sister should leave the money to grandma. If she takes it away, wouldn't it be an advantage to outsiders?"

After hearing Gu Liufu's words, Mrs. Gu Gao thought about it in her heart.

According to her thinking, of course she didn't want her family to keep the money secretly, but wasn't it because the people in the third house were clamoring to separate the family before? In order not to separate the family, she had no choice but to give in like this. Anyway, even if they kept part of it, In the future, he will also be a family-oriented person and can be tolerated.

However, Gu Wufu's situation was different.

She was a girl. She had earned so much money and would take it away and bring it to other people's homes. Naturally, Mrs. Gu Gao couldn't tolerate it, so she thought maybe she should get Gu Wufu's money back.

Of course, she would not ask her for money now, lest she would be unhappy and unwilling to make money, and then she would lose. She would wait until Gu Wufu was about to get married and ask her for it. Then, she would After getting all her money back, if she is unhappy and doesn't want to make money, then she won't make any more. She is getting married anyway, so what she earns is not hers anymore.

Looking at Gu Gao's expression, Gu Liufu knew that his provocation was successful, and he couldn't help but leave happily.

The reason why she said that was that if Gu Gao wanted to ask Gu Wufu for the money, Gu Wufu would definitely not be willing to give it to him based on his character. In that case, Gu Wufu would definitely leave, and in that case, her The purpose is achieved.

She thought she had succeeded in provoking Gu Wufu, and in a few days Gu Gao would attack Gu Wufu. However, one day passed, ten days passed, and a month passed, and Gu Gao did not attack Gu Wufu. This made her She couldn't help but wonder, thinking, was her provocation in vain?

Thinking of this, Gu Liufu deliberately picked up Gu Gao's words.

Then Gu Gao gave her a blood-vomiting answer: "Ask for her money now. If she gets angry and stops hunting in the future, the family will suffer great losses. At least we can wait until she gets married." , we are getting married anyway, so even if we don’t hunt anymore, we have nothing to lose.”


Gu Liufu really never thought that Gu Gao was so fussy just to gain more advantages, but he didn't intend to have an attack immediately.

If she had to wait until Gu Wufu got married, how long would she have to wait? If Gu Gao wanted to keep the girl until she was seventeen or eighteen years old before getting married, wouldn't she have to wait six or seven years to get her? Gu Wufu disappeared from sight? How could she wait?

But no matter how much she can't wait, there is nothing she can do. This is what Gu Gao thinks. She can't force her to drive Gu Wufu away now. If she really wants to do this, Gu Gao will probably react immediately. She is Targeting Gu Wufu.

So Gu Liufu could only watch helplessly as he spent so much lucky energy on turning his wishes into a halo, and finally got this result - although it seemed that his wishes had indeed come true, he still had to wait. After several years, it has been too slow for this dream to come true! Why did everything go so wrong for her when she met Gu Wufu? She always felt like this Gu Wufu was her nemesis.

But because she couldn't force Gu Gao to do anything, she could only accept the result, thinking that she could only wait and see if she could find a better opportunity, and then it wouldn't be too late to deal with Gu Wufu. Anyway, she couldn't Bear with her for six or seven years.

Because she found that it was useless to curse An Ran for hunting accidents, Gu Liufu never cursed like this again, so as not to waste her lucky energy. Of course, the main reason was that she needed to save some lucky energy to bring some benefits to the Gu family. You know, in order to deal with Gu Wufu, she has not brought any benefit to the Gu family for more than a year. She is afraid that if she has not brought any benefit, the Gu family will not pay attention to her, and then the Gu Gao family will also become suspicious that she is a fairy descended to earth, so she Gotta make some contribution.

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