Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1276 Return of the Lost Bead 22

An Ran was just about to pay attention to Princess Xian, but now she had followed her to the border gate. Because she was in a good mood, she listened to Princess Xian's words and said with a smile: "Isn't that the same for your empress?"

Princess Xian couldn't help but be startled after hearing this, and said with some embarrassment: "It's different for me. When the prince is there, I will naturally follow him, but you are different."

If it weren't for... she wouldn't have gone to the border, but naturally she wouldn't tell An Ran about this.

An Ran nodded and said: "You are doing it for the family, and I am doing it for the family. The Anlehou Mansion is about to decline. There is no one who can do it, so I have to fight."

It's not for Anlehou Mansion, Anlehou Mansion, except for Mrs. Li, she doesn't care about anyone else's death.

She just wanted to save the wise king and complete her mission.

It's just that, like Princess Xian, she won't tell the other party.

After hearing An Ran's words, Princess Xian couldn't help but suddenly realized that she secretly thought it was because of this. That was normal. After all, no eggs would be left intact after the nest was overturned. It was normal for her to have this ability and to want to fight for her family.

Not to mention that An Ran and others had gone far away, but that Mrs. Li here was thinking that if he didn't show the letter to An Lehou and his wife, they would also find out that An Ran was no longer in the house, so he had the letter delivered to An Lehou and his wife. .

When Anlehou and his wife saw that An Ran had sneaked away, they cursed their mother angrily. However, it was already afternoon and An Ran had already gone far away. Even if they wanted to catch up, they couldn't catch up, so they had no choice but to give up, feeling strange in their hearts. The old man went too far. He didn't discuss such a big matter with them, and just went along with An Ran to fool around. He simply didn't care about the reputation of the house.

Old Mrs. Li doesn't care what they think. It's because of their short-sightedness that the Hou Mansion is in decline. He would be foolish to dance with them again.

The Anlehou couple only blamed An Ran for running away, which would embarrass them, but the Li family was different. When they received the letter and saw that An Ran said that she would leave the capital for a while and go to the border for two or three years, they naturally did not think that she would be embarrassed. Worried about her personal safety, Mrs. Zhang shed a lot of tears and went to the temple to burn incense several times and asked the Bodhisattva to bless An Ran safely, for fear that An Ran would have an accident.

As for Anran, the further north the group went, the more desolate it became.

An Ran is a little better. She doesn't know how many worlds she has experienced. Although she likes to live a better life, she can survive the hard times, so she doesn't feel much about this desolate place. She can enjoy the north side leisurely while riding a horse. The scenery was different, and there was no complaint or tiredness at all. The King Xian couldn't help but be secretly surprised. He secretly said to Anlehoufu that this rich lady who grew up among the common people was really different. She was a very good person, and could endure it better than many men. , if he were a man, he would definitely be regarded by Mr. Li as the hope of revitalizing the Anlehou Mansion. Of course, it is not bad now. The Anlehou Mansion is full of incompetent people. Even if Li Anran is a woman, he will be regarded by Mr. Li as the one who can turn the tide. It seems that people who grew up among the people are different and can endure hardships. If it were a real rich lady, let alone riding a horse for such a long time, I guess she wouldn't be able to bear it for an hour, right?

An Ran was riding a horse and was very happy, but Princess Xian had suffered a lot. She had always lived a pampered life in her previous life, and had never sat in a carriage for such a long time. She could still enjoy the scenery for the first two days. The bumps that followed almost knocked her apart, and her whole body shrank like a dehydrated cabbage. If it wasn't for the faith in her heart, she really couldn't hold on anymore.

The group walked for more than a month and finally arrived at the border.

If only An Ran and King Xian were riding fast, it wouldn't take such a long time at all. However, Princess Xian's carriage convoy was slow, so they did not arrive at the border until March.

"It's a good time to come. In March, even the border is not that cold. If it was bitingly cold here a month ago, and the dripping water turned into ice, then the princess would not be able to bear it if she came here." The king's subordinate and confidant, Zhang Canjundao.

Zhang Canjun is actually a son of a noble family, and he wants to make a career with the prince.

During this period of time, An Ran had basically become familiar with Xian Wang's men, so Zhang Canjun chatted with An Ran like this.

At first, everyone rejected this girl who wanted to go to the border with them to fight. Even if the prince agreed, they were still repulsive. After all, in their opinion, a girl should be doing embroidery at home and getting married. Why go to the border to fight in a war? , I’m afraid it’s just a joke, but Mr. Li from the Anlehou Mansion really has a limit to how much he loves his granddaughter. He also allows his granddaughter to come over and make trouble in military and national affairs, without any sense of restraint.

But after a few exchanges, everyone discovered that this was a girl with good martial arts skills who was not afraid of hardship, and she was also a good hunter. Every time she set up camp, she would always find prey when she went out, which was better than the old soldiers like them. She was amazing. Slowly, everyone became close to her. After all, in the military, recognition is based on strength. Anyone with strength will respect everyone, even a woman.

At this time, Zhang Canjun talked to An Ran like this. He basically did not regard An Ran as a group of weak women like Princess Xian and her maids. Otherwise, he would not say that Princess Xian could not handle it, but not that An Ran could not handle it.

An Ran nodded and said: "Your Majesty has a noble body. It is remarkable that she was able to travel for such a long time without even complaining."

An Ran is telling the truth. After all, she is not afraid of hardship. That is because of this small hardship. Compared with the apocalyptic world and some poor worlds, the environment here is a piece of cake for her. But Princess Xian is different. She was like this before. The eldest daughter of the Wang family, a wealthy family, has never suffered such hardship. Although her face is getting thinner and haggard day by day due to the long journey, she has never cried out about pain or tiredness. This makes An Ran Can you not be surprised? I am becoming more and more curious about this virtuous princess, wondering how she did it.

From her point of view, there is only one possibility for a person who has never endured hardship to endure hardship far beyond his imagination, that is, to have a firm belief in his heart, just like the Red Army and the Red Army during the Long March. , it couldn’t be any more painful, but they could persevere because of their faith.

So, what does Princess Xian believe in? It is impossible to endure hardship for love. Yes, some people can endure anything for love. However, after observing for a period of time, she cannot tell that the virtuous princess loves the virtuous king. Although the two couples respect each other as guests, but... They treat each other with respect, but Princess Xian doesn't look like she is passionately in love with King Xian at all. If she is passionately in love, it can't be like this. So, why is she willing to endure such suffering? This made An Ran curious.

Thank you Shentu, LTS911, and Kuangbiao Tractor for the gifts~~Thank you for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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