Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1290 Return of the Lost Bead 36

But what can you do if you don't give in? All the wise kings have succeeded in forcing the king to go to the palace.

When the news came the next day that the wise king had taken control of the palace and was later established as the prince, Wang Yuanniang knew that she was really finished.

Fortunately, the wise king was busy with affairs at this time and had no time to take care of her.

Because soon after being established as the crown prince, Emperor Cheng'an honestly wrote the Zen edict under heavy guard. The wise king was about to ascend the throne and was very busy. He had no time to trouble Wang Yuanniang.

King Xin and several other ambitious princes had clamored for the good king to imprison the emperor, and wanted to clear the emperor's side and save him. However, although they had the support of some ministers in the court, none of them had military power. How could they save him? Do you curse with words? By inciting the common people of the world?

In the former, the virtuous king punished a few ministers with stains such as corruption, corruption, and bribery, and others did not dare to say anything; in the latter... as long as there is no turmoil, the people don't care who becomes the emperor.

Therefore, as the old saying goes, political power comes from the barrel of a gun, and the king must have soldiers. Now he can raise an army to attack, and then he will coerce the people and cause chaos in the world. His problem will be half done.

But he didn't have any soldiers, and he was watched closely by the people sent by the wise king. He wanted to toss, but the final result was just like the world where Wang Yuanniang lived, where he was demoted to a commoner by the wise king and imprisoned.

After several ambitious and capable princes were demoted to commoners, the position of the wise king was stabilized.

At this time, the wise king would be free to take care of Wang Yuanniang.

It is impossible for the wise king not to deal with Wang Yuanniang. After all, Wang Yuanniang forged evidence of his betrayal and rebellion, and harmed him in this way. If he still refuses to deal with it, that would be unless the wise king is a good old man who doesn't care about anything. But although the wise king is a generous man, But he is definitely not a good person. He will not fight back when others bully him. If he is such a person, he will not listen to An Ran and really rebel.

Of course, if Wang Yuanniang had been more honest, the wise king might have forgotten the existence of this person.

However, when King Xin and others were dancing before, Wang Yuanniang was still dancing with her, making it difficult for King Xian to forget her.

In fact, Wang Yuanniang is not stupid, nor does she not understand what will happen if she still goes against the King Xian up to this point. However, this is not because she is afraid that even if she does not go against the King Xian, the King Xian will cause trouble for her, so she Are you thinking of joining forces with King Xin to make a last-ditch effort?

Of course, this was of course in vain. King Xin had fallen, and she would also be dealt with by King Xian.

In fact, the wise king was originally very busy and had not had time to trouble Wang Yuanniang. Now seeing that Wang Yuanniang still had the courage to jump up and down, he was speechless and naturally he would not tolerate her.

At that time, the wise king sent people to the Wang family, arrested Wang Yuanniang, and handed her over to Dali Temple for trial.

In fact, there is no need for a trial at all. Since the new emperor said that the letter was not written by him, then it is certain that Wang Yuanniang faked the new emperor and rebelled. Wang Yuanniang will naturally be doomed.

Not only did Wang Yuanniang die, but Wang Yuanniang framed the new emperor like this. At that time, Emperor Cheng'an was even ready to take control of Concubine Shu's family. He had already sent people to watch Concubine Shu's family, and these would naturally be blamed on Wang Yuanniang. After all, if it weren't for her By forging evidence, Emperor Cheng'an was convicted of treason by the Xian Wang, and the Xian Wang's grandfather's family would not be in trouble. Since Wang Yuanniang almost harmed his grandfather's family, he would naturally ask Wang Yuanniang to have a taste of his own family. The taste of death - now it was the turn of the Wang family to be executed.

Yes, the Wang family is a big family. If you dare to touch them, it will really affect the whole body. However, others may be afraid. For example, Emperor Cheng'an did not dare to do so, but he had military power and was the most brave and capable army in the world. But he was not afraid. He immediately killed him immediately.

The Wang family and Wang Yuanniang regretted it now.

When Wang Yuanniang forged evidence to frame the Xian King, the Wang family realized that Emperor Cheng'an didn't like the Xian King. They felt that if Emperor Cheng'an didn't like the Xian King, something would happen to the Xian King sooner or later, so they acquiesced and felt that Wang Yuanniang was right to do this. , draw a clear line with the Xian Wang. Anyway, Wang Yuanniang has no children, so it doesn't matter if Yi Jue has children. There is no need to worry about having children. Yi Jue will still be tied to her when the time comes.

But now, both the Wang family and Wang Yuanniang regretted it. After all, if Wang Yuanniang gave birth to a prince to the wise king, then the wise king would become the emperor and wanted to kill the Wang family. Maybe for the sake of the child, he would read a few words. You won't be so ruthless when sharing old feelings.

But it’s useless to regret now. After all, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Oh no, it's different for Wang Yuanniang. After all, she took the regret medicine once - wasn't it because she was unlucky to marry King Xin and made her reborn? Isn't this just like taking the regret medicine? So Wang Yuanniang regretted it at first, but thinking that she had been reborn once, maybe she still had a chance to be reborn again? So I thought more openly and became less afraid.

She just thought in her heart that if she could be reborn this time, she would definitely remember that she would no longer go against the wise king, so she would marry him as the princess and then the queen. There was nothing wrong with it. She was unwilling to do so before. , insisting on going against him. Since he is the chosen one, no matter how hard she tries, he will definitely become the emperor. So why should she bother? What's wrong with just lying down and waiting to become the queen?

——Wang Yuanniang didn’t know that in the world where An Ran didn’t come, she actually succeeded through hard work, so that’s what she was thinking at this time.

But it is a pity that she was reborn once, but she was not able to be reborn twice or three times, so her idea of ​​making a sacrifice and waiting to become the queen without going against the wise king could not be realized at all.

Who did she think she was? She thought she had been wronged by marrying a wise king and waiting to become a queen. It was strange that God would ignore her such self-centered thoughts.

Just when the Wang family was at the end of the road, the Anlehou Mansion ushered in its greatest victory - in fact, to be precise, it was the victory of Mrs. Li, and the Anlehou couple were not necessarily happy.

It turned out that since King Xian's affairs were almost stable, An Ran returned to the Marquis Mansion at the invitation of Mrs. Li.

Now everyone knows that Li Anran is the most popular person around the new emperor. After all, who doesn't know that when the new emperor was hesitant to rebel, it was Li Anran who persuaded him to rebel, and then the other party succeeded, which led to Li Anran's death. He has become the most trusted and capable subordinate of the new emperor. In this case, there are many people outside who are fawning over An Ran.

However, many people are flattering on the surface, but behind the scenes they are not as good as they seem to say about Enron.

After all, An Ran is already eighteen years old at this time, has not yet been engaged, and hangs out with a group of big men. Even if outsiders don't say anything on the surface, they still laugh at her in their hearts, thinking that An Ran will definitely not be able to get married. .

In the minds of people in this world, a girl who cannot marry is a shameful thing. Even if she is a celebrity around the new emperor, no matter how flattering others are, everyone will still laugh at her in private.

And can this make the Anlehou couple, who understand what others think, happy?

Thank you Shen Tu, Zhao Yilin and Zi Yan for the gift~~ Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~ Thank you!

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