Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1446 Unfilial Children 20 (End)

Such an outcome made Gu Qiu feel a little regretful, thinking that he had struggled all his life but had not achieved anything. On the contrary, because he was not good to his parents, he had set a bad example for his son. She was not good. She had known that she would get nothing. She might as well not have bothered and be kinder to the old couple. Maybe she had set a good example for the children, and the children would not treat her like she is now.

But there is no regret medicine in the world. The road is chosen by oneself, and now I have to finish walking even on my knees.

Gu Qiu was like this, and Gu Xia was no less generous.

Gu Xia was fed up with the misery of his parents who didn't give their son any preferential treatment when they gave him a bowl of water, so when it was his turn, he gave everything to his son, not even a dime to his daughter. He almost even married his daughter, and the man gave it to him. He wanted to withhold the bride price.

However, his daughter was not an economical person, so she did not receive the bride price, and then she stopped communicating with him.

As a result, he treated his son so wholeheartedly, but he didn't get a single good word from his son.

This is also normal. In the eyes of Gu Xia's son, everything in this family should be his own, so isn't it right for the old man to give things to him? It's wrong not to give them to him. Since he feels that he should Yes, how could his son say anything nice about him?

Forget it if he didn't even get a good word from his son. After his son married his wife, she saw that the old couple was getting older and couldn't squeeze out much profit, so she lost her good looks towards them. The son probably had a relationship with his wife. I don’t care if I think the same thing.

Finally, when the grandsons grew up and there was not enough room at home, the son-in-law asked them to go back to their old house and live alone.

Gu Xia and Ding Meili had no choice but to get out.

Ding Meili was the worst person when she was young, but now that she is old and powerful, she can no longer do it. She can only go back to the old house with her husband and take care of herself.

There is no way, the son doesn't support them, and the daughter is so heartbroken by them that she doesn't even care about them, let alone support them.

So the two of them didn't support An Ran and his wife back then, and now their son also follows the same example and doesn't support them.

However, Gu Xia did not regret it. After all, he felt that it was normal for him not to support An Ran and his wife. After all, who told them not to give all their property to him but to Gu Qiu, and later only to Gu Lele. Because of his resentment, he was unwilling to It’s normal to raise them.

He was a little confused: why didn't he do what Enron did and give all the family property to his son? Logically speaking, his son shouldn't resent his parents like he did, so why didn't he raise him.

If the bowl of water is flat, his son will feel resentful like him and will not support him; if the bowl of water is not flat, the son will still not support him. So, what on earth should he do so that his son will support him?

He felt that he couldn't figure it out, so he felt confused.

After Gu Jianguo passed away, An Ran passed away a long time ago. After all, she practiced cultivation and lived to be over a hundred years old without any illness or disaster. It was not a problem.

So no matter how they waited, Gu Xia and Gu Qiu did not wait for An Ran to pass away so that they could argue with Gu Lele again to see if they could make some noise. Instead, they died before An Ran and had no chance to make any noise. , couldn’t help but be very unwilling.

But no matter how unwilling you are, there is nothing you can do. After all, your life span is not your fault.

An Ran saw that Gu Xia and Gu Qiu passed away, and they "passed away" two years later. After all, they were too old and their quality of life was not high anymore. It was no longer interesting to continue living in this world, so it was better to "pass away".

At this time, Gu Lele was nearly fifty years old, and his life was smooth and happy.

Those who remember that An Ran gave birth to a daughter at an advanced age couldn't help but sigh when they heard about this follow-up. No one who was raped online at that time thought that Li Anran could live another fifty years after turning sixty, and It is said that he has never suffered any serious illness and has not affected Gu Lele at all. On the contrary, he earns a lot of money from writing novels and bought many houses for Gu Lele. Now Gu Lele can live a living just by collecting rent even if he does not write novels. very good.

But when people discussed this matter, they also said that Gu Lele is an exception. Many children who are born at an advanced age, except those from wealthy families, do not have to worry about financial and pension issues. Many of them are born after their parents are over 70 years old. , gradually appeared the problem of no money, no one to take care of the children when they were too young, and they still need someone to support them in old age. Therefore, many people still suggest that if you can have children at a younger age, you should not have children at an older age, so as not to harm the children.

——In fact, in the final analysis, it is a question of money. As long as you have the ability to solve the money problem, raising children will not be a problem no matter how old you are. Otherwise, many rich men would have children in their seventies and no one would say anything. No one is worried that this is not good for children.

Returning to the real world, An Ran saw that her mission was completed, which she expected. After all, if this was not called completed, then she didn't know how to live her life, so she was happy and there was no afterlife. Desolate, she has a lovely child. Her two previous children have never gotten a penny from her since she entered the world. On the contrary, because she treated them badly, their children also treated them poorly. Well, it means that although she did not retaliate against them, they themselves suffered backlash, which also satisfied An Ran.

There is no unfinished story in this world this time, which is normal, because although the original couple's old age is miserable, Gu Xia and Gu Qiu will probably have a miserable old age just like Enron World in the future. This is It's predictable, so it's normal that there's no unfinished plot.

After understanding the mission situation and recalling the reality, An Ran continued to meditate and practice.

A few days later, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival, and An Ran returned to her hometown to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with Grandpa Qiao and Grandma Qiao.

The two of them are getting older. Although An Ran has taken care of their bodies, they may not be around for a few years anymore. Therefore, during the holidays, An Ran will go back to spend the holidays with them as long as nothing happens. Anyway, the transportation is convenient now.

At first, An Ran heard that Grandpa Qiao was about to pass away and couldn't accept it, so she accepted the task and wanted to save his life. But now she suddenly knew that they were going to pass away, and she had experienced more worlds, and her state of mind was completely different. He could accept a person's normal birth, old age, illness and death, so he never thought about changing his destiny and making Grandpa Qiao immortal.

Grandpa Qiao asked about An Ran's personal affairs and said: "I'm not worried about anything. I'm just worried that you are old and haven't married yet, so you won't be able to marry into a good family in the future. That's fine. I'm even more worried that if you don't get married, you won't be able to marry into a good family in the future." Without children and no one to take care of you in old age, your life will be miserable."

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