Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 146 Urban Cultivation 13

In fact, Gu Yanran did well in his early years. At least because he was young and beautiful, the price of keeping him was pretty good - Gu Yanran would not be willing to do it if he had less money - plus Gu Yanran had always wanted to buy a house, so it was also Although she could not afford to buy a house in a first-tier city, she bought it in a provincial capital city. However, when she was almost 40 years old, no one took care of her anymore. She really couldn't live on anymore, so she had to sell the house. It was hard to live a life of idleness, plus she had always spent money lavishly, so she soon squandered all the money she got, and then she came back dejected, making people look like she was very depressed.

Although the living conditions at home are not as good as those she had when she was living with her financial lord, Gu Yanran also knows that her only way out is with her parents and her mother. It would be bad if his life was gone, so although he disliked the poor living conditions at home, he didn't dare to say anything.

As for instigating Gu's parents and Gu's mother to find Gu Anran to suck blood, she knew that Gu Anran had reached the fifth level of foundation building at this time, but she still didn't dare. She knew that the monk's methods were powerful, and she was afraid that she would offend Gu Anran and secretly kill her one day. It would be bad if he died, so although he was jealous of Gu Anran's good life and thought about how to bring Gu Anran down every day, he did not dare to openly oppose Gu Anran.

Since Gu Yanran didn't have many requirements, she just needed to provide food and drinks and a little pocket money, so she had a pension and could afford to support Gu's parents and Gu's mother, so naturally she didn't ask Gu Anran for this or that. , of course, even if they don't need it, the filial piety that Gu Anran gives them every year is enough for them to live a good life.

Back then, Gu's parents and Gu's mother were afraid that Anran would be laughed at for not getting married at his age, so they urged Anran to get married early. However, now they didn't say anything about Gu Yanran's age and not getting married. It's not that they didn't want to take care of it. They were also worried that a hundred years later, Gu Yanran would be left alone with no one to take care of them. However, they were afraid that Gu Yanran had run away for more than ten years. They were afraid that if they said anything, Gu Yanran would run away again, so they looked after Gu Yanran for more than forty years. She is old, has no job, husband and children, and has nothing to say to her, so she just stays at home.

Because one of them didn't want to cause trouble and the other didn't care about anything, it was quite harmonious for a while.

However, as Gu Yanran has resented the original person for two lifetimes, this kind of harmony can only be temporary. As long as there is an opportunity, Gu Yanran will not let it go, especially every time An Ran returns home, it is clear that An Ran is Sister, she is a younger sister, but because she has cultivated in An Ran, her lifespan has been extended, resulting in eternal youth, forever twenty-five years old. And because she is an ordinary person, and she is depressed, she looks not only better than ordinary people of the same age. She looks older, and she is incomparable when she is with Anran. People who don’t know, seeing the two walking together, will not think that she is Gu Anran’s sister at all, but only think that she is Gu Anran’s mother. But she knows, As time goes by, others will think that she is Gu Anran's grandmother. Thinking of that terrible situation, Gu Yanran can't help but shudder. After reviving her life, she never wants to live such a miserable life again!

Thinking of this, it was impossible for Gu Yanran to really settle down. In fact, after returning home, she continued to search for the contact information of suitable monks on the Internet. She wanted to find someone with a much higher cultivation level than Gu Anran. Gu Anran, even if that person couldn't attack the Cultivation Academy and had to touch the Gu family and threaten Gu Anran with them, she would be willing to do so. She was no longer as afraid as she was when she was in her twenties, afraid that such news would spread. The other party would find her, so she didn't dare to reveal the location of her home. As long as Gu Anran could die, she felt that it would be worth it. Anyway, she was already in her forties and had no husband, no children, no children, and she could see the rest of her life. She would only live in the ridicule of her neighbors, without any future, and there was no point in living. If she could exchange her own life for Gu Anran's, she felt it was worth it, secretly thinking that I am not having a good time, and so are you. Don't even think about it!

When Gu Yanran was doing these things, she didn't think about it. Because she had harmed An Ran once, An Ran had already installed surveillance on her computer. It was really thanks to having learned computers for so many years in this life that she could do this. It's easy to get used to it, otherwise you have to find someone to help - so Gu Yanran continued to find people to harm her, and An Ran naturally discovered it immediately.

An Ran looked at Gu Yanran and wanted to harm herself. Not only was she not angry, but she was very happy. After all, Gu Yanran had to stay on her own terms. Her parents and mothers looked at her so pitifully, and they were afraid that she would not be able to trouble her. Then Gu Yanran had her parents to take care of her. If my mother takes care of me, won't I be able to live a comfortable life in the future? I can neither avenge the original person nor avenge Gu Yanran's previous harm to me?

It's fine now. If she wants to cause trouble for herself, she can deal with her openly.

But she said that Gu Yanran was very lucky, and she actually found a more powerful monk, a monk who was in the foundation-building stage of Dzogchen. He was very old, had not yet broken through the realm, and was about to fall, so he was looking for talent everywhere. Treasure, extend his lifespan and give him time to break through to the Golden Core stage; of course, it would be best if there is a treasure that can help him break through to the Golden Core stage directly.

And An Ran's little secret realm undoubtedly meets both. It contains not only pills to extend his life, but also treasures that can help him break through the realm. So when Gu Yanran saw this monk who was looking for treasures from heaven and earth everywhere, and his cultivation level With such a high level, he would definitely be able to deal with Gu Anran, so he would naturally be able to contact him.

When the man heard Gu Yanran say that someone had a small secret realm left by an ancient power, he was naturally moved. So after checking that what Gu Yanran said was true, he prepared to seize An Ran's treasure.

However, An Ran was at the Cultivation Academy, where the Yuanying Ancestor was in charge. As a foundation-building monk, he naturally did not dare to go to the Cultivation Academy where the Yuanying Ancestor was in charge to kill people and seize treasures. So, as Gu Yanran thought, Arriving at the Gu family, he prepared to hold the Gu family hostage and force An Ran to hand over the baby.

An Ran had been paying attention to Gu Yanran's contact with the Dzogchen monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage. Seeing that the man was going to go to the Gu family to cause trouble for the Gu family, he found an excuse to call out Gu's parents and Gu's mother.

"Mom and Dad, I haven't bought you clothes for a long time. Today, while the weather is nice, let's go to the mall and buy some sets of clothes." An Ran said.

Dad Gu said: "I still have a lot of clothes, what can I do with that money?"

Gu Ma also said: "Yes, you keep the money to buy materials. I heard that cultivation costs a lot of money, and less money will affect the speed of cultivation."

An Ran smiled and said: "It's not like we can save so much money, go ahead."

An Ran persuaded her again and again, and Gu's parents had no choice but to agree and go with An Ran.

Thank you Baodao girl for the gift~~ Today’s third update is to thank everyone for the gifts~~

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