Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1464 Extremely Drought World 18

After the water supply was provided for a limited time, An Ran had already prepared the water storage bucket. It was nothing, so he would take it according to the time.

But those who haven't bought a water storage bucket yet, after seeing this news, firstly they are afraid that one day they will run out of water completely, and secondly they also need to save some water for flushing the toilet, washing and bathing, so they rush to buy a water storage bucket. After all, there are only small buckets at home. If it doesn't hold much water at all, that's definitely not possible.

So soon, the price of water storage barrels skyrocketed. This is normal. In a city, if not all or even half of the people go to buy water storage barrels, it will push up the price of water storage barrels. .

So when Zhang Yuanyuan came to visit An Ran that day, she saw that An Ran's one-ton water storage bucket was filled with water, and she couldn't help but said with envy: "You have the foresight to buy such a big bucket early, so you are not afraid of running out of buckets to collect water. I finally managed to grab a barrel, but the capacity is only half a ton, and the price is three times more expensive than your one-ton barrel. It’s really a big loss.”

Although An Ran and Wang Xinguo were divorced, they did not stop contacting each other because they had a good time and the road was not far away. The two still met frequently.

Yes, although the Queen and the Queen returned to their hometown in the countryside, Zhang Yuanyuan and his wife still work and live in the city. However, they also farm in their hometown. After getting off work every day, they drive back to their hometown to farm with their husband.

This was what they thought at the time. No matter what, you would get a salary for working. If you quit, you would lose nothing if you could no longer farm the land in your hometown. After all, it would be difficult to find a job in the last days.

Now it seems that they are quite successful, and they did the right thing. After all, there is no water in the countryside now, so they can't grow much with well water alone. And they still have a job in the city, so they still have money. Can afford the food provided by the state every month.

For example, some people have no jobs, they can no longer farm the land in the countryside, and they don’t even have money to buy the food provided by the state. For example, Wang Xinguo is like this.

Now that the land in the countryside cannot be cultivated, Wang Xinguo returned to the city again, preparing to find a job. The land in the countryside was given to the Wangfu and Queen Mother to cultivate. Anyway, with the little well water, they could not cultivate much land. The Wangfu and Queen People can cope with it, but the key is that they have to make money, otherwise they won’t even be able to afford the food provided by the state.

However, it is difficult to find a job in small cities, let alone in the current situation. It is even harder to find. After looking for a long time, I only found a job that only paid 2,000 yuan. The work was still hard. If the salary was so low before, it would still be Wang Xinguo would definitely not do such hard work, but now, he has to buy food, and then Liu Meihua is pregnant. He will need money to have children in the future. How can he do it without working.

Yes, Liu Meihua became pregnant as the two elders wished.

Fortunately, she was pregnant. Otherwise, she would have stayed in the countryside and not worked, and would have only eaten ready-made food. She would probably have had conflicts with the old couple. Now that she is pregnant, she is the most pregnant person. Moreover, she is pregnant with the hope of buying food in the future. Therefore, the old couple will naturally not complain about why she is not working. They will let her rest, have a good pregnancy, and give birth to the child as soon as possible. By then, they will be able to buy five more kilograms of food every month.

After listening to Zhang Yuanyuan's words, An Ran reminded: "If you have money, buy a few more barrels. I think it was limited before, but now it's time limited. One day the water in the river dries up, I'm afraid there will be no water. How you survive is the question. Save more water and you will be able to cope with it when the time comes. Of course, if you plan to go back to the countryside, that won't be a problem."

The groundwater system in the south is developed, and the well water in the countryside can be carried. Some people's wells are shallow, but those who have dug deep wells can still carry it for several years. There is no need to worry at all, because the water from the deep wells will be gone. , seawater desalination has long been blooming everywhere and the supply is available.

Zhang Yuanyuan said: "I will definitely stay in the city. At least I have a job and income. After all, I still have to raise children and pay the mortgage. Besides, the city is well-informed and convenient for shopping. What's wrong with staying in the country all the time?" When the news reaches the countryside, you may not be able to buy it anymore. So when I have money, I will listen to you and buy a few more barrels. I also think this trend is not good."

After listening to Zhang Yuanyuan's words, An Ran nodded and said, "That's what you said."

If nothing else, paying off the mortgage is really a big deal.

Like Wang Xinguo, who came back from unemployment before and had no money to pay the mortgage, so he used the things he grew in the countryside to exchange for some money to pay. Now, the land can no longer be cultivated, and he has nothing to exchange to pay the mortgage. He is afraid that the payment will be cut off, so he can only Got to work.

However, the money for work was really not enough, but the Wang family was reluctant to sell the house, especially Wang Xinguo, who was really unwilling to sell the house. After all, the reason why he divorced An Ran at that time was because he was afraid that the house would fall into Enron's hands. In less than a year, the house was sold at a low price. If this spread to Li Anran's ears, wouldn't she be laughed at? ——No one wants the house now unless it is sold at a low price. Wang Xinguo’s old house is priced at over RMB 100,000. I don’t know if anyone wants it. If it is sold, it may not be enough to repay the bank loan. Isn’t it sold in vain?

Therefore, the Wang family would rather sell some of the national grain reserves they buy every month in exchange for money to pay the mortgage, rather than sell the house at a low price.

Speaking of which, this is also a helpless phenomenon in the city. Many people are house slaves. Once they lose their jobs, the value of their houses will depreciate. If they are sold, it will not be enough to repay the bank loan, so they can only sell a little of the food provided by the state. To repay the loan, fortunately, rice is very expensive now. One kilogram can be sold for one thousand yuan, so you only need to sell a few kilograms to repay it. Otherwise, you will really be cheating people.

So speaking of it, as long as you have money, you can buy more rice, because there are always people who want to sell the affordable rice provided by the country to make money because they don’t have enough money.

Because An Ran had no job, she pretended to sell rice to pay off her mortgage, and then continued to buy various daily necessities. Because many people in the city did this, no one doubted her about selling rice.

Enron has no shortage of water because it has water, but their hometown needs water for farming, so they send 200 kilograms of water back every week for them to farm.

Li's father and Li's mother were worried that she didn't have enough water, so of course she didn't want it. An Ran said that she and Miaomiao were very economical with water and had enough water, so there was no need to worry.

Father Li and Mother Li had no choice but to take it.

Because An Ran gave them two hundred kilograms of water a week, the amount of land cultivated by the Li family did not decrease.

Many people with land also followed An Ran's example and would rather not use the water in the city for farming, rather than use it in the city.

Of course, others don't have as much water as Anron. They can't take much water back. After all, even if you don't stay in the city, you pick up the water and go back in the morning, but you still have to consume water when you go back. Even in the countryside, You can go to the toilet in the wild or use a dry toilet without using water to flush the toilet, but you still need to eat, drink, wash and take a bath, right? These are basic needs, and water restrictions in the city are limited according to people's basic needs, and it is impossible to provide more. In this case, how much can be saved by removing these daily water supplies, so naturally it is not like Enron to provide water to the family Bring plenty of water.

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