Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1491 Good luck and good pregnancy 10

Gu Liufu never thought about it. She had already cursed Gu Wufu. Gu Wufu was still fine. What was going on? Why didn't it succeed? It has been successful before!

Gu Liufu didn't understand what was going on.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, Gu Liufu knew that this time he summoned a large beast. Not only did he fail to deal with Gu Wufu, but he also asked her to kill him. This helped her and made her famous more and more famous. Now, the limelight is getting more and more than mine, this is not okay! It seemed like she had to find a way to deal with her.

But if she couldn't curse her, how could she deal with her?

Not mentioning that Gu Liufu was thinking about how to deal with An Ran, he said that the group returned home.

At that moment, An Ran followed Gu Gao's rules, picked up the machete, cut the wild boar in two, pointed at one half, and said to Gu Gao: "Give this half to Gongzhong, and the remaining half is mine." , I took it to town and sold it in the afternoon."

Gu Gaoshi looked at her little person, picked up the machete, and quickly cut the thick wild boar in two. She didn't say anything else, thinking that she could get it in vain. Two to three hundred kilograms of pork was not bad. If she wanted to get more, she was afraid of angering Gu Wufu. She wanted to avoid causing any trouble. You know, such a thick pig, let alone an ordinary person, could chop it in half with one knife. Even the old butcher couldn't cut it, look at how hard and thick the bones are! Can ordinary people cut this? It seems that these five girls are not ordinary strong! Looking at her killing pigs and cutting meat, her face didn't change color, she wasn't scared at all, and she was trembling in her heart. I always felt that this girl's expression was a bit ferocious. How could she dare to talk nonsense like this? She even praised An Ran dryly at the moment. In one sentence, he said: "Yes, he has made a lot of money for his family. He is a promising child."

In fact, Mrs. Gu Gao didn't want to praise An Ran, because she was afraid that Gu Wufu would become more and more cruel. If she didn't praise her, what if she had a problem with her and chopped her into pieces? Although this should be impossible to happen, the cruel person can't say for certain, so he only praised it a few times.

She was praising out of desperation, but Gu Liufu didn't know that Gu Gao also looked at An Ran in a different light now, and her face became uglier. She was afraid that An Ran would take away her position in the Gu family. If she lost her transcendent status in the future, How could she live her best life in the Gu family?

Thinking of this, Gu Liufu felt more and more that he had to find a way to deal with Gu Wufu quickly, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with her when she grew up.

An Ran didn't know that what she did would have such a big effect. She actually chopped the meat like that on purpose in front of Gu Gao, so that Gu Gao would understand that they were no longer on the same page. The level is up, don't beep anything with your mouth, otherwise her fists will not recognize people. Now it seems that the effect is good. Look, Gu Gao seemed to want to say something else, but after she did that, she didn't know anything. Instead of saying anything, he even praised her a few words.

An Ran nodded at that moment, washed his hands, went into the house to rest, and planned to stay for a while before going to the town. The weather was a bit hot now, and the meat would smell bad if he didn't sell it immediately.

Over there, Gu Gao and others were also discussing what to do with the two to three hundred kilograms of meat.

"It's hot, so keep only ten pounds and sell the rest, otherwise it will all be wasted." Mrs. Gu Gao suggested to Old Man Gu.

Old Man Gu nodded, and then said to Gu Laosan and Gu Laoer: "You two brothers, please don't go to the fields this afternoon. Take the meat to the town and sell it."

There was no need to worry about the two of them enriching their own pockets. They already knew how much a pound of wild boar Gu Liufu bought last time.

Gu Lao Er didn't say anything. Gu Lao San said: "I heard Wu Fu also said that he was going to town in the afternoon. If we get so much pork at once, they might not be able to use it. Will the price be lowered then?"

If the price is lowered, then his mother will ask him to pay according to the last price. What will he do if he can't pay that much?

Gu Laosan's idea was not groundless, but it was really possible. After all, their town was not big. There was suddenly hundreds of kilograms more pork than usual, and there was a real possibility that they wouldn't be able to sell it.

After hearing this, Mrs. Gu Gao couldn't help but frown, and thought to herself that it was really the trouble of having too much meat, so she immediately went to An Ran and asked her what to do about it.

An Ran said: "That's okay. I'll just go to the county and sell it. I'll leave it to my second and third uncles in the town."

It just so happened that she had originally thought about going to the county to check out the situation without a legitimate reason. Now that Gu Gao had this concern, it was no longer strange for her to go to the county.

This is what Gu Gaoshi wanted. Seeing that An Ran took the initiative to give up the market, he smiled and said: "Okay, you go to the county, but you are still a child. Even if you have a lot of strength, you are still uneasy. In this way, let your father accompany you."

This was a good move by Gu Gao to sell Enron, otherwise, Boss Gu would have continued farming at home.

An Ran nodded and said: "Okay!"

Her original father doesn't like to talk, is dull and dull, so it's okay to take her with her, so there's no need to worry about him interfering with her.

After resting peacefully for a while, she felt her energy was restored, so she followed Boss Gu and the donkey cart he borrowed from a wealthy family in the village and hit the road.

It would be much more comfortable to have a donkey cart. At least she didn't have to walk all the way to the county seat with her feet. After all, her internal strength was not very strong yet, so it was still a bit hard to walk.

The donkey cart's legs were not slow, and it was faster than people walking anyway, so after walking for an hour, they arrived at the county.

The county to which Taiping Village belongs is called Taiping County.

From the perspective of the country to which this world belongs, Taiping County is located in the middle of the north and south of this dynasty, neither south nor north.

Now there is turmoil in the south, and there is also turmoil in the north. Because Taiping County is in the middle, it has not come over yet, but An Ran knows that it will not be long before there will be chaos.

There is no way. Judging from what An Ran has learned since he entered this world, this dynasty has been around for more than two hundred years and has become corrupt to a certain extent. There are so many exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes that the people cannot survive. In addition, due to natural disasters in recent years, the people It's even more difficult to survive, but the emperor is fatuous and debauched, and the dignitaries are drunk and dreaming. They only care about their own enjoyment and don't care about the life and death of the people. Under such circumstances, it would be strange if chaos hasn't happened yet.

According to this situation, a change of dynasty may be just around the corner.

But, isn't this Gu Liufu? She fell in love with the third prince at first sight, and she wanted to be an extremely noble empress. Naturally, she didn't want to see the dynasty change and she would not be able to live a life of glory and wealth, so she used her ability to help the third prince. Suppressing the uprising of refugees from all over the country, when the original person passed away, this cruel and violent dynasty had not fallen. On the contrary, the third prince relied on Gu Liufu to become the prince, and Gu Liufu became the prince's concubine, rich and powerful. Extremely.

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