Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1466 Extremely Drought World 20

Fortunately, the top officials and the province have long known that fresh water will not be able to carry the drought if it continues, so as early as two years after the drought, that is, last spring, they began to negotiate with coastal cities to lay pipelines from the sea. Come over here and pump seawater inland.

City Q took a section of the main pipeline from the province, so that although City Q is not a coastal city, it still has seawater that can be desalinated and used.

Therefore, the most terrifying apocalypse is not some zombie alien. In that kind of world, as long as there is water and farming, human beings can still live. Only with such natural disasters and such power of nature, you don’t even have to drink water. It's even more terrible if the land can't be planted.

This was something I didn’t mention for a while, but I mentioned it now. Sure enough, a month later, the city’s water supply was limited again. This time, it was less than half of the last time.

At the beginning, the limit was that one person could use one ton of water per month. After two cuts, it was reduced by half. Now, one person can only use 500 kilograms of water per month.

Five hundred kilograms sounds like a lot, but when divided into each day, it is less than twenty kilograms of water. It is summer now and it is extremely hot. Just drink water, which is a lot in a day. Other things such as eating, washing your face, bathing, washing clothes and mopping the floor Flushing the toilet, etc., all require water, which is not enough. Unless you don’t go to work and are at home, it doesn’t matter if you are dirty. Otherwise, are you too embarrassed to go to work without washing your face or clothes? Even if you don't take a shower, you must at least take a shower, otherwise it will stink. This will consume a lot of water.

Some people keep the air conditioner on at home in order to drink less water, shower less and wash clothes. Although the electricity bill is consumed a lot, there is still electricity. As long as they go to work, the electricity bill can still be afforded.

Q City does not use hydropower, but nearby nuclear power, so there is still electricity. Unlike those places that use water and electricity, there will be problems now. There is insufficient power and nothing can be done. People in Q City, at least There is plenty of electricity. As long as you have money, you can use it vigorously. Turn on the air conditioner 24 hours a day and try to save as much water as possible.

However, no matter how much we save, we cannot continue to lack water, otherwise we will not even have enough to eat and drink. However, another month later, the city once again issued a water restriction order, this time reducing it to only one person per month. Two hundred pounds of water.

Many people began to complain on local forums, feeling that the city was trying to make them thirsty to death by imposing water restrictions in the summer.

Soon someone reported the situation of the Q River - the previously wide river surface was now dry and only resembled a small stream.

In this way, there were many people patrolling along the river, just to prevent anyone from disobeying the ban and coming to the river to carry water to irrigate the fields.

When everyone saw this situation, they couldn't help but fell silent. Knowing that under such a scorching sun, it is estimated that the stream will stop flowing soon. By then, let alone water restrictions, the water will probably be stopped. Then you really don’t know what to do.

Then soon, someone began to curse, scolding those who ran into the river to steal water for farming, saying that if those people hadn't stolen water for farming, the water would not have dried up so quickly.

Yes, although the city has already issued a ban on carrying water from the river to irrigate the fields, some people still do it even if you prohibit it. Therefore, in order to protect the water source, the city had to hire people to patrol around the clock to avoid Someone is stealing water; surveillance cameras are installed along the way. If you see anyone stealing water in violation of the order, please go to the detention center and be detained for a few days.

So it’s normal for someone to scold them now. It’s not bad if they didn’t scold the people who collected water before the ban was issued. The main reason is that there were too many people collecting water before the ban was issued. When scolding others, they often also scolded themselves or their family members, so I had no choice but to Not scolding, just scolding those who continued to steal water despite the ban.

In fact, after the ban, there were not many people stealing water, so the river dried up because the water source was gone. It was really no longer possible, so it dried up. It had nothing to do with the people stealing water, but it was because a large number of people ran away before. Going to get water does have some impact, but people always lose their minds when they are angry, so it is normal to scold those who steal water. After all, they should be scolded in the first place.

At this time, Zhang Yuanyuan came to visit An Ran and thanked her for telling her to buy more water storage barrels to store more water, and said: "Fortunately, I listened to your words and bought a few more barrels. Now I still have them." There are several tons of water. If you save it, it will last for a while. Otherwise, with this increasingly time-limited situation, I might run out of water one day. If I don't have water then, I won't be able to survive."

An Ran smiled and said: "You don't need to thank me. If you want to thank yourself, thank yourself. After all, I have told other people that some people think I am making a fuss and don't believe it at all. It's useless if I say it. You believe it, so now Isn’t it you who should be grateful for the water?”

After a pause, An Ran said again: "I also saved an extra ton of water. Even if the water stops, it's just me and Miaomiao. We can last two or three months with this much water."

Zhang Yuanyuan glanced at her extra bucket, nodded, and said, "If you just eat and drink, you can use two tons of water for four months."

An Ran said: "What you saved should last four months, which is almost enough. Desalinated seawater should be available by then."

Zhang Yuanyuan sighed and said: "I heard people on the Internet say that desalinated seawater is not good for the body, so I still want to save more fresh water. It doesn't matter to us adults. I'm just afraid that drinking that seawater will be bad for the body." good."

An Ran nodded and said: "That's right, so I will save more of this water and give it to the child to drink."

Zhang Yuanyuan said: "I think so too."

"Oh, by the way, Ran Ran, did you know? Liu Meihua is having a conflict with the old couple!" After saying this, Zhang Yuanyuan said to An Ran excitedly.

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