Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 107 The Wife in the Game 3

An Ran was not surprised, because when a player's level is lower than 50, he will appear on other people's apprentice system list, so it is normal for someone to apply for him.

An Ran looked at the opponent's information and found that he was a character on the ranking list. Although the equipment and level were not top-notch, he was still on the combat power ranking list because he was passable. In addition, his ranking in the arena was higher than in the combat power ranking list. This shows that he operates better than players with the same combat effectiveness, otherwise he would not be better than the combat effectiveness ranking.

It was someone on the list, which made An Ran moved, because generally speaking, the players on the list were online every day, otherwise the equipment, level, arena and other rankings would quickly drop.

However, An Ran did not accept it immediately, but sent a message to the other party to inquire.

Yangchun March: "Hello, do you have time to level up? I want to level up quickly."

An Ran's apprenticeship was just for leveling up, so she had to ask clearly first, lest the other party didn't want to, so wouldn't she be looking for trouble if she rashly joined him?

A drop in the ocean: "Okay, I have to upgrade myself anyway."

When the other party said this, An Ran felt relieved.

Immediately, I accepted the application that was sent to me as a drop in the ocean.

"System: You take a drop in the ocean as your teacher."

After An Ran passed Yisu in the Ocean's application to become a disciple, Yisu in the Ocean said, "You haven't finished your level 20 dungeon yet, have you?"

The level 20 dungeon is the player's first dungeon. It is considered a novice dungeon. A novice dungeon of easy difficulty can be cleared after level 20. However, Anron plans to clear a dungeon of nightmare difficulty, so he hasn't gone there yet—— Each dungeon in this game is divided into four levels: easy, normal, difficult, and nightmare. The harder the dungeon, the better the things it drops and the more experience it has. However, the number of dungeons is shared, so Anron wants to create a nightmare level dungeon. The things that drop are the best, and the experience is the highest, so that you don't have to clear the dungeon as soon as you reach level 20. You can only clear the easiest dungeon. Then you will have less experience, the items will not be good, and the number of dungeons will be wasted.

So when An Ran heard the question, he said, "Yes, not yet."

A drop in the ocean said: "Come here, I haven't finished it yet, and I will take you through the level 20 dungeon."

Although the experience of low-level dungeons is a lot for low-level players, it is not enough for high-level players. However, most players still grind every dungeon because some rare materials will drop from the big BOSS of the nightmare dungeon. It would be a pity not to brush it.

Master and disciple can use instant teleportation without using the teleportation talisman. At that moment, An Ran pressed the teleportation button and came to the side of a drop in the ocean.

From the characters in the game, I can’t tell what kind of person Gong Yiyi is, but judging from my conversation with him just now, he is not the kind of person who likes to chat with a female player when he meets a female player in the game. He is a talkative person. Many people.

An Ran was secretly glad. After all, she would definitely be annoyed if she met a male player who took a female player just to chat.

Seeing An Ran coming, a drop in the ocean brought An Ran into the twenty-level nightmare copy.

Although the level of a drop in the ocean is not the highest, there are still level 70 - the highest level currently has someone reaching level 72 - it is easy to clear this level 20 novice copy, even if it is a nightmare level, so An Ran is only responsible for paddling. That's it.

If An Ran were to do it by herself, even if she had a slightly higher level, better equipment, and a nightmare-level dungeon, it would probably take less than an hour or two, and it wouldn't be over. Just doing the big and small bosses, with her current attack power, wouldn't be enough. It takes a long time to kill him.

But with the help of a drop in the ocean, with the attack power of a level 70 player, he only needed a minute or two to kill even a nightmare-level BOSS, so the entire dungeon only took ten minutes to clear.

Level 20 dungeons can be refreshed three times a day. After three times, Anran's equipment will be brand new. Since the final big boss will drop two to five blue equipment, there is a chance that one to three purple equipment will drop (the equipment level in this game , from low to high, white, green, blue, purple, orange, gold), so now An Ran already has one level 20 purple equipment, and then several level 20 blue equipment. Due to his rich experience, the level has also been raised to level 30. .

Although there was a drop in the ocean with him, it was estimated that clearing the level 30 dungeon would not be a problem, but now it was almost the afternoon work time, and An Ran naturally couldn't play, so An Ran said to a drop in the ocean: "I have to go to work now, I will go to work at noon tomorrow We’ll come to play at 12 o’clock, will you come?”

She just wanted to play in the company and didn't want to go back to play in case Xu Zhuoran found out, so she said this.

"Come." The other party said simply and neatly.

Hearing that the other party would come tomorrow, An Ran felt relieved, said goodbye to him, and quit the game.

When she went back in the evening, Xu Zhuoran was also home and playing games. The teacher got off work a little earlier than her, so it was normal for her to get home first.

An Ran couldn't help but sneer when she saw that Xu Zhuoran came home early and didn't plan to cook, but only played games there.

Immediately, she opened the takeout app and ordered takeout for the two of them - the two would hand over their expenses to the company at the beginning of each month, so An Ran used the company's money to order takeout. Naturally, she not only ordered takeout for herself, but also for Xu Zhuoran. Although she didn't want to cook for Xu Zhuoran, she thought that the relationship between the two was fine for the time being. If she suddenly became so cold that she wouldn't cook, she would only order takeout for herself and not Xu Zhuoran, just for fear of letting her eat. Xu Zhuoran suspected that he was possessed by evil spirits, so in order to avoid making him suspicious, An Ran naturally ordered takeout for Xu Zhuoran. It was just a casual thing anyway.

Xu Zhuoran was immersed in the game and didn't pay attention to An Ran's movements. It wasn't until An Ran put the takeout on his table that he couldn't help but frown and said, "How can I order takeout?"

"I was tired and didn't want to do anything, so I ordered takeout. Isn't this normal?" An Ran said.

"How can you be as confident as making something outside?" Xu Zhuoran said unhappily.

"If you feel it's not safe, then just do it." An Ran said while opening the lunch box.

Although it is true that he can feel more at ease when he cooks it himself, An Ran doesn't want to cook for scum like Xu Zhuoran, so he would rather order takeout. After all, he doesn't really feel uneasy when he comes to take out. After all, there are so many people who eat takeout. Secondly, as long as you endure it for a period of time, and when the evidence of this person's affair with Liu Xiaoai is caught, and they separate, you can cook and eat by yourself, and there will be no problem if you only eat for a period of time.

But Xu Zhuoran didn't like hearing this.

"How can a man cook? You are a woman, shouldn't you do this kind of work?" Xu Zhuoran said matter-of-factly.

"If you support me, I will do it. If you don't support me, why should we, AA, let me do it?" An Ran rolled her eyes and said angrily.

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