Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1426 The Affectionate Male Supporting Wife 44 (End)

Because Qing'an Hou's official position has not been lost, the prince Qing'an Hou has now become the son of a fifth-rank official. He is not the same as He Sanniang. It is normal for He Sanniang to be happy when she hears about it.

When Aunt Sun heard that the title of the Marquis was taken away, it had no impact on her. After all, her son could not inherit the title. The fine she paid was also paid from the private room of Mrs. Qing'an Marquis, and it did not affect her at all. The money her son will share in the future, but without the Hou Mansion, her son will have no backing when he leaves the branch manor in the future, so it will still have an impact on her and her son, so at this moment, she is finally not in the mood to gloat as usual. .

Although she was happy to see Mrs. Qing'an Hou's mother and son having a hard time, she would not be happy once it affected her son.

The only good thing is that her son has been married a long time ago and will not be unable to marry a good wife because of the collapse of the Qing'an Hou Mansion. Like Mrs. Qing'an Hou's youngest son, if he is not married now, he may not be able to marry in the future. What a good wife she has got. The more she thinks about this, the more Aunt Sun feels that the wife her son married was good. At least compared to the wives married by the legitimate sons, her son married really well. Although she is a concubine, she is from a high family. A concubine was much better than the daughter of a minor official married by Prince Qing'an and others. She couldn't help but feel very good at the moment.

The plaintiff got nothing and was beaten up. He was so distraught that he approached Qing'an Hou and his wife afterwards and said that they had information they wanted to exchange with them, if they were willing to give them one thousand taels of silver. , they can tell Qing'an Hou and the others how they survived when they were chased by people sent by Mrs. Qing'an Hou's wife.

The reason why they want to talk about An Ran rescuing them is that first, they feel that they got nothing and were beaten, and they were fooled by An Ran, so these people want to take revenge on An Ran; second, they want to get some benefits, so they prepare to Speak out.

Marquis Qing'an really wanted to know the answer, so he gave it to him.

So the plaintiff immediately told the story of An Ran rescuing them.

"What does that man look like? How tall and how old is he?" When Mrs. Qing'an Hou heard about this, she hurriedly asked through gritted teeth. Can she stop gritting her teeth? If this man hadn't been against them, her plan would not have changed at all. As a result, the title of the Marquis of Qing'an was taken away and the property was greatly damaged. It can be said that this person is simply the enemy of the Marquis of Qing'an, so can Mrs. Qing'an not gnash her teeth and wonder who this person is?

It’s a pity that the plaintiff didn’t know what An Ran looked like at all. All he could say at the moment was: “His face is covered, and he doesn’t know what he looks like. He only knows from his voice that he is a young man. He is not tall and thin, but he is very skilled. He can take care of things by himself.” Killed so many killers."

Mrs. Qing'anhou originally thought it was a group of people. She asked just now because she wanted to know who was leading the group. But now the plaintiff actually said that there was only one person, which made her feel confused after hearing this.

One person dealt with so many killers? What crazy talk are you talking about?

"You are not fooling me, are you? If you want to fool me, you can't get the money!" Mrs. Qing'an Hou said dissatisfied.

"What good does it do us to fool you, that's all."

Mrs. Qing'an Hou saw that the other party insisted on saying this, and knew that the real situation might be like this. She couldn't help but be stunned at the moment, thinking who could be so powerful just to deal with her own family? If you have this ability, why can't you do anything wrong, just to clean up your own family?

Now that the plaintiff's family left, Qing'anhou and his wife began to look for someone based on the characteristics described by the plaintiff.

However, if they were to look for someone based on the characteristics mentioned by the plaintiff, they would not be able to find someone for a lifetime. After all, the characteristics mentioned by the plaintiff, first of all, they would only look for men. With this alone, they would not be able to find An Ran. .

Coupled with the fall of the Qing'an Marquis Mansion, their power was greatly weakened. Wherever they could find someone, they spent a lot of money but could not find any clues.

Later, because the title was lost and the money came slowly, he didn't dare to spend money randomly anymore, so the matter of finding people in the Qing'an Marquis Mansion was dropped.

After that, He Sanniang was unable to take good care of her body and give birth to a child. Seeing that the child born to her concubine would inherit the family business, she couldn't help feeling depressed, and she died shortly after.

When she passed away, He Sanniang was thinking about why her life would turn out to be like this from a good hand of cards. After thinking about it, she always felt that the turning point of everything stemmed from that time when she was framed and had a relationship with Qing'an. Prince Hou rolled together.

Unfortunately, until her death, she did not find out who had harmed her, which made her regretful for the rest of her life.

Similarly, there are Mrs. Qing'an Hou and Prince Qing'an Hou. Their lives in the second half of their lives were also very difficult.

The two of them used to live a life of status and status, but suddenly they became the wife of a fifth-rank official and the son of a fifth-rank official. Their status was so different from before that they couldn't stand it.

In fact, the fifth rank is not particularly low, but compared to their original second rank marquis title, it is obviously incomparable, so it is normal that they can't stand it.

Like He Sanniang, they also felt that their good hand was ruined because a masked man saved the plaintiff's family that time. If the masked man hadn't saved the plaintiff's family and caused the plaintiff to file a lawsuit, they would not have been able to file a lawsuit. They would be deprived of their title by the Tian family and pay for their sins, so they would not fall from the high-level circle to the middle-level circle. In the end, when the Marquis of Qing'an became an official, they were not even in the middle-level circle and became ordinary rich people, so they also hated the masked man. Even when they died, they kept thinking about who was harming them.

Neither Mrs. Qing'an Hou's mother nor her son, nor He Sanniang, ever thought that they had done something wrong in the first place. They only thought that the person who secretly harmed them was bad and harmed them.

Especially the Prince of Qing'an, who was a handsome young master in the first half of his life and was the target of all the ladies in the capital. Now, he has been reduced to marrying the daughter of a minor official, and at the same time he has become the son of a minor official. After his father becomes an official, His family has become an ordinary rich man. All the people who used to support him have disappeared, not even the middle class. He has become the bottom of society, and the people who come and go are ordinary people. How can he bear this?

So after my wife became pregnant, the haze of infertility disappeared, and she felt that she should do better, but she was deprived of her title, and later became an ordinary rich man. She did not get better at all, and did not live up to expectations. Prince Qing'an became the Because he couldn't accept it, he began to live in drunken dreams. He was intoxicated in the country of alcohol all day long. He became extremely fat before he was thirty. He was no longer the handsome young man. Before he was fifty, his body was ruined by drinking and passed away.

An Ran didn't care what they thought. She just saw that He Sanniang and Qing'an Hou Shizi were not living well, and she was satisfied that she had avenged her original body.

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