The result was just as An Ran guessed. She couldn't enter the community at first, so she called An Ran. An Ran's phone was also turned off, and she couldn't find anyone. Finally, she finally found a way to sneak in, only to find that she couldn't enter An Ran's house at all. Villa, and she didn’t have Lu Zhanxing’s number like the Jin family, so she didn’t know where Anron had gone, so she could only linger outside Anran’s villa. Even though she couldn’t get in, she found the place where Anron lived. She believed that , An Ran will always come back. After all, as the saying goes, a monk who can run away cannot run away from the temple. She has found her home, is she still afraid that she will not be able to see her? So she just stayed there. There was nothing she could do. She was being scolded so badly by her husband's family. She didn't dare to go back without accomplishing anything. Then Song Haitao would divorce her. She was a second-married woman. It's not easy to get married, so how can this be allowed, so naturally I can only place my hope on An Ran and prepare to fight here.

Not to mention that An Ran was prepared to wait for An Ran, but that An Ran had been in retreat for more than five months. She stayed in retreat in February and did not come out until July. However, she was very lucky and successfully advanced to the fourth level of the foundation building period.

After coming out, Anron was stable for a while. By August, it was about to exceed the task time by 100 days. If he continued not to complete the task, his health points would be deducted for ten days a day. It was not cost-effective, so he quickly completed the task. .

This time An Ran took on a quest in the world of cultivation.

Originally, An Ran didn't want to come to the world of cultivation for the time being, because the world of cultivation was much more dangerous than modern and ancient times. And in her previous world of cultivation, while the level of that world was not low, the things sold in the system were generally better than those in the real world. It was cheap, and I bought a lot of things, such as spiritual stones and high-end materials. I haven't used them much yet and they have always been there. In other words, I don't have to go to the world of cultivation to buy things yet.

But because the wish-maker strongly requested her to go this time, and the price offered was extremely high, An Ran accepted the task and made the trip.

Unlike the previous world where people liked to fight and kill, this is a very harmonious world of cultivation.

Mortals and immortals coexist peacefully, and immortals also coexist peacefully. Everyone is at peace.

Of course, this is superficial.

By chance, the original person discovered the secret of the special peace in his world, and discovered that there was a higher-level world of cultivation that controlled his world, and then... he was eliminated.

Seeing this, An Ran couldn't help but suddenly realized, and thought to himself, oh, I understand, this is the three-body system in the world of cultivation. Of course, it is a bit similar to hackers from different dimensions, because many people in this world are actually possessed by higher-level people. The world of cultivation is controlled, too, otherwise how could it be so peaceful? Because those big shots who like to stir up trouble are controlled, so the world is peaceful.

The original wish was very simple, but also very difficult to fulfill - she hoped that An Ran would help the world she was in and break away from the control of the higher cultivation world. If possible, it would be even better if she could help herself get revenge.

This is not an easy thing to handle. The practice of the lower cultivation world is completely different from that of the upper cultivation world. However, the upper cultivation world has always been paying attention to this lower cultivation world. Once it finds someone who can make a difference, it will Control it when it is weak, so it is really difficult for Enron to complete this task, so it is no wonder that this task is an orange task.

Yes, An Ran took on an orange mission this time.

In fact, she had already earned enough, which would be enough to deduct her life days once she failed the orange mission. However, she never wanted to challenge a difficult mission, so she never took the orange mission. This time, it was because the price given by the wish maker was particularly high, and An Ran was very I was excited, so I picked it up and came in to give it a try.

The only good thing is that the original body did not open his mouth and asked her to destroy the advanced cultivation world, otherwise this task would not be completed.

Speaking of which, if the original person hadn't made such a wish, this world would not be dangerous at all - as long as you pretend not to know that there is a higher level of cultivation world controlling this world, this world will really be peaceful and beautiful. Then you can still live a pretty good life.

Some people may think that the original wish is a bit unnecessary. After all, wouldn't a peaceful world be good? Even if it is controlled by a high-level cultivation world, at least the world is peaceful.

But the original person feels that the high-level cultivation world can make the world peaceful. Can't they themselves improve the law and make the world peaceful? Why do you have to let others control your world, and if you are discovered, you will be killed? Why?

More importantly, the high-level cultivation world controls the development of this world. Once a powerful person in this world invents something powerful, such as cultivation techniques, formations, elixirs, or weapon refining, there will be no reason. Others only thought that the death was a normal death, but the original person who knew the real cause knew that he was killed by a high-level cultivator.

In addition, the high-level cultivation world does not have good intentions to keep this world peaceful, but they understand that although war is not a good thing, it can promote the development of cultivation. Ascension is all caused by war. Since they know that war has such effects besides the destruction of lives, they naturally want to prevent war from happening in the lower cultivation world where they originally lived. As long as there is peace, the development of this world will be a stagnant water.

It can be said that the high-level cultivators have tried their best to suppress this lower realm.

The reason why the high-level cultivation world suppresses the lower world where the original body is located is that it is afraid that the lower world where the original body is located will one day catch up with their development, and then they can ascend to their world and compete with them for resources. It turns out that the high-level cultivation world There are only so many resources in the lower realm. The more people ascend to the lower realm, the faster they will be consumed, so they prevent the lower realm from developing.

Well, it seems that the competition for resources is equally cruel whether in the real world or the world of cultivation.

In order to prevent the resources from being divided in the future, it is understandable for the high-level cultivators to do what they did, but this is not the reason why the lower cultivators should be bullied by them, so it is normal for the low-level cultivators to want to resist.

In short, the task is arduous, but for the time being, An Ran doesn't have to worry, and he can practice slowly.

That's right, if An Ran enters the mission at a time when the original person has discovered the secret of this world and is discovered by the higher cultivation world, then there will be no fun, because he will be eliminated by the higher cultivation world immediately.

At this moment, An Ran is still in this low-level world of cultivation, an innocent fifteen-year-old girl who has just had her haircut ceremony and has no idea that there is a high-level world of cultivation.

When he entered the mission, he was preparing to explore a small secret place with his fellow disciples and sisters. ——There, she will get something that will later allow her to discover the existence of the advanced world of cultivation. Of course, when she first got it, she didn't know the mystery inside it.

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