Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 134 Urban Cultivation 1

However, seeing that An's mother actually found some master to deal with her, An Ran couldn't help but feel wary, thinking that she should go to the lower world of cultivation to learn some cultivation knowledge to deal with it.

You know, since she got the mall, she researched the mall and found that in her world, there are things like talismans for sale. What does this mean? It means that although the world she lives in is the end of the Dharma era and spiritual energy is scarce, there are still cultivators. Yes, An's mother found a fake master this time, and she used martial arts to deal with him. But what if An's mother found someone with real skills, wouldn't she be in trouble? Therefore, she would really not be able to rest assured if she did not learn some cultivation knowledge to defend herself.

So An Ran temporarily gave up the task of finding a host who studied computers and wanted to learn hacking skills, and planned to explore the world of low-level cultivation first.

Fortunately, she feels that her ability is much better now - that martial arts, after several lifetimes of practice, she has used it as if it were instinctive, and the speed of each practice is very fast - plus with the mall, if there is any danger , just spend your life days to buy some protective items in the mall, so that it shouldn't be a problem to go to the world of cultivating immortals in the green mission.

Yes, there are worlds where immortals can be cultivated in the green mission. Of course, they are relatively peaceful worlds, and most of them are in the Age of Ending Law. The highest level of cultivators is only Nascent Soul. Most people can reach the level of foundation building, which is considered good. This kind of world is less dangerous and is suitable for those who want to learn the same cultivation skills.


Tens of thousands of years ago, Aquamarine was a world of cultivation with abundant aura, and people who had transcended tribulations and ascended were everywhere. However, as time went by, Aquamarine's aura became less and less, the aura became scarce, and more and more people ascended. The less, the last ascended person was a thousand years ago. In the past thousand years, not to mention the people who can ascend, there are very few gods and powerful people in the Mahayana stage, and they are all slowly falling away. At the moment, the highest realm on the planet is It is a Nascent Soul monk. Tens of thousands of years ago, when there were as many Nascent Souls as dogs, the Nascent Soul monks were nothing at all. But now, the Nascent Soul monks can be called ancestors, and there are very few of them. They are all on the verge of dying. Golden elixir stage monks can be called real people, and there are only a few dozen in number. Most of them are in the foundation building stage, or even the Qi refining stage that has just started.

Because there is no way to ascend in any way, everyone's enthusiasm for cultivation has been greatly reduced. And because there are more and more mortals, science and technology have been vigorously developed, so this is a world in the transition from the world of cultivation to the world of science and technology.

An Ran looked at computers, mobile phones, Internet TV and other things, thinking that this was similar to the real world she lived in, except that the real world she lived in was more powerful in the Age of Ending Law.

The original person was Gu Anran, whose parents were ordinary working-class people and not from a cultivation family. But one day, Gu Anran's sister Gu Yanran went for a test and found out that she had a talent for cultivation, and she embarked on the road of cultivation.

As sisters, Gu Anran is not jealous of Gu Yanran's talent for cultivation. On the contrary, she is very happy that her sister has the talent for cultivation and will be able to cultivate in the future and live longer than ordinary people like them.

But for some reason, she found that her younger sister was not friendly to her at all. She was often irritable when talking to her. As long as the conditions were good for the boyfriends she had talked to, Gu Yanran would destroy them. In the end, Gu Anran got older and only Needless to say, Gu Yanran was able to marry a man who was married and raised children for the second time and whose conditions were not very good. Needless to say, Gu Yanran, a cultivator, naturally married into a very good man. She was a second-generation cultivator from a certain cultivating family.

It stands to reason that if she is married like this and is a high-ranking monk, she is so famous and proud that she should not care about a little person like her who has fallen into the dust. As a result, every time she struggles a little better, she loses her job. , life continues to be difficult.

She didn't know who did it at first, but later when a kind person told her, she realized that it was Gu Yanran who had done it.

She didn't know how she had offended Gu Yanran, so she wanted to go find Gu Yanran to reason with him, but she couldn't find Gu Yanran, who had become the real Jin Dan, because the place where he lived was not accessible to a mortal like her. So until she fell into despair all her life and died, she couldn't figure out why Gu Yanran kept causing trouble for her.

So when the original person passed away and encountered the quick travel system that allowed him to make wishes, he wanted to ask the person who took over the task to figure out why Gu Yanran was causing trouble for him. Also, if possible, he hoped to take revenge on Gu Yanran. After all, who was tortured? It is impossible not to take revenge for a lifetime.

However, An Ran, who had been in this world for half a month, looked around and couldn't tell that there was anything wrong with Gu Yanran towards the original body. If anything, it was just the little girl's jealousy - the original She is currently in the second year of high school and is a top student. She has always been number one in the school. Gu Yanran, who is two years younger, is still in the third year of junior high school. However, her grades are far inferior to those of Gu Anran. Not to mention school, she is not even among the top ten in the class. None of them can be ranked, so both school teachers and relatives and friends all praise Yuan Shen for being smart and beautiful, but never praise Gu Yanran. As a result, Gu Yanran is sometimes unhappy, but this unhappiness is still within the understandable range. In the end, At least, she didn't see the other party doing anything bad to her, so An Ran didn't understand why Gu Yanran wanted to cause trouble for Gu Anran, so she could only take one step at a time.

As for now, she has to study hard and not lose her reputation as a top student. Fortunately, An Ran herself had good academic performance back then. In addition, she has practiced internal skills and has good hearing and vision. Learning is relatively easy and not strenuous. Let yourself change from a top student to a bad student, which makes people feel that something is wrong.

But after all, I haven’t touched a high school textbook for hundreds of years, even if I have the memory of the original person. After all, when the original person passed away, it had been many decades since high school, and what I learned had long been forgotten, so An Ran still spent some time to catch up with the progress. Fortunately, she was only in the second year of high school. Unlike the third year of high school, she had to take exams every day. The second year of high school only had monthly exams. She was very lucky when she came. She just passed the monthly exam, giving her a It took months to catch up with the original progress.

An Ran was thinking about computers that she had always wanted to learn. She thought that since she was a high school student in this world, she should learn computers then. Although the world was different, it was like a leaf. Although the details were different, the general appearance was the same. This The same goes for computers in this world. Although the details may not be exactly the same as those in other worlds, they are still basically the same. If you learn them well, you can use them in other worlds.

Time passed slowly as An Ran made up his mind to learn computer science, and soon the monthly exam came. After passing the exam, An Ran felt that he did well in the exam. Even if his grades dropped a little, it should be very slight, and he would not be suspected. In another month, she will definitely be able to catch up with her original progress.

After the monthly exam, it was the weekend, so Anron packed up and went home - due to evening self-study and early morning reading, it was too hard to leave early and come back late, so even though Anran was not too far away from home, he still stayed in the hotel. Just went home on the weekend.

Almost immediately, Gu Yanran also returned home.

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