Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1063 The Exterminated Cousin 13

As for what Ruyi said about asking her son to move out of the garden, Mrs. Wu had never thought about it. After all, this was her daughter's order. How could she slap her daughter in the face? Besides, the old lady couldn't do this either. Agree, it’s not easy for her to go against her mother-in-law - of course, it’s mainly because of her daughter. If Mrs. Wu only wanted it, if she didn’t agree, she could pull her daughter down and suppress her mother-in-law. Now her daughter and mother-in-law agree, she Naturally, he couldn't object, so he could only let Ruyi keep an eye on him, but he didn't have the ability to move his son out of the garden.

Ruyi thought he had a plan, and thought that he had finally obtained Shang Fang's sword. In the future, he could stop Wu Sanlang from running into An Ran's house. Even if he couldn't stop it, he could see that something was wrong, so he asked the second wife to help stop him.

But he didn't know that she was focused on dealing with An Ran. An Ran didn't take Wu Sanlang to heart at all, and never thought about marrying Wu Sanlang in the future, so her mischief was of no use to An Ran.

However, although An Ran never thought about marrying Wu Sanlang, she was still angry for her original self.

The original person didn't know at first that Ruyi, the honest maid next to Wu Sanlang, didn't like her so much. Not only did she say bad things about herself in front of others, but she also ran to Mrs. Wu and said such things. But then she went to the system space and checked When she found out the truth, she knew everything about many things that happened in the Wu Mansion. She didn't say that she knew everything, but she knew a lot of it, including the fact that Ruyi had been with Wu Sanlang for a long time, and then she said these things in front of Mrs. Wu, calling for a thief. Got it too.

Of course, not only the original body knew, An Ran also knew at this time, because she placed a surveillance camera at Mrs. Wu's place - An Ran wanted to find out when Mrs. Wu poisoned herself and through whom. , will naturally monitor Mrs. Wu. Otherwise, how would we know who the murderer is if we don’t monitor her like this?

Seeing that she didn't have the mutual affection with Wu Sanlang like her original self, Ruyi couldn't help but laugh when she still said such thief-like words in front of Mrs. Wu.

Fortunately, she had long wanted to vent her anger for the original person, so she had already given Ruyi a fertility pill.

If she is really a good person and listens to Mrs. Wu's words and does not "ruin the third young master's body" (Mrs. Wu's words), then she will be fine; if she is with Wu Sanlang, or even tells Mrs. Wu that They were together before the conversation, so you can't blame anyone else for getting pregnant. After all, if you have the nerve to say that you are afraid that Wu Sanlang will be seduced by other women, don't seduce him first.

However, looking at Ruyi's appearance, she didn't check her pulse carefully, but at a glance, it seemed that she was three or four months pregnant. She just didn't know why Ruyi didn't know it. Didn't she find out that she was pregnant? Even if she didn't have morning sickness, she should have discovered that her menstrual period was delayed. Why didn't she notice it at all?

——She didn't know that Ruyi Yue's belief was not accurate, and Ruyi did not have morning sickness, so she naturally didn't find out that this was also in her original world. Ruyi had an affair with Wu Sanlang a long time ago, and the effect of contraceptive pills in this world was also unknown. Generally speaking, the reason why Ruyi has never been pregnant is also the reason why Ruyi and Wu Sanlang got together a year ago in this life and are not pregnant until now. In fact, if it were not for the help of the fertility pill, Ruyi's body would not be pregnant. Neither can have children.

Because the monthly information was inaccurate and there was no morning sickness, Ruyi didn’t notice it for three or four months. After another two months, she still didn’t notice it—she found that her waist had become thicker, and she thought she was getting fatter. It’s over.

It wasn't until she caught a cold once that she asked a doctor to take medicine. When the doctor checked, he surprised her and Wu Sanlang and congratulated her, saying that her aunt was six months pregnant. She didn't know that she was pregnant!

Because Wu Sanlang was on the side, and other maids were also there, Ruyi couldn't hide the matter even if he wanted to.

You know, when it was found out that she was six months old, Ruyi just wanted to faint. You must know that six months ago, she had not told Mrs. Wu to guard against An Ran and the others. In this way, unless Mrs. Wu I have lost my memory, otherwise I would definitely be able to remember it.

Then she remembered that she had promised her that she would keep an eye on the third young master for her and not let anyone touch him, lest the third young master would be too young and that would harm him.

As a result, she touched him and even killed him. Once Mrs. Wu knew how to target her, Ruyi was frightened just thinking about it, so could she not want to faint? She thought it would be nice if she knew this privately, so that if the baby couldn't be kept at this time, she would have to find someone to help her carry the baby in private. If the baby was too old to be delivered, she could also find an excuse to go out and give birth first. Send the child away and then take the child back when she finds a suitable opportunity, instead of like now, everyone knows and she can't do anything she wants.

Wu Sanlang was confused when he heard that Ruyi was pregnant and that he was going to be a father. After all, he was still a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old and he was still a child. He really had no idea about being a father, so could he not be confused now? ? I didn’t know how to react well.

This matter soon reached the ears of Mrs. Wu. After all, there were too many people around at that time, and Ruyi could not find a chance to block the news.

And Mrs. Wu was just as Ruyi expected. When she heard that Ruyi was pregnant and her belly was six months old, she immediately became furious and had no joy at all about becoming a grandmother. After all, what does it mean that Ruyi's child is six months old? This means that before she told herself that she was worried about someone seducing her son, she had already seduced her son herself. That's all, she had the nerve to come here to talk about it, because she was afraid that her son would hang out with a bunch of girls in the garden and something would happen. Isn't the biggest mistake her?

She knew clearly that she was worried that her son would be led astray, but she still ignored her wishes and did that kind of thing with her son so early. Not to mention the master forcing her, she understood her son and was the most compassionate person. If she didn't want to, If she refuses, can her son still force her?

If Mrs. Wu ignored Ruyi's wishes and ruined her son's body long ago, she was very unhappy. When Ruyi was pregnant with a child, Mrs. Wu was even more furious.

You know, in this era, it is not a problem for a man to have someone in the house before marriage. However, if the wife has a bastard before she comes in, that is definitely not possible. Such a man with a bastard will have a much harder time choosing a wife. , although she has long been interested in her sister's daughter Cui Zhenzhu, but maybe there is a better one? But now, the appearance of Ruyi's child has undoubtedly completely eliminated this possibility. So, can she not be furious?

Moreover, even Cui Zhenzhu, she was not sure whether Cui Zhenzhu would be willing to marry her son if her son had a concubine in front of him and became his mother as soon as he entered the house.

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