Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1175 The end of

Although the intention to cooperate has been determined, it has not been officially announced yet, so the outside world does not know about it yet. After all, "Forensic Files" is also a drama with two male protagonists, and there is another male protagonist. Qin Yi, the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade, has not yet been decided and needs to wait for confirmation. Okay, I'll make the official announcement after taking makeup photos.

In ordinary novels, the captain of the criminal police brigade should be more powerful, but it is different in this drama. "Forensic Files", the name is mentioned, the forensic doctor is the first male protagonist, although Lu Qian is only a forensic doctor , but his reasoning ability is extremely strong. Although Qin Yi has amazing strength and is stronger than Lu Qian, he cannot beat Lu Qian's intelligence. Therefore, although he appears to be strong on the surface, he is actually in a weak position.

After it was confirmed that he would play the role of Lu Qian, many things that happened next in the original person's memory were lost. After all, if the original person didn't take the role, the future development would definitely be different.

An Ran didn't bother to worry about whether changing the plot like this would confuse herself. If she really did, she would find a way to return to the ranks of popular traffic, and this would not be difficult for her. After all, she had not forgotten that the original Her major is computer science. If she doesn't follow her original path and gets confused, she can go back to the IT industry and invent something. Then she will definitely be back in the ranks of popular traffic. After all, what could be better than the invention of a traffic niche? Which software is more eye-catching?

Since Enron was not afraid of any difficulties in the future, he naturally did whatever he wanted.

The reason why she didn't follow the original choice was because the dramas she took next were not very good. At the same time, she didn't like it either. She really liked the role of Lu Qian in "Forensic Files", so she took this one. .

In the days that followed, An Ran and Li Mo continued to go to various places for meetings, variety shows, interviews, etc., and took advantage of the opportunity before joining the crew of "Forensic Files" to accept many advertising endorsements, variety shows, covers, etc. Take money and get soft.

Yang Bai was also delighted with An Ran's abundant energy.

During this period of time, An Ran had too many various schedules. As far as he knew, Li Mo was too tired to crawl and pushed a lot of things. But An Ran was beyond his expectation. It seemed that he only needed to sleep all day. Six hours was enough. During the rest of the time, he flew around to various places without feeling sleepy at all. He received endorsements, covers, albums, peripherals, etc., and his income was at least double that of Li Mo. There was nothing he could do about it. , who can’t stand Li Mo’s energy?

An Ran made more money, and Yang Bai's income naturally skyrocketed. This was why he was so happy that he couldn't keep up. He thought it was better for his own artists to live up to his reputation, otherwise he would be so popular now that he would not be able to keep up with the energy and would not deliver these to his doorstep. It would be a pity to take all the money and turn away some. After all, it is all money.

Little did he know that An Ran was so energetic because he practiced martial arts.

It has to be said that good talent is good. This is the body with the best talent for martial arts she has encountered in so many missions. Unfortunately, it can be called the kind written in martial arts novels. It has a pure and unique body.

Because of her good talent, she can usually do it very well while flying or driving with her eyes closed, and actually practicing the exercises. She doesn’t need to spend extra time sleeping to practice. Because of this, she can sleep for six hours a day. Live, completely tireless.

Just like this, time passed quickly. Soon, "Looking for Immortals" came to an end, and An Ran and Li Mo did their last business.

Later, An Ran received a call from the crew of "Forensic Files" and asked her to go over and take makeup photos.

An Ran knew that the other party had gathered all the people and was preparing for the official announcement, so he went over with Yang Bai.

And just when she was preparing to take the final makeup photos of "Forensic Files", her fans and Li Mo's fans started fighting online - this was exactly what Li Mo did after watching the show and preparing to clean up An Ran.

First, he pretended to be a fan of An Ran and stomped on Li Mo. Li Fan must have been angry after seeing it, and ended up tearing up. At this time, Li Mo's hot search also appeared, and Li Fan accused Wei Anran of buying it on purpose. Black Li Mo.

The two sides were killed in a mess, and because An Ran didn't buy the navy hacker Li Mo, and Li Mo came prepared, specially hired the navy hacker An Ran, this simple fan, how can he do it better than the professional gangster who is good at this? , and soon, some people believed Li Mofang's stirring up trouble and began to discredit Enron on a large scale.

When An Ran finished taking the makeup photos for "Forensic Files" and came out, Yang Bai came forward anxiously and said, "Someone is hacking you online. How are you going to deal with it? If you can't do anything, I will report it to the company." , let the company handle it. I feel that it is Li Mo who is hacking you, otherwise it would not be all good news for Li Mo. "

The entertainment company where I originally worked was not a small one. Since it was not a small one, that is to say, it had many members. In this way, no matter who got into trouble, the company would take care of it. After all, there were a lot of troubles among artists, and it would be easy for anyone to get into trouble. If you come forward, the company will be extremely busy every day.

But Wei Anran is so popular now and has brought a lot of money to the company. He is like a cash cow. If he leaks dirty information and affects his reputation, the company will also worry about it. As long as he speaks out, the company will definitely deal with it. , that’s why Yang Bai said this.

An Ran said: "Don't worry, let's take a look first and see if it's Li Mo who hacked me. If it's really him, they're picking on me like this. Don't shoot yourself in the foot. After all, I don't believe that Li Mo can be like me." In this way, there is no black material at all, so don’t expose him. If it’s not him but an outsider, then we can contact Li Mo when the time comes and we can work together to fight against the crime.”

When Yang Bai heard what she said, he let her go and planned to take a look before talking.

The reason why he listened to An Ran was because An Ran had made it right several times before, and Yang Bai had confidence in her, so he listened to her like this. Otherwise, he would really not be at ease in this critical situation.

After talking to Yang Bai, An Ran said he would go back to rest, but actually he started to investigate the gangsters. When he saw that it was really Li Mo who was looking for someone to gang up on him, he couldn't help but feel funny, secretly thinking that this Li Mo was too good at killing people. It's almost over. He just did it like this at the end. He really can't wait, and he's not afraid of hurting himself if he takes apart the CP too quickly.

But she wouldn't tolerate him doing this. If Li Mo didn't cause trouble for her, she wouldn't cause trouble for him. But if he wanted to reach out to her, don't blame her for being rude.

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