The people who can clear the middle-level secret realm of the Foundation Establishment Stage are at least people like An Ran who have the initial cultivation level of the Foundation Establishment Stage and are led by powerful people. Those who are in the Qi Refining Stage, unless they are led by the ancestors of the Nascent Soul Stage. Otherwise, we would not dare to clear the intermediate secret realm in the Foundation Establishment Stage. As for the ancestors of the Nascent Soul Stage, in this low-level cultivation world, they are generally people with status and status, and they would not bring a monk in the Qi Refining Stage to clear the secret realm like this. The secret realm is not cost-effective. After all, if they are really their direct descendants or partners, whatever they want, depending on their status, they can give it directly to the other party. There is no need to take the other party to take risks in such a place.

That is to say, An Ran and Ting Feng Zhenren, one is at the beginning of the Foundation Establishment stage, and it is not too risky to reach the middle level; the other, although he has some status, is not yet rich and powerful enough to help An Ran with whatever he wants. The level they can achieve, and the two of them are young lovers in love, so it is normal for them to come here to browse and cultivate their relationship.

In front of this mid-level foundation-building secret realm, I could meet many people who could be considered elites in this world. An Ran met some people with Zhenren Tingfeng, and then started chatting with them. Naturally, the conversation was the same as before, asking Have they encountered any strange people or anecdotes, or met any masters.

Master Tingfeng saw An Ran's face fascinated by stories. He couldn't help but chuckled and shook his head. He secretly thought that the little girl was just a little girl. She wanted to hear anecdotes about strange people wherever she went, but how could there be so many anecdotes about strange people in this world? Listen.

An Ran entered the secret realm while chatting with everyone.

It was different from the first time An Ran entered the secret realm, because she maintained her original personality and basically didn’t talk to anyone, so she didn’t have any friends and no one wanted to hang out with them. This time, because she chatted with people, plus Some people also knew the genius Tingfeng Zhenren, so someone asked if they wanted to go together.

An Ran didn't care, but Master Tingfeng did. He brought An Ran to visit the secret realm just to cultivate a relationship together. Naturally, he didn't want to bring a bunch of candles with him, so Master Ting Feng refused and took An Ran with him. Went alone.

Of course, Master Tingfeng is considerate and would not make the decision on his own initiative. Instead, he made the decision after consulting An Ran, who said it was his sole discretion.

"The items in the mid-level secret realm in the Foundation Establishment Period are indeed good things. It seems that I can return with a full load this time."

An Ran looked at the things in the secret realm and couldn't help but praise. Thinking about the space rings he brought, he thought that he could make a fortune this time out. No wonder the higher the level, the richer the people are. Without mentioning the higher level, the status in the sect will be higher and higher, and the income will be higher and higher, which is to clear the secret realm. The higher the level of the secret realm, the more good things, and you can get a lot of it in one visit. You will also become richer and richer.

It's just a pity that you can only stay in this secret realm for a month, and you can only come once a year. Just like what the brothers and sisters said last time, it would be great if you could come every day.

But people can't be greedy. She has just established a foundation. Generally speaking, even the simplest foundation-building secret realm may not be possible by one person. Now she can actually enter the foundation-building intermediate secret realm and get better things. It is already a gift. It was a good thing that Master Tingfeng was blessed, and she had to be content.

"As long as you like it." Master Tingfeng said with a smile.

If An Ran liked it, he would have told the sect to arrange such a secret realm.

Yes, he specifically told the sect about this secret realm, asking them to arrange a secret realm with more heavenly materials and earthly treasures instead of a secret realm with more monsters and beasts. He saw it last time, and he The little girl was very kind-hearted and was not willing to kill those monsters. She only collected heavenly materials and earthly treasures, so she greeted the sect like this.

He had never been to this secret realm arranged by the sect before, but after reading the introduction, he found that this secret realm indeed had fewer monsters and beasts, but more heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

However, since it can be rated as a mid-level secret realm in the foundation building period, it is naturally impossible that the difficulty will be lower if there are fewer monsters. There are fewer monsters, but each monster is very powerful, so the difficulty will go up.

But this is very beneficial for him to protect An Ran. There are more monsters. Even if the monsters are not as powerful as the monsters in this secret realm, if there are too many, he will definitely be busy killing them to protect An Ran. Be careful, An Ran will be in danger before all the monsters are eliminated.

But if there are fewer now, although the individual is powerful, he can definitely eliminate it at the Golden Core stage. In this way, it will make him less tired, and secondly, he will not have to worry about the fish that slips through the net and hurt An Ran. fine.

So the kindness of my little girl is obviously a good thing at the moment.

Then it turned out just as Master Tingfeng had guessed, because there were fewer monsters, Enron could safely collect heavenly materials and treasures. Even if monsters came, the monsters were more powerful and exceeded the mid-level cultivation level in the foundation building period. He has a high-level cultivation in the Foundation Establishment Stage, but because he usually does not go out in large groups, a third-level Jindan Stage person like Tingfeng can still deal with several high-level Monster Beasts in the Foundation Establishment Stage, so An Ran is not in danger.

Killing these high-level monsters in the foundation-building stage is also more cost-effective for Master Tingfeng, because the harvest will definitely be greater than the mid-level monsters in the foundation-building stage. Therefore, it can be said that choosing such a secret realm is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

An Ran saw that Master Feng could deal with those monsters by himself. She didn't need to take action at all. She just had to collect what she wanted. She couldn't help but secretly thought that it was so comfortable to paddle with a master. She only needed to use Just collect spiritual herbs diligently.

An Ran was really hard-working in collecting spiritual herbs and was not lazy at all, so he quickly collected a whole Qiankun bag.

Master Tingfeng saw that An Ran was as diligent as a little bee, and secretly thought that she was indeed the little girl he liked. She was really diligent. You must know that some female cultivators feel that they are superior to others and are often very arrogant. Usually in the sect, they lead themselves from The maids chosen by the secular family are just a bunch of people, but in the secret realm, because they are usually too lazy to do it, they often want to rely on the male cultivators who are obsessed with them to do it for them; even if there are some who are willing to do it themselves, but After all, as a monk, you are used to being pampered, and you are often not as diligent as An Ran at this time. If you can do something, it is good.

If you don't want to work hard in the secret realm, you don't have many spiritual stones on hand, but the expenses are high, so many female cultivators often devote themselves to male cultivators and rely on them to support them.

So when Master Tingfeng saw An Ran being so diligent, he naturally nodded secretly in his heart, secretly thinking that with his little girl's diligence, even if she were not with him, she might be one of the richest people in the world of cultivation in the future.

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