Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1495 Good luck and good pregnancy 14

The reason why Mrs. Gu Gao asked Boss Gu and others to follow her was mainly because she was afraid that the tiger was worth a lot of money, but she didn't know the market conditions. If there were few people, don't be fooled. With more people, we could always discuss it. In addition, she was also afraid that Only Gu Lao and An Ran were allowed to go. They wanted to prevent their father and daughter from embezzling property, so they asked Gu Lao and Gu Lao San to go with them so that they could discuss matters and supervise each other.

An Ran didn't care about Gu Gao's Xiao Jiujiu. Anyway, as long as she didn't take advantage of her, she didn't care, so she agreed.

Early the next morning, An Ran and Boss Gu arrived at the county town in a borrowed donkey cart.

The tiger is obviously more eye-catching than the wild boar, so when An Ran put the tiger out, it immediately attracted a lot of people's attention. There were more people around than last time, and there were more buyers. After all, pork is always available. But tiger meat is not often available, so who doesn’t want to buy some to try it out? Even people who don’t have money want to buy some.

Soon the tiger meat and bones were sold out, leaving only the skin.

Gu Lao Er, Gu Lao San and others have already found out clearly that tiger skin can be sold for at least thirty taels of silver, but ordinary people cannot afford this price, so they have to wait for servants from wealthy families to bring it to the market. The news about someone selling tigers spread back, and then those wealthy families sent people to buy them.

Enron is not worried that no one wants the tiger skin. After all, although a few dozen taels is a lot, it is not money at all to rich people. There will definitely be people who are willing to spend this money to buy it. After all, things are rare and expensive, and there will be people who want to buy it. A piece of tiger skin hanging at home to show off.

Finally, before the rich man from the county town came to buy, the burly man named Gong Yu whom he saw last time appeared again. After seeing the tiger displayed by An Ran, he couldn't help but marveled and said: "You little girl, you are really awesome." Incredible, I can even kill a tiger. I bought this tiger skin for fifty taels, what do you think?"

An Ran felt that this should be the price limit, so after discussing with Boss Gu and the others, he nodded and said, "Okay."

I feel strange in my heart, thinking that two or three months have passed, and this man and his master haven't left yet, and are still staying in this small county? What is this for? Something happened, are you hiding from the limelight, or are you...staying here temporarily to observe the general trend of the world?

While giving her money, Gongyu said, "Do you still have the same idea? Are you unwilling to practice martial arts with me?"

An Ran nodded, still pretending to be ignorant, and said: "I have plenty of strength, and I can live a good life without practicing martial arts."

When she said this, Boss Gu and others on the side nodded repeatedly.

Speaking of the last time Boss Gu didn't want his daughter to go practice martial arts with someone, An Ran, who had defeated a big tiger in just two or three months and earned a lot of money for the family, was already regarded by Boss Gu and others as the God of Wealth. Since she already existed, she naturally didn't want her to leave, so seeing An Ran's rejection now, she naturally nodded repeatedly.

After hearing what she said, Gongyu did not continue to persuade her, but left.

He had already calculated it, thinking that the world was getting more and more chaotic, and sooner or later the chaos would reach Taiping County. By then, even if this little girl had some strength, she would be unable to defeat countless refugees and rebels, and she would not be able to protect her family. It should be much easier for him to persuade her to practice martial arts and join the army then.

The Gu family didn't know what he was thinking. They just saw that the other party was generous and gave money far beyond their estimated value. They couldn't help but be happy. When they saw him leaving, Boss Gu was a dull person. Although he was excited, he was extremely happy. They were so happy that their faces turned red, but Gu Lao Er and Gu Lao San were different. They were much more cheerful than Gu Lao San, so they started discussing incessantly, saying that with so much money, they could buy more at home. How many fields will be better and better in the future?

This time, I got a total of seventy taels of silver from the sale of the big insects. I went back and gave thirty-five taels to Gu Gao. She was so happy that she immediately said that she would go and ask in a few days if there were any fields for sale around. I bought a few acres of land for my family.

As for An Ran, who had created so much wealth, Mrs. Gu Gao simply worshiped her as the God of Wealth. She said to An Ran with a kind and caring face: "Good boy, you have listened to me, go to the mountains." Right? That's great. Look, didn't we just hit a tiger? Keep going into the mountains to see if we can still hit wild boars, tigers, etc. If we do it a few more times, our lives will be better."

An Ran secretly thought that as long as Gu Liufu continued to cause trouble for himself, these large beasts might continue to exist - in fact, Gu Liufu causing trouble for himself was just like giving him money and limelight. Gu Liufu saw This situation was a bit helpless - so I agreed immediately.

Needless to say, Gu Liufu saw that An Ran was becoming more and more valued by the Gu Gao family, and he felt a growing sense of crisis in his heart, and he wanted to deal with An Ran more and more.

An Ran split the remaining thirty-five taels with Li.

An Ran got eighteen taels - Li didn't care about it and gave the fraction to An Ran - plus the silver he had saved before, he had twenty taels, so he went to the town to exchange for two taels of gold beans.

Gold is not heavy, does not take up space, and will have the highest value in the future. Therefore, it is most appropriate to exchange silver for gold.

——After the war in the future, one tael of gold can be exchanged for twenty taels of silver, and one tael of silver can be exchanged for two thousand cash. In other words, her two taels of gold beans will be worth 80,000 cash in the future, but they must be calculated based on their current value. , it is only worth 20,000 yuan. If it is saved as gold, it is equivalent to four times.

That's all Gu Gao wanted to do. She planned to use her silver to buy fields. It would be fine if she didn't exchange it for gold. But Li didn't seem to have any plans to buy fields. She had too much silver on her and she was afraid that the war would break out and the money would be too big. , it is easy to be snatched away - although Taiping Village is located in the mountains, and rebels may not come to such a remote place, but they still need to be on guard - and to exchange it for gold, that little bit of gold is easy to hide, so she Then he talked about what he had seen in the county town, saying that the outside world was getting more and more chaotic, and it was easy to catch people's eyes if there was too much money. He advised Mrs. Li to change the silver into gold so that it would be easier to hide.

However, Mrs. Li didn't want to change it. She said she didn't have much silver. If she changed it to gold, it would be too troublesome to go to the town to change it again if she needed money in the future. She said she didn't want to change it for the time being and would change it later when she had more money.

An Ran just advised her. Since Li didn't want to change, she didn't emphasize it anymore. Anyway, it would be fine if there were no wars in the future. If there was, and they were robbed, don't blame her for not reminding her.

But it was said that Gu Liufu couldn't bear to see An Ran becoming more and more prosperous, so he cursed An Ran twice and sent two big wild boars to An Ran - An Ran felt that if she continued to curse, all the big wild boars in the mountains would be killed. It was all consumed by her. After all, wild boars are common, but large wild boars of five to six hundred pounds are not common. If she makes another wish, she doesn't know how her golden fingers will help her take care of herself.

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