Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1084 The Exterminated Cousin 34

Enron can more or less guess these two reasons.

Yuan Shen is beautiful and will attract people to like her. She has known this for a long time. After all, she has seen it clearly since Wu Sanlang desperately wanted to marry Yuan Shen.

Qi Yuan felt that Concubine Ji had too many children and had too much expenses, which affected his living standard, so he was not interested in taking a concubine, so he brought her out during normal chats.

Since these can be seen at a glance, An Ran can guess the reason why he did not take a concubine.

Although An Ran didn't care whether he would accept a concubine or not, it would be best if he could accept it or not, and it would save her from wasting her time dealing with the women in the backyard.

Soon An Ran gave birth to a son.

Qi Yuan was so happy that he told her that if he gave birth to a girl in the future, he could give her the surname Fang and give birth to a husband at home to continue the legacy of his late father-in-law.

The reason why it is a girl is because if the son has a different surname, he will definitely not have a title, because there is no precedent in this dynasty for granting a clan title to someone with a different surname, which would be very bad for the son.

But as for the daughter, let her cousin Qing Wang help her go to the clan mansion to talk. Even if her surname is Fang, she can be knighted, because the dynasty has always had precedents of women with different surnames being knighted, and women can't inherit titles anyway, so Naturally, there is no need to worry about a man with a different surname joining the clan in the future.

The reason why Qi Yuan wants to continue the Fang family's incense is because he hates that many people always say that he has taken advantage of the family's wealth. If the current situation is like this, if the Fang family's incense continues, not only will others not say that he has taken the family's wealth, but they will also To say that he is affectionate and righteous.

He is not a saint, and he is not afraid of rumors from the outside, so if there is a way to prevent people from saying bad things about him, he still wants to do it. Anyway, giving a child the surname Fang will not cause him any loss.

An Ran couldn't help being surprised when he saw him saying this, but she thought of doing this. Maybe the original person was happy. She would not take the initiative to mention this matter to Qi Yuan, but Qi Yuan was willing to make this suggestion, so she would not refuse, lest she He made the original person unhappy and gave her a low evaluation, so he naturally agreed immediately.

Qi Yuan saw that An Ran agreed, so he spread the word to the public that he was planning to name a girl Fang, who would then give birth to a husband and continue the family tradition.

Sure enough, after he made such a statement, no one would criticize him for being extremely wealthy. Even the meanest people would be embarrassed to say such things. They just said that he was affectionate and righteous. Marrying him An Ran was really the right marriage. If you know the truth, you will definitely be grateful to him.

Qi Yuan saw that his method was really good, and he had reversed the negative impression of outsiders on him in one fell swoop. He couldn't help but be overjoyed, thinking that he was really smart, and he could come up with this method.

Qi Yuan was so kind to An Ran, but Cui Zhenzhu felt even more uncomfortable.

Without him, although Wu Sanlang didn't dislike her and was quite sympathetic to her, he definitely couldn't talk about love, because the person he loved was Fang Anran.

It is said that there is such a caring husband who never beats or scolds her, and talks to her softly no matter what happens. The couple has never blushed, which is rare in this era. Even if she does not love her, she should I am content, after all, in this era of three wives and four concubines, how can we talk about love? It is a complete insult to the word "love".

Yes, if Fang Anran hadn't been there for comparison, she would indeed have been satisfied. But, wasn't it that Fang Anran was doing much better than her? This made her feel more and more uncomfortable, especially when she thought that she had finally snatched Wu Sanlang, the marriage partner that her elders had set for Fang Anran. As a result, Fang Anran did not marry Wu Sanlang and was not in despair. On the contrary, she was still doing well. Better than herself, she felt even more uncomfortable, because she always felt that in this way, it was not as if she had snatched Wu Sanlang, but Wu Sanlang was someone who looked down upon and did not want, and was picked up as a treasure by herself - in fact Cui Zhenzhu revealed the truth.

Soon, a rumor spread to Qi Yuan's ears, saying that when Fang Anran was at the Wu family, he and his cousin Wu Sanlang were in love and were very close together.

Needless to say, this rumor was naturally spread by Cui Zhenzhu, who wanted to destroy the relationship between the couple. It would be best if Qi Yuan was extremely angry and divorced Fang Anran.

She was thinking that any man would probably be angry if he heard that his wife had such an affair with another man. Even if Fang Anran did not break up, his relationship with her would definitely become cold and he would find another woman. .

As a result, time passed day by day, and the relationship between Qi Yuan and Fang Anran was not seen getting worse, nor was it heard that Qi Yuan had married other women. The two of them were still very good.

Cui Zhenzhu, who didn't understand, asked why this was happening, and heard news that made her vomit blood. Not long after the rumor came out, Qi Yuan personally refuted the rumor, saying that when Fang Anran was at Wu's house, nothing happened with Wu. Whenever Sanlang met alone, he was always surrounded by maids and servants, and there were almost a dozen servants who called him his wife. How could he be close to Wu Sanlang when so many people were surrounding him?

——This is something that An Ran has prevented a long time ago. Whether she is meeting Wu Sanlang or other foreign men, there will be many people around her, and she will never get along with the foreign men alone. Therefore, there is no evidence at all for the rumors spread by Cui Zhenzhu. .

As for his wife and Wu Sanlang being in love, Qi Yuan also said that his wife had already said that it was she who took the initiative to find the old lady and asked her to help her find a match, and the old lady helped her contact her family. , before Wu Sanlang proposed to Cui Zhenzhu, so if she and Wu Sanlang were really in love, she could have asked the old lady to tell Wu Sanlang for her instead of looking for her at all, so this statement made no sense.

In fact, it has always been An Ran's rule not to see her husband alone, so it is not necessary for An Ran to say that Qi Yuan also knows that the rumors are not credible; and An Ran went to his house to inquire about the news, which happened before Wu Sanlang proposed to Cui Zhenzhu, even if An Ran It was not explained that she and Wu Sanlang were not in love with each other. Just from this process, Qi Yuan could understand that An Ran and Wu Sanlang could not be in love with each other, so the other rumor was not credible.

It is precisely because of this that Qi Yuan took the initiative to refute An Ran's rumors, and said that if he hears such rumors that damage his wife's reputation after he refutes them, he will not mind suing the official, and whoever spreads rumors about him will be punished by him in the future. Spread rumors about the other person, and also say that the other person's wife has a close relationship with so and so and they are in love with each other.

If you don't want these rumors to be everywhere in the capital, you can't spread rumors about his wife.

After he said this, no one dared to say these words anymore. Firstly, they were afraid that he would sue the government, and secondly, they were afraid that he would make up sexy news about his family, which would be boring.

So a rumor that Cui Zhenzhu thought would kill An Ran disappeared like this. Cui Zhenzhu didn't expect it. So seeing that An Ran could survive such a disaster, she didn't want to vomit blood after hearing this. ?

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