Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1440 Children are unfilial 14

The most expensive community in a city is more or less known to the natives, and the same goes for Gu Jianguo.

When Gu Jianguo heard the name of the community, he couldn't help but be shocked and said: "That's a wealthy area. Do we have that much money to buy a villa there? I heard that the cheapest one costs six to seven million." "

You know, the house they are currently living in in the city center is only worth more than two million yuan for every inch of land, and the cheapest villa there is worth six to seven million. You can see how much more expensive it is. You must know that there are villas in other places, but the average location is only worth three to four million. The cheapest one there costs six to seven million. In addition to the good location, it is also because all the rich people live there. The place has very good security facilities, so the price has gone up.

Although An Ran had said two years ago when she was still pregnant that in order to give her child a good growing environment, she would move to a wealthy area and stay away from the gossip of the neighbors, but at that time Gu Jianguo only thought of An Ran. It was a joke but not taken seriously. After all, they had so little money at that time that they could not afford to buy a villa, even a villa in a wealthy area. So when An Ran really said this, he was naturally shocked.

An Ran said: "I have recently sold the copyrights of two novels. Although the sales price is not too high, each one is about three million after tax, but the two books together are worth six million, plus the ones written in the past two years. With the income from royalties and the money our family has saved, we can not only afford the villa there, but also a nice villa."

Gu Jianguo couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this.

He knew that his wife had written quite good novels in the past two years, because An Ran didn't hide it from him - mainly to give him more confidence, so as not to worry about having no money to spend - and he also knew that An Ran had sold two novels recently. , but I really didn’t know it was sold for so much money!

Since she has so much money, she wants to have a better environment for her child, lest as An Ran said, if she stays here, there will always be people gossiping. When her child grows up and becomes sensible, if someone comes up to her and talks nonsense, it will make her unhappy. The child had a shadow in his heart, so he agreed.

The two of them immediately went to the community and bought a villa.

In order to save the trouble of transferring ownership in the future, the two bought the house directly in their children's names.

——An Ran wanted to save the trouble of transferring property, but Gu Jianguo thought more. Although he is getting better and better now, unlike others who are getting older and less able to move, he is still afraid I didn't want to leave one day. I was afraid that the house would be snatched away by Gu Xia and Gu Qiu, so I agreed to put the house in Lele's name. In this way, even if I passed away one day, the property in Lele's name would be the same. Gu Xia and Gu Qiu couldn't grab the house, and with such a villa, Lele didn't have to worry about running out of money in the future even if she left early.

Parents love their children, but they don't care about them. That's how it is.

The house was well-decorated. After buying it, you could move in with just your luggage. An Ran and Gu Jianguo took their children and lived in their new house.

The high-end villa area is indeed different. This community has beautiful scenery, tight security, and a sense of security at first glance. It also pays attention to privacy. It is not like their previous community where neighbors saw them taking their children out to play. Wearing tinted glasses, they whisper and point from time to time. Although they are not afraid, they are afraid that when their children are over two years old, they will feel the malice of the talkative women around them, which is obviously not good for the children.

Here they take their children out to play, and no one looks at them wrong, and no one points at them.

So, it was the right move to move here.

At the same time, Gu Jianguo couldn't help but look at An Ran with emotion, secretly thinking that he really couldn't tell that his wife was the kind of person who could do what he said. Back then, she said that when their children were about to go to kindergarten, they would move away and go to a wealthy family. District, the child would not be affected. He only thought she was joking at the time, but he did not expect that she actually did it. Is this what people often say about motherhood?

Not to mention that the family of three became more and more comfortable living in the new place, but Gu Xia and Gu Qiu soon received the news that their parents had moved.

Although An Ran moved without telling the neighbors, and most of the things in the old house were not taken away, even if most of them were not taken away, a small part was taken away. This also made some noise, which made the neighbors Right She saw it and asked them what they were doing.

An Ran didn't hide it from these people. He told them to move - even if he hid it, it was useless. If they left and didn't come back, others would know that they had moved.

But as for where I moved, I naturally wouldn’t tell these people I didn’t have close friendships with.

So after they left, these people called and talked to Gu Xia and Gu Qiu.

It turned out that although Gu Xia and Gu Qiu had never been to Gu Jianguo's place in recent years, they still asked the neighbors to tell them if they saw what happened here.

The reason why Gu Xia and Gu Qiu asked their neighbors to tell them about the Gu family's situation was naturally not because they cared about the old couple, but because they were afraid that something would happen to the old couple one day and that their property would be seized by another person first. , so he told his neighbors to inform them if anything happened to the Gu family. Fortunately, they would arrive as soon as possible if they could inherit the inheritance.

Of course, they couldn't say that to others, so they pretended to be filial on the surface, saying that although their parents didn't like them, they still cared about them, so they wanted to know news about them.

So they naturally heard about Enron's move. Of course, they also heard about Enron's previous production.

They don't have to care about Enron's production, but now that the old couple has moved away, they still have to ask about it to see where they have moved. In the future, they will be able to find a place as soon as possible after they pass away and inherit the inheritance.

Now Gu Xia and Gu Qiu called the old couple for the first time in almost two years since they had a falling out with An Ran and his wife, asking them where they had gone.

An Ran did not block their numbers. After all, if they blocked their numbers, they could call them again with a new number, but it was useless.

Fortunately, Gu Xia and Gu Qiu did not harass her, so she did not change her number. If these two people often harassed her, she would not be able to block them, so she would have to change her number.

So now Gu Xia and Gu Qiu called An Ran and Gu Jianguo, and naturally they got through as soon as they called.

An Ran was too lazy to pay attention to them and only asked them to tell Gu Jianguo if they had anything to say.

Gu Jianguo took the phone, covered the receiver, and asked An Ran, "How do you say it?"

"Tell the truth." An Ran said.

Gu Jianguo smiled bitterly and said, "If they hear that you have written a novel and published it, they will probably get involved."

An Ran said calmly: "What are you afraid of? They deliberately posted a video like that online two years ago in an attempt to use the power of the Internet to get us to kill Lele and bully us online. If they dare to come now, I will tell them what they did back then." Throw it in their faces and see if they still have the nerve to fight."

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