Hearing what An Ran said, Master Tingfeng came to his senses, quickly put on the jade bracelet, and said: "No, no, this is fine. This is the first time I have received a gift, so it was a bit unexpected." Then solemnly He said to An Ran: "Thank you."

An Ran saw that he was not disgusted but stupid, and the embarrassment dissipated.

Master Tingfeng saw that An Ran had bought something for him, and felt that he should also buy something for An Ran. After all, courtesy reciprocates.

There happened to be a very large shop next to this small stall, so Master Tingfeng strolled in.

An Ran saw Master Tingfeng entering this place that looked high-end and classy when he saw the decoration. He didn't think much about it. He just thought that Master Tingfeng saw him buying something and he wanted to buy something too. He had a lot of spiritual stones, so he definitely wouldn't look like him. If you buy something like this from a small stall, you must go to a good place to buy it.

Although it was the largest store nearby, when Master Tingfeng went in and took a look, he found that there was nothing good inside, and he couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

——If the shopkeeper of this store heard about this, he would probably be very angry and beat him up, because they are definitely high-end goods, but this person still thinks it's not good, so what should be done?

It has to be said that the supply provided by the world's largest sect to Master Tingfeng is very good, so this kind of high-end goods is obviously not as good as the top-notch products obtained by Master Tingfeng, so it is normal for them to look down on them.

In comparison, An Ran's reaction was much more normal. In her eyes, everything here was good, and the magic weapon's attack and defense were very good.

——Although she has seen more good things in the system, she can't afford those things. In other words, she is greedy and returns to reality. According to her purchasing power, the things in this store are quite expensive in her opinion. Not bad.

Although Master Tingfeng didn't like it, he didn't know where there was a better one nearby, and he didn't want to take the time to look for it, so he thought, just buy some here, and started to look at the items on display in the shop. things, I want to choose the better one.

The waiter in that shop was a discerning person. One look at Tingfeng's clothes and his top quality, and he knew that he was a very wealthy owner. At this moment, Tingfeng looked at the things in the shop and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello warmly, saying: " What do fellow Taoists want to buy?"

Master Tingfeng looked at it and asked, "Is there any magic weapon like hairpin that can be used for both attack and defense?"

"Yes, yes, yes." The waiter glanced at An Ran, who was browsing the goods in the store, and took out some women's hairpins with understanding. Of course, just in case he got the wrong idea, he also took some men's hairpins. Let the wealthy man make his own choice.

Sure enough, the wealthy man picked it for the little girl. He immediately went to look at the women's model. After looking at it for a while, he didn't seem to be satisfied. The waiter in the shop was very discerning and hurriedly took out some more high-end models.

In fact, the properties of these higher-end ones are not much better than the ones he just got, but the price is much more expensive. He was afraid that the price-performance ratio was not high and the customer would not like it, so he didn't take it out of good intentions. Now he had to take it out. After buying such a thing, the customer looked obviously satisfied, and he couldn't help but secretly thought that he was being taken advantage of. According to legend, he didn't buy the right ones, only the expensive ones.

He was right, the other party was indeed a bully, because at that moment he heard the bully ask him: "How to sell this thing?"

He quoted a number and the other party nodded without even mentioning the price.

Then he asked him if he had any clothes.

This time, the waiter in the store was very eye-catching and did not show him the one with the best price/performance ratio. Instead, he directly gave him the one with the best attributes and the most expensive one.

Tingfeng Zhenren didn't know the price at all. He looked at the properties of these clothes and then looked at the ones hanging outside. After comparing them, he found that the properties of the ones brought out by the waiter were indeed better, so he felt that the waiter had not fooled him. , so he paid the money happily and bought a lot of space rings - he didn't know that An Ran had space rings, thinking that she only had the Universe Bag - bracelets, necklaces and other magic weapons, etc., so that the little girl Two packed up.

The waiter in the shop was so happy that he bought so many things, and more importantly, without bargaining at all. You must know that his salary is based on the commission of selling things, and within the scope of his authority, he can He gives a small price to his customers. If he sells so many extremely expensive things today, he will not only earn a commission, but he can also report the price to the store and deduct the money from the price himself. In this way, today alone He made more than a year's money from this one business! Could this make him unhappy?

At that moment, Master Tingfeng asked about the price and gave the waiter a bag of high-grade spiritual stones. Previously, the waiter was worried that this customer might be joking. Don't pretend to be a rich man. If he finally kept him busy for a while and didn't want it anymore, he would be depressed. , now seeing that he actually paid, I couldn’t help but feel relieved, and helped him pack it with a smile on his face.

At that moment, Master Tingfeng threw all the packed things into the space ring, then handed the space ring to An Ran and said, "Here you go."

Originally, An Ran saw him buying a lot of things, and the things he bought were things for female cultivators. She thought he had a Taoist companion and bought them for his own Taoist companion. But now she saw that he was giving them to her, and she couldn't help but be stunned. She hurriedly waved her hands and said : "This is too expensive, I can't have it."

She just saw it, these are worth hundreds of thousands of low-grade spiritual stones. Can she want these things? !

Master Tingfeng said: "Take it, you gave me something, and I reciprocated the courtesy, so naturally I will give it to you too."

An Ran said: "My thing is only worth ten low-grade spiritual stones, but yours is worth hundreds of thousands, how can I have the nerve to ask for it?"

"Returning a gift is a return gift. Do we need to talk about the price? Besides, these things are to me what ten low-grade spiritual stones are to you, so why is it not a reciprocity of courtesy?" Master Tingfeng said.

Although Master Tingfeng said this in order to get An Ran to accept this gift, when An Ran heard what he said, why would he want to hit someone? As soon as I heard it, I knew that others had a lot of money, but I had too little.

Then he thought about it, just because Master Tingfeng said such unworthy words, An Ran estimated that this guy is still single, and he is single just because he can't speak.

Seeing that An Ran still wanted to shirk, Master Tingfeng was not a person who could coax people, so he immediately said: "If you really don't want them, I will return these things to the store."

An Ran saw that the waiter's face changed drastically after hearing this, and the eyes he looked at him were full of pleading, and he understood that the waiter in the store would probably get a commission for these things, otherwise the items would be returned as soon as they were returned. What are you afraid of?

Just when she was thinking this, the waiter in the shop handed over a hairpin and said: "Fellow Taoist, this fellow Taoist also has a kind intention. Just accept it, and I will give you another hairpin as a gift." Head, how are you?"

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