Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1288 Return of the Lost Bead 34

An Ran would naturally not bring these two people in. After all, their martial arts were not impressive compared to hers. She was afraid that there were experts in the palace and bringing them would not only not be able to help her, but would also cause trouble for her, so she only allowed them to stay. She went in alone to take care of people outside the palace. If she didn't come out on time, she quickly went back to report.

After three years of training, An Ran's current martial arts is completely different from when she left Beijing. It can even be said that her current martial arts should be the best in the world.

Although he is already number one in the world, it is still difficult to transport someone out of the palace.

So she needs Concubine Shu's cooperation in this matter. As long as Concubine Shu cooperates, even if it is difficult for her to carry her out, Concubine Shu has connections in the palace. If she dresses up like a palace maid, she can sneak out of the palace.

But at this time, Concubine Shu was probably in a very bad situation, and was even detained. After all, the wise king was found to be rebelling and treason, so how could Concubine Shu in the palace be fine.

An Ran came to Shu Concubine's palace and found that the palace was indeed heavily guarded. It seemed that they had guessed well. Concubine Shu was indeed controlled by Emperor Cheng'an. That's right. Emperor Cheng'an said that the wise king had rebelled. With such a big name, Shu Concubine The concubine will definitely be implicated. After all, once the wise king fails to accept the order and chooses to disobey, then the concubine Shu will be able to come in handy.

However, these heavy soldiers were not a problem for An Ran. At that moment, An Ran took advantage of no one's attention and climbed up to the roof. He calculated the place where Concubine Shu was imprisoned. He opened the tiles and looked at it. He found that Concubine Shu was indeed inside. I was alone, so I gently turned in.

After entering, An Ran did not contact Concubine Shu immediately. Instead, she looked at the surrounding environment and saw that there was no one secretly watching around. Then she came out. Before Concubine Shu could react, she covered her mouth and whispered: "I am sent by His Highness the King Xian to save the empress. I let go of my hand and the empress does not make a sound, okay? If you can, just blink your eyes."

After hearing her words, Concubine Shu hesitated and blinked.

The reason why Concubine Shu agreed was because she thought that this girl shouldn't be a liar. Besides, even if she was a liar, it didn't matter. She was already like this anyway, how could she be worse?

An Ran saw her blinking, then put down the hand covering her mouth, and then took out the letter and token given to her by the King Xian. Concubine Shu naturally believed it after reading the letter and token. She couldn't help but chuckled at the moment: "So you are Miss Li. .”

"Does your Majesty know me?"

Concubine Shu nodded and said, "The emperor said that you are very capable and that you are her right-hand man."

To be honest, in her son's letters before, although the wise king said that An Ran was her right-hand man, she had always had doubts about how powerful a girl could be. It wasn't that she didn't believe her son's words, but that there was no one around her. Such a girl, so she couldn't imagine how powerful the woman looked.

But at this time, when she saw that An Ran could touch her without being discovered, she believed that there really was such a girl in the secret passage. She could actually touch into a heavily guarded place like the palace without being discovered. Moreover, she could Being sent by his son to rescue him, in addition to the fact that the other party is a girl, making it easier for him to have physical contact with him, it must also be because the other party has outstanding abilities. Otherwise, it would be impossible to send a girl here just to have physical contact with him. It is impossible to do such a big thing for For such a trivial matter, regardless of the other party's incompetence, the party came over. After all, if in order to have physical contact with him, he sent someone over who was incompetent, and the rescue failed in the end, wouldn't that affect a major event?

Now that he has gained the trust of Concubine Shu, An Ran immediately said: "Since the concubine knows that I am the prince's person, will you be willing to take me with you?"

Concubine Shu listened and nodded.

An Ran saw that the other party did not hesitate and agreed to leave the palace with her. She secretly thought that this Concubine Shu was someone who could understand the situation and would not hold her son back. God knew she was originally worried that Concubine Shu would be conservative and could not accept her son's plan to rebel. She didn't plan to leave, and had prepared a lot of persuasion. Now seeing that Concubine Shu didn't need any persuasion at all, she just agreed. She couldn't help but be happy. After all, she didn't have to waste any words on her own, so she was naturally happy.

Concubine Shu was indeed not the kind of stupid person who would obey her husband when she got married, regard her husband as her top priority, and would not go against her husband's wishes. She was a person who put her son first. As early as when Emperor Cheng'an wanted to kill her son, she told Cheng'an Emperor An lost the relationship between husband and wife - her son was her lifeblood, whoever wanted to kill her son was her enemy, even Emperor Cheng'an was no exception - so now her son sent someone to rescue her and leave, she Of course, I will not hold the idea of ​​​​getting married and obeying my husband, and I will not want to leave.

Since Concubine Shu agreed to leave, An Ran immediately put Concubine Shu on her back and tied her up, then started Qinggong and climbed up to the roof again.

Concubine Shu is not very heavy, so An Ran is a little more confident than before.

What's more, Concubine Shu also knows how to act according to urgency and not to show off. When she heard that she was leaving, she took off her cumbersome palace attire and changed into a close-fitting shorts, which was easier to carry away without wearing a long skirt. , it is difficult to move - if any tile is scratched, falls down and is discovered, that would not be good.

An Ran was confident of rescuing Concubine Shu safely, but Concubine Shu was on tenterhooks, especially when she saw An Ran carrying her on his back, plucking onions on a dry land, jumping up to the rafters, then climbing from the beams to the roof, and then trotting from the roof, waiting for the patrol again. The person leaves, then jumps down from his own palace, and then jumps up to the roof of another palace. He jumps off and on again, escaping from the roof, jumping up and down every time, or waiting for the patrol to leave, Concubine Shu's Her heart was in her throat, fearing that An Ran would run out of strength and fail to jump up, or fall down, or be discovered by patrollers. After all, the imperial guards in the palace were not just ordinary people. She was really afraid that An Ran would be discovered by them. , or the people who surrounded his palace found that she had left and notified the emperor. The emperor ordered that the palace be surrounded and she must be searched out.

Fortunately, none of this happened.

Seeing the red wall and green tiles getting further and further away from her sight, Concubine Shu felt like she had finally escaped.

An Ran arranged Concubine Shu to the place that the Xian King had agreed to settle down, and then came to the Xian King with two of his men.

"Your Highness, you have been resting for a long time. It is getting late. Should we go into the city? The earlier we explain it to His Majesty, the earlier we can put His Highness at ease."

When the Xian Wang saw her and saw An Ran nodding secretly, he knew that An Ran had successfully rescued his mother and concubine. He couldn't help but be excited. After calming down a little, he waved and said in a deep voice: "Let's go!"

Just when King Xian and others were preparing to force the palace, Emperor Cheng'an and others in the palace had not yet discovered that Concubine Shu had escaped.

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