Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1338 The Winner of the Palace Fight 22

The younger generation didn't do anything about this summons. They only envied An Ran's good luck and thought about how many rewards An Ran would get when he came back from the palace. However, it made the elders of the Xie family nervous. After all, the Xie family is a big family. , but because there are not many dignitaries in this generation, the number of visits to the palace by the Xie family is very rare, not as many as the princesses of Dong'an County. Because they belong to the clan, and the mother-in-law has a good relationship with the Queen Mother, she is a frequent visitor to the palace.

Since the Xie family did not often enter the palace, they could not teach An Ran the precautions for entering the palace. Mr. Xie could not help but feel anxious, fearing that An Ran was young, had never been to the palace, and did not understand the rules. Let alone please the Queen Mother. , Don’t be incapable of pleasing the Queen Mother. If you make the Queen Mother angry and cause trouble for the family, that would be bad.

However, the palace also knew that An Ran had never been to the palace and might not know the etiquette in the palace, so it sent the palace nun to teach An Ran. They planned to teach An Ran for three days so that she would understand a little about the etiquette in the palace. After three days, she would come to the palace to see the majesty. .

An Ran looked at it and found that the rules in the palace were similar to those in other worlds. An Ran had practiced cultivation again and had a super memory. He could memorize it after reading it once. Then he used the dream technique just like when he was taught the rules in other worlds. He let them fall asleep, but thought he had taught her well. As for her, practicing while they were sleeping couldn't be more perfect. After all, it is difficult to find time to practice normally. Now that they are covering, she can practice all the time. It's more Well, there is just too little time, only three days.

Mr. Xie was still worried when he saw that the palace had sent a nanny. He was worried that An Ran would be unhappy with something. After all, the nanny in the palace didn't have much friendship with their family, and she would definitely not tell them the details. So today Then, as a rare opportunity, he came to Mrs. Xie and said to Mrs. Xie: "Invite Princess Dong'an here. She follows her mother-in-law and often goes to the palace. She should know what the Queen Mother is taboo about and what she likes. Let her follow the second wife. Mom, tell me, lest my second mother doesn’t understand, don’t offend your mother.”

Mrs. Xie was originally very happy to see Mr. Xie coming to her place, but when she saw that it was for An Ran's sake, and that she was asked to invite the person she least wanted to interact with, she couldn't help but look ugly, and after a while she said: "She She is said to be my sister, but her identity is the princess, so I can hire anyone I want."

In fact, apart from Mrs. Xie not wanting to invite the Princess of Dong'an County, it is also because what she said is really not a lie. She wants to invite the Princess of Dong'an County, but she really can't invite her. Unless she is willing to ask the Princess of Dong'an County, then the Princess of Dong'an County Maybe she will come, but how could Madam Xie be willing to humble herself and beg the Princess of Dong'an County? After all, if she did that, she would not be shorter than her in the future. Besides, she didn't want to fulfill the wish of the Princess of Dong'an County - she knew that Dong'an County The princess definitely wanted to see her beg her, but she naturally didn't want to get her wish.

Mr. Xie said impatiently: "That's your business. I'm only responsible for informing you and asking her to come over and tell Er Niang what to pay attention to. If you can't invite her, if something happens to Er Niang then, don't blame me. It will be your fault then.”

Mrs. Xie almost vomited blood when she heard Mr. Xie say this, but she did not dare to tell her mother-in-law that she was not living well in the Xie family, lest it would spread to the ears of the princess of Dong'an County and make her laugh at her, so no matter what she did now Unhappy, Madam Xie could only grit her teeth and agree, secretly thinking that she was really unlucky. She thought that An Ran's climb to Prince Li's house would be good for her and her son, but she didn't expect that she would be unlucky in the end.

But no matter how much she complained in her heart, she had no choice but to do what Master Xie ordered, and in the end she had to go to the Dong'an County Prince's Mansion.

The princess of Dong'an County heard that Mr. Xie sent her to invite her, and she already planned to go. After all, it was Mr. Xie who invited her. If she didn't go, Mr. Xie would know about it and he would probably tell her outside. Being an arrogant person, he asked Mrs. Xie to invite her, but she didn't even go, and she didn't want to end up with such a reputation just for the sake of Mrs. Xie's face.

Although she had planned to go, just as Mrs. Xie thought, she still wanted to embarrass Mrs. Xie, so she immediately said: "I should go, but my mother-in-law is sick, and I am taking care of her. No. It’s a good thing you still go out at this time.”

In fact, the old concubine has a minor illness and there is no need for her to attend to any illness. Otherwise, when Mrs. Xie comes, shouldn't she stay in the old concubine's yard? How can she stay in her own yard and relax?

Regarding this, Mrs. Xie naturally understood. She couldn't help but secretly roll her eyes. She still looked like the Princess of Dong'an County, and began to beg the Princess of Dong'an County in a humble manner. At that moment, she said as she wished: " Sister, I have never asked you for anything, but I finally asked you to help me once, so please do me a favor and help me once."

Okay, don't you want me to beg you? Then I'll beg, and beg in a very humble manner. She would like to see how the princess of Dong'an County behaves if word spreads about her pitiful begging! Don't look at other people saying that the princess of Dong'an County is too much.

In fact, if Mr. Xie had not insisted that she invite Princess Dong'an County, otherwise, as soon as Princess Dong'an County refused, she would have thrown away her sleeves and left, and then said everywhere that she was the biological sister of Princess Dong'an County. , I ran to her to ask for help when I had a problem, but she wouldn’t help and let others talk about her.

But because Mr. Xie insisted that she invite the person back, even if the princess of Dong'an County refused, she could only continue to beg, lest the other party really didn't go, and then Mr. Xie would scold her.

After hearing Mrs. Xie's words, the Princess of Dong'an County couldn't help but frown slightly, secretly thinking that this woman is really annoying, and she didn't forget to show off to herself at this time.

However, people have already begged her like this. If she still refuses to agree, it would really be unreasonable to spread the word, so she immediately said: "Oh sister, what are you talking about? It seems like I am not willing to help." You're like, I have something to do, okay, okay, I'll just go, you must not say such things, if word spreads, you will think that I am bullying you."

She was bullying her, but now that she said this, if word spread, people would only say that Mrs. Xie made things difficult for her, but not that she bullied her.

I thought that by saying that, I could not only force myself to agree, but also let outsiders say that she was showing off to her sister like this, that she was a bad person, and that she was beautiful. A person who couldn't speak dared to talk so fast in front of her. Look. How can I cut her?

When Mrs. Xie heard what the Princess of Dong'an County said, her expression changed immediately, but it was no longer convenient to continue talking at this time. Besides, she also knew that she was not very good at talking, and she was afraid that if she continued to speak, it would be more and more disadvantageous to herself. , so I had to stop at that moment, feeling aggrieved, but I still wanted to say thank you, saying: "That's not what I meant, sister, what are you talking about, okay, just thank you sister, then... I don't know, sister When are you free?"

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