Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1321 Palace Fight Winner 5

After chatting with Xie Yuanniang and Xie Siniang for a while, she left them to have dinner with her. After dinner, the two left. At least a few more injections should be added, more or less for show; Xie Siniang wanted to go back to take a nap. After all, she was still young and still needed a nap.

After Xie Yuanniang and Xie Siniang left, An Ran gave Xie Yuanniang's purse to Du Juan and asked Du Juan to keep it.

Du Juan opened it and saw two pairs of gold and silver coins inside, which were probably worth about twenty taels of silver.

Du Juan looked at it and couldn't help but said happily: "The big girl is so generous."

"Yes!" An Ran sighed helplessly.

It was because he was too generous that Xie Wulang sucked his blood to such an extent. He had no money to use, and he still used money from his husband's family to support him. He was poor and generous.

However, An Ran felt that although people like her had been brainwashed and it was not good to blindly support her younger brother, their character was not bad and they could not fall into the same situation as in the previous life. Therefore, An Ran thought that if there was a chance, she would still save her. Save her.

In fact, the original body is not as successful as the older sister and the younger sister. The original body is the most successful among the three sisters - otherwise, she would not be successful in the palace, right? ——So Xie Yuanniang and Xie Siniang, because their father doesn’t care for their mother, they only have a little monthly money from the family, and money is tight. ——Xie Yuanniang is about to get married, and the Duke of the family and Mrs. It’s a lot more—but the original person is not tight on money.

Although the original person is not very old now, he seems to have a talent for being good at house fighting since he was a child. From the time he can remember, he knows that no one can control him without money, so he started saving money since he was very young. Fortunately, he needs it. When you need money, you can take it out at any time.

Because of the original owner's hard work, there are now more than a thousand taels of "huge" private property in the small treasury.

Yes, although the original person did work hard, she has only saved so much money over the years. There is no way, the monthly money is too little, and she can't count on it at all. She can only rely on the gifts given by some ladies to pay the bills. I have sold some outdated jewelry to save some money for my own house, and I also have to spend money on it sometimes, so how much can I save? It is said to be a "huge amount", but in fact compared with the wealth of the Xie family, which has been a family for hundreds of years, it is simply a drop in the bucket. It is probably the price of Mr. Xie's purchase of an original copy.

It’s only because of her cleverness that she knew how to find someone to sell off some outdated jewelry, so she saved so much money. Other girls, who rewarded people with outdated jewelry when they were outdated, didn’t even know about selling off. Of course, they might also think so. Worrying about economic affairs is a bit unworthy of the status of the eldest lady of a noble family.

But the original person is different. The original person is pragmatic. After all, compared to having no money and inconvenience in doing anything, having money makes her feel more at ease. As for the vulgar things, the original person doesn't want to worry about it.

——From this aspect, An Ran still admires the original person because the two have similar ideas.

So the reason why she didn't want Xie Yuanniang's money before was because she really didn't need it, because she really wanted to buy some nutritional supplements. She could buy them herself, and she didn't need Xie Yuanniang to give her money.

"Miss, do you want to buy bird's nest?" Du Juan asked.

After all, the eldest lady gave me the money, so it seemed inappropriate not to buy it. After all, what would I do if the eldest lady asked me?

An Ran shook her head and said, "No, I'm not interested in bird's nests. How about buying a hairpin? I don't have much jewelry."

She has practiced cultivation, and her health will definitely be great in the future. She will not need to eat any bird's nest at all, so she should save the money like the original body and use it where needed in the future. However, considering that Xie Yuanniang may ask about the money Because of the use situation, An Ran still asked someone to buy a hairpin. As for the hairpin, it can be worn and used as cash when she needs money in the future. It has no effect on her compared to eating the bird's nest. powerful.

The reason why I bought jewelry was because I didn’t have any jewelry originally and I really needed to add some.

The original person had nothing except the clothes and jewelry that were distributed throughout the year in the mansion. Who asked Mrs. Xie to manage the house and make money, but she saved all the money and wanted to give it to Xie Wulang, so naturally she didn't spend any money. What kind of extra jewelry was given to the original body?

Du Juan couldn't help being startled after hearing An Ran's plan, and then thought, the second lady is really lucky. She didn't want Mr. Zhang's hairpin just now, but now with the money given by the eldest lady, she can buy a good hairpin again, so This life is good, but it's different. I didn't dare to take what Mr. Zhang gave me, but I still got it in the end.

At that moment, Du Juan went to buy hairpins according to An Ran's instructions, while An Ran closed the door to practice under the pretext of taking a nap.

After practicing for an hour and pretending to wake up from sleep, Du Juan had already bought the hairpin and showed it to An Ran. An Ran looked at it, nodded and said, "Not bad."

Du Juan must have picked up some money in the middle, but the original body is not as stupid as other girls. She asked someone to sell the jewelry, and she roughly knew the price of some jewelry, so even if Du Juan picked up the money, she didn't dare to take more money, after all, she couldn't fool the original body. , Anyway, An Ran looked at this hairpin and felt that it should be worth about twenty taels of silver.

As the master and servant were talking, they noticed that Nanny Li, the companion of the second room, came over, followed by several maids, holding a tray with bright cloth, some gems, etc.

As soon as Grandma Li came in, she smiled and said to An Ran: "Our wife heard that the second girl is still a little unwell, so she asked the old slave to come over and ask, is the second girl feeling better now? If she is still not better, please see a doctor quickly. One moment, no delay."

An Ran smiled and said: "Much better."

Seeing that An Ran was getting better, Grandma Li felt relieved. Then she pointed at the little maid behind her and said, "My wife's sister-in-law's eldest brother's caravan is back, and they have brought many novelties from outside. Let the old slave Give some to the girls and boys in the house, Second Miss, you can choose which ones you like."

After hearing this, An Ran smiled and said, "Thank you so much, Aunt Second. Okay, I'll pick some."

An Ran stepped forward and picked out a piece of cloth, a ruby, and a box of spices.

After asking Du Juan to put it away, An Ran said: "Thank you second aunt for me."

Grandma Li smiled and said: "I will convey it to you."

Then Grandma Li left and sent things to other homes.

Du Juan went to see off Nanny Li, and soon came back and said to An Ran: "Nanny Li was the first to come to the young lady. It seems that the second wife really likes the young lady."

After hearing this, An Ran couldn't help but smile and said nothing.

Because she knew that her nephew liked the original body, and the Zhang family was happy to see the marriage come to fruition, Mrs. Xie Er did treat the original body very well, better than the original body's mother. The original body, who lacked love, once She is quite attached to Mrs. Xie Er who likes her.

However, don't forget that this is a world where house fighting is extremely fierce, so many so-called friendships, family love, and love are very plastic. The same is true for Mrs. Xie's original body.

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