Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1486 Good luck and good pregnancy 5

The reason for this lack of confidence is probably related to the recent blow - in the provincial examination that just passed, Liu's father spent a lot of money and went in vain.

Father Liu felt that he failed to pass the examination because he did not ask Gu Liufu to bless him before leaving.

Originally, the Liu family was thinking that when they took the exam again in three years, they would ask Gu Liufu to bless him. No matter whether it worked or not, they had to think of a way anyway.

In this way, if they reject the Gu family now and ask Gu Liufu to bless him three years later, they probably won't succeed. Besides, they not only want Gu Liufu to bless Liu's father, but also want her to bless Mr. Liu so that he can He wanted to be admitted as a scholar earlier, so the Liu family gathered together and thought for a while, then agreed to the Gu family's temptation and sent someone to propose marriage to Gu Erfu. They thought that after marrying Gu Erfu, Gu Liufu would help them in the future.

——So in the final analysis, the reason why the Liu family agreed to marry Gu Erfu was not because they really liked Gu Erfu, but because of Gu Liufu's ability to help the Liu family develop.

The reason why Gu Liufu asked Aunt Gu to tell Gu Erfu about Liu's father's son was because Gu Erfu naturally only played a small part. It was mainly to move towards his own goal. Otherwise, it was for no reason, why would she help Liu's father? , isn't it just to pave the way for the current matter? After all, if she hadn't helped Liu's father, Liu's father would never be willing to marry Gu Erfu as his daughter-in-law. And if Mr. Liu didn't marry Gu Erfu, how could she let the Liu family take her away? ?

And as long as Mr. Liu marries Gu Erfu, she will help Liu's father pass the exam. In this way, her brother-in-law will be the son of the exam, which will improve her status, and she will be able to find a better husband. A lifetime of prosperity and wealth can be gradually realized.

Both parties have their own goals. As for Gu Erfu, no one cares about her. She is just the link between the two parties and a tool. As for the future, if Gu Liufu becomes prosperous, he will no longer need Liu's father and will no longer help Liu's father. , or, if Gu Liufu loses the ability to make people develop in the future, no one will think about whether the Liu family will treat Gu Erfu badly. Everyone has their own purposes, and who will care about the status of the tool man? .

However, Gu Erfu didn't know what Gu Liufu was thinking. For her, she was very satisfied to marry the son of Liu Xiucai, a prominent figure in the village.

In fact, Aunt Gu never thought that the Liu family would really agree to this marriage.

You must know that when Gu Liufu mentioned it like this, she didn't believe that the Liu family would agree at all, and thought that her youngest daughter was a bit whimsical.

But Gu Liufu said that she had helped Liu's father pass the scholar examination before, and Liu's father must have looked at her differently. Now that his family proposed marriage, the Liu family would definitely agree. After all, Liu's father had failed in the examination before, and he had to rely on his own efforts. Blessing will help him pass the exam. It is impossible not to agree. After all, if he does not agree, she will not help him take the exam. She can think of it, and they must also think of it. If their family asks for a marriage, the Liu family will definitely agree. .

Unexpectedly, the younger daughter really got it right, and the Liu family really agreed! This made Aunt Gu couldn't help but be overjoyed. At the same time, because Gu Liufu was not like normal people, she would be flattering and inferior to others just because the scholar's family asked for marriage. After all, they still wanted something from her daughter. It was the Liu family who had What she wants is from her family, not from the Liu family, so why is she inferior?

So when the Liu family came to propose marriage, the Gu family from top to bottom knew that the Liu family wanted something from the Gu family, so no one was overly flattering and discussed the marriage with the Liu family in a serious manner.

Although this attitude is neither humble nor arrogant, which is a good thing, the Liu family actually felt a little uncomfortable when they saw it. After all, if it weren't for Gu Liufu's ability, how could they marry Gu Erfu. As a result, they condescended to agree to marry Gu Erfu. I thought the Gu family would be grateful, but in the end, the Gu family didn't show any unnecessary expressions. They didn't think it was unattainable for Gu Erfu to marry into their family. This made the Liu family feel a little uncomfortable when they saw it. They secretly thought that it looked like the Gu family He also knew that his family married Gu Erfu because of Gu Liufu, so there was nothing strange at all.

It seems that when the Gu family approached our family to marry Gu Erfu, they expected that they would marry Gu Liufu, so they approached our family, right?

Thinking that the Gu family had guessed that their family would not dare to refuse the Gu family's marriage proposal, so they tested it for Gu Erfu. The Liu family felt that their family was being overpowered by the Gu family. Can they feel comfortable when they think about it like this?

But on the surface, the Liu family didn't say anything. After all, this person had already married, so naturally they had to keep the relationship on track, lest they get married and the relationship falls apart. If Gu Liufu didn't help him, wouldn't it be in vain? Are you married and wronged in vain?

Because the Liu family did not want to have a tense relationship, and the Gu family, although they did not feel that their family was inferior, certainly did not want to have a tense relationship. Therefore, when the Liu family came to the door with their things the next day, the atmosphere between the two families was particularly good. , it’s enjoyable.

But An Ran knew that the relationship between the Liu and Gu families was tense.

Three years later, Liu's father took the provincial examination again, and Gu Liufu helped Liu's father win.

But later, Gu Liufu had another opportunity, and she didn't need Liu's father to help her improve her social status. So the next year, Liu's father wanted to take the Jinshi examination, and when she asked Gu Liufu to bless her, because Liu's father's level was really poor, he wanted to Passing the Jinshi examination requires a lot of lucky energy. Gu Liufu had to save for a long time to get it. Gu Liufu was reluctant to spend it on him. In addition, Gu Liufu no longer needed Liu's father, so he did not agree to Liu's father's request.

As a result, Liu's father naturally became angry, and the Liu family began to treat Gu Erfu badly.

Although Gu Liufu had an opportunity at that time, the Gu family had not yet developed much, so the Liu family, who had won the imperial examination, dared to treat Gu Erfu like this. If Gu Liufu had become prosperous after the change, the Liu family would not dare to treat Gu Erfu like this.

Gu Liufu naturally couldn't tolerate others daring to do this to her family - in fact, he couldn't tolerate others daring to do this to her - so he immediately asked Gu Erfu to make peace with Mr. Liu.

As a result, Gu Erfu was unwilling to let go of the child because he had a child with Mr. Liu, and was unwilling to divorce.

This is normal. After all, Gu Erfu is a native aboriginal. The moral education and brainwashing they received is completely different from that of Gu Liufu. How can they reconcile just because they want to make peace with each other? Moreover, she is really reluctant to let go of her children, so it is impossible for Gu Liufu to let her reconcile. She really made peace with her.

Gu Liufu was speechless when he saw that Gu Erfu was stubborn, and immediately stopped caring about Gu Erfu.

Gu Liufu no longer cares about Gu Erfu, and the Liu family naturally treats Gu Erfu worse and worse. After all, when they were still scholars, they looked down on the village girl Gu Erfu. Now that Liu's father has become a master, they look down on Gu Erfu even more, so they treat her more and more. It was normal for things to get worse. Mr. Liu quickly took in concubines. Those concubines were naturally much better than the village girl Gu Erfu, so Mr. Liu doted on the concubines and almost destroyed his wife by doting on them.

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