Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1341 Winner of Palace Fight 25

Even Xie Sanniang, who was not jealous at first, couldn't help but become jealous when she saw that An Ran had gotten so many good things. She secretly thought that she had always had a smooth life since time traveling, and her legitimate daughters were living in a very bad life. How come these days? God, I feel so aggrieved. The things I was proud of before are nothing compared to Xie Anran, especially when I think of the fact that Anran has been appreciated by the Queen Mother and Prince Li's Palace, plus she is the legitimate daughter. Status, the person she can marry in the future will be better, even better than before. Xie Sanniang can't help but be jealous, thinking why she is so good, just because she is unlucky and has a bad background, she can get someone like the second son of the British. They all thought it was a great joy, but Xie Anran, because of his good background, could have married the eldest son of a big family, who was better than himself. Now that he has been appreciated by the Queen Mother and Prince Li, he is afraid that the marriage will be better than that of the eldest son of a big family. It's better, why should you? It's really unfair.

Thinking of this, Xie Sanniang secretly thought that it would be better if the Queen Mother and Prince Li died. I heard that the Queen Mother was old and Prince Li was not going to die soon. Maybe Xie Anran had not found a good match and they passed away. Then her backer will be gone, and the best she can do is marry the eldest son of a big family, which is not much better than herself. After all, if she marries the eldest son of a big family and doesn't know how to run a business, she will be the same as the current Xie Da What's the difference between the madam? She was oppressed by her beloved concubine and lived a life that was not nourished by the Second Madam Xie. She and Xie Anran will be like the Second Madam Xie and the First Madam Xie in the future. Even though she is a little worse off in marrying, her life will be different. It may not be worse than Xie Anran.

She was not from this world, and had no respect for royal people like the Queen Mother and Prince Li, so she cursed them to die quickly and felt no burden to her at all, so she thought like this.

I don’t know whether the Queen Mother and Prince Li will die soon, but An Ran’s marriage suddenly became very popular because of the appreciation of the Queen Mother and Prince Li, but it is true.

Soon, there was an endless stream of people proposing marriage to An Ran. They were better and more numerous than those who proposed marriage last time, and many of them were people who were rejected by Mrs. Xie last year and should not propose marriage again. Later, seeing that An Ran was appreciated by the Queen Mother, she also continued to propose marriage. She said that Mrs. Xie said last year that she wanted to keep An Ran for a while. Now that An Ran was older, could she propose marriage?

Not only did the prince's family prepare to contact the Xie family in advance because An Ran was appreciated by the Queen Mother, but the Zhang Xuan family also prepared to propose marriage in advance because the Queen Mother appreciated An Ran - mainly because they heard from Mrs. Xie that there were many people who wanted to marry An Ran. The marriage was proposed, and many of the conditions were better than those of the Zhang family. Faced with so many people proposing marriage, the Zhang family was afraid that the marriage would run away, so they finally made some noise.

You must know that in the world of the original body, although the Zhang family was interested in the original body, they delayed the marriage proposal for a long time. It was not until later that they learned that the prince was planning to marry the original body that they gave up the idea completely.

It stands to reason that since Zhang Xuan and the original person have such a good relationship, they should have proposed marriage very early. Why was it delayed until the prince's family took the lead? This is unreasonable and a bit strange. An Ran doesn't know the reason yet, at least since she occasionally uses She scanned the person coming from her natal family with her spiritual consciousness. Mrs. Xie Er, who was talking to her natal family, looked at it and found nothing wrong.

However, An Ran is different from the past. In the past, she did not have a capable person to help her to find out the situation - although Du Juan has some abilities, they are limited to the situation within the Xie family. The situation outside, she is a little maid who lives in a deep house. , where can I get so many secrets? Besides, if the secrets of the Zhang family are not conducive to An Ran's marriage with the Zhang family, I'm afraid she won't tell An Ran. So when asking about the Zhang family, naturally you can't ask Du Juan. At the moment, An Ran So I approached Mr. Zhang from Prince Li's Mansion.

She didn't say that she suspected something was wrong with the Zhang family. After all, it was difficult to explain why she felt that the Zhang family's situation was wrong. She only said that the Zhang family was preparing to propose marriage, and she wanted to ask Zhang Xuan and the Zhang family about their situation. If she could marry, she said Unable to find anyone else to help, I had no choice but to turn to Manager Zhang for help.

In fact, the Zhang family has not proposed marriage yet, but Zhang Xuan revealed to her that he would send his family members to propose marriage soon. Then An Ran remembered that something was wrong with the Zhang family, and prepared to send someone to investigate.

Although An Ran doesn't want to bother Mr. Zhang all the time, but he can't find anyone else to help him, so he can only ask him. If Mr. Zhang feels that she is taking advantage of her favor and is tired of it, and wants to alienate her, then just do it. , she doesn't care, after all, as time goes by, her cultivation gradually improves, and then she will be able to go out invisible and investigate by herself, without having to ask others.

However, Manager Zhang was not unhappy after receiving An Ran's request for help, and immediately helped An Ran investigate.

Because Eunuch Zhang did not avoid Prince Li in his actions - mainly because he had to keep an eye on Prince Li at all times, it was difficult to avoid him - so he was discovered by Prince Li. When Prince Li found out that he was investigating the Zhang family, he couldn't help but be surprised. , asked: "Why did father-in-law investigate the Zhang family?"

Mr. Zhang said: "Miss Xie asked me to investigate. She said that the Zhang family was planning to propose marriage to her. She wanted me to investigate the situation of the Zhang family to see if there was anything wrong. If not, she agreed; if Yes, she will find a way to push it."

Prince Li heard that someone proposed marriage to An Ran. Although this was expected, Prince Li heard that and thought of the painting-like girl sitting on the swing under the bright sunshine that day. She was about to belong to someone else. , still a little sad, and after a long silence, Fang said: "Then please check it carefully for her, don't let others trick her. Also, if other families propose marriage to her in the future, you should also pay attention to it. If the Xie family helps her find it, If you find a way to prevent a bad marriage, try to help her prevent a good marriage."

Since he can't marry her and he wants to protect her, let's start with such a small thing.

Manager Zhang looked sad when he heard that Prince Li had proposed marriage to An Ran. Knowing his young master's thoughts, he couldn't help but feel sorry for him. After agreeing to Prince Li's instructions, he hesitated and said: "...Your Highness, Mr. As the old saying goes, if you like Miss Xie Er, just marry her, there is really no need to wrong yourself so much."

In his eyes, his young master is the most noble one. What kind of woman cannot be married to him? There is no need to worry too much at all.

Prince Li still shook his head as before and said: "I can't cheat her, so please stop trying to persuade her about this matter."

Manager Zhang saw that Prince Li still refused as hard as before, so he had no choice but to stop persuading him.

Prince Li said: "When you arrive, show me the things you have investigated, and I will also help the second girl check them."

"Yes! Your Majesty." Manager Zhang naturally would not refuse Prince Li's request.

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