Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1008 The Daughter of Educated Youth 25

Fourth Sister-in-law Sun said with a smile: "Our family lives in a decent place. If you want to find someone to talk to, there is no one there."

Second Sister-in-law Sun said: "How can it be the same? Some things can only be said to family members, not to people outside."

Then he started to ramble on a lot about complaining about them leaving.

Listening to Second Sister-in-law Sun's chatter, Sister-in-law Sun and Fourth Sister-in-law couldn't help but smile.

Second Sister-in-law Sun still doesn’t know that the city has developed faster and faster in recent years. She thinks that the so-called free food and drink in the countryside is nothing to Sister-in-law Sun and Fourth Sister-in-law Sun, who are earning more and more. On the contrary, the convenience in the city is A better life, more and more opportunities to make money, a broader horizon, and an increase in assets brought about by rising housing prices. In the countryside, they can eat rice and vegetables grown by themselves and use free water. This is attractive to them. They are getting younger and younger. Seeing that the second sister-in-law Sun is still holding on to her old ideas, every time she goes back and murmurs that they are not living in the village, but going to some city, and what they are doing with the wasted money, the second sister-in-law Sun and the fourth sister-in-law Sun want to laugh, thinking Not only do they not lose money by living in the city, but their property has also increased a lot due to the rising housing prices and income from work!

More importantly, they don't have to do heavy physical work in the city, which makes them look much younger than their peers. Just like Sister-in-law Sun, she is obviously older than Sister-in-law Sun, but it is because she has not done heavy physical work in these years. She is alive, so she looks younger than the second sister-in-law Sun. The second sister-in-law is really looking at the sky from a well, but she still can't listen to other people's advice.

Because Second Sister-in-law Sun couldn't listen to advice, even if they knew how good it was to buy a house in the city, they would not tell Second Sister-in-law Sun this. Anyway, hadn't An Ran told her to buy a house in the first place? She was unwilling and had not done so in private. Stop laughing at An Ran and the others for being stupid and running to live in the city. It's okay if they don't say it now, lest they be laughed at by her too.

Not to mention what Sister-in-law Sun and Fourth Sister-in-law were thinking, I just said that after the wedding was over, Sun Dahu told Grandma Sun and Grandpa Sun that he wanted to invite them to live in the provincial capital for a while. Grandpa Sun had retired now anyway, so there was no need to worry about anything happening in the village. Time to stay at his place - when Sun Dahu lived in the county town, he invited Grandma and Grandpa Sun to live with him. Grandma and Grandpa Sun said that there was something going on in the village and they couldn't leave. Now that Grandpa Sun has retired, he can go. He was there for fun.

Seeing Grandma Sun and Grandpa Sun hesitate, Sun Dahu said: "Dad, Mom, you have never been to the provincial capital in your life, so just go and have a look. The outside is really different from the village now."

An Ran also said: "Yes, grandparents, let's go have some fun. I will practice Tai Chi with you in the morning."

In this day and age, the favorite activity of old men and women in provincial capitals is not square dancing, but practicing Tai Chi in the park in the morning.

Grandpa and Grandma Sun were persuaded by An Ran and his daughter, and they immediately agreed to live there and see the new world outside.

However, they were diligent and raised almost twenty chickens, ducks, and three pigs at home. They couldn't just leave right away. They had to arrange these things before Grandma Sun could safely go with An Ran and the others.

At that moment, Grandma Sun asked Sister-in-law Sun if she would help her raise them for a while. If she was willing, the eggs laid by the chickens and ducks during this period would be hers. During the Chinese New Year, she would also give her one chicken, one duck and ten pounds of meat. Second Sister-in-law Sun thought it was troublesome at first. She didn't want to, but after hearing what Grandma Sun said, she immediately agreed. After all, ordinary eggs and duck eggs were just fine. If she could give her a chicken, a duck, and ten pounds of meat during the Chinese New Year, the reward would be very generous. How could Second Sister-in-law Sun not do it? willing.

Grandma Sun nodded when she saw that she was willing. If Second Sister-in-law Sun was not willing, she would ask her mother-in-law's family to help. Although it was a little far away, unlike Second Sister-in-law Sun who was next door, it was convenient to take care of her chickens, ducks and pigs, but she could It's the same thing if you give the keys to your home to your mother's family so that they can live in her home and help her raise her.

After arranging these things, Grandma Sun, Grandpa Sun, An Ran and Father Sun returned to the provincial capital.

This is Grandma Sun's first time in such a big city. Looking at such a prosperous metropolis, she simply doesn't know where to look and is curious about everything.

Grandpa Sun has more experience because he is the village chief and has been to the city. However, the county town, which is still very backward, is still incomparable with the provincial capital city that has gradually developed, so he admired it and expressed his admiration to An Ran. He said to Sun Dahu: "We came out with you to take a look. It's right to come out. If we hadn't come out to take a look, how would we know that it would be like this outside? I can't even imagine it!"

An Ran smiled and said: "Since grandparents like it, then stay here longer."

Grandpa Sun smiled and said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, stay longer."

An Ran thought that Grandpa and Grandpa Sun would like the morning exercises in the city every morning. She was right. When Anran took Grandma and Grandpa to the park the next morning, Grandma and Grandpa Sun really fell in love with this activity. Went to the park early in the morning.

Not to mention that Grandpa and Grandpa Sun happily settled in Anran’s house, but because Grandma and Grandpa Sun were delayed a bit in arranging things, not long after returning home, after walking around the provincial capital with Grandma and Grandpa Sun, they arrived in Anran. The first day of school.

Now that I have entered the third year of high school, the start date of school has been moved forward. School used to start on September 1st, but now it has become August 15th. If it hadn't been too hot, it would have started earlier.

After entering her senior year of high school, An Ran stopped making money. After all, it was her last year. She still had to study hard and get into a good school and major. Anyway, she already owned six houses, so it would not matter if she did not make money for the time being.

Although Enron has gone through many tasks before, been a student several times, and learned a lot, there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning. No matter how much you learn, there are still things you don’t know. So since you can re-enter college and choose a major again, An Ran was naturally prepared to learn from it.

Although An Ran went to study hard, and Sun Dahu also had to go to work, and there was no one to play with grandpa and grandma, but because they found an "organization", grandma and grandpa had no one to accompany them, and they lived a very happy life, even a little reluctant to miss Shu.

Seeing this situation, An Ran discussed with Sun Dahu and suggested that Sun Dahu wait for Grandpa and Grandma Sun to worry about the chickens, ducks and pigs at home and prepare to go back, and ask Grandma and Grandpa Sun to simply transfer these things to the second aunt to raise them. They will continue to raise them here. Just playing on the side.

Seeing this suggestion, Sun Dahu naturally agreed. After all, he had not spent time with his parents for a long time because he had accompanied his daughter to study in the city. So now that his parents are here, he naturally hopes that they will stay here longer. , he spent more time with them, so when Grandma Sun was worried about the chickens, ducks and pigs at home and was about to go back, Sun Dahu followed An Ran's suggestion and said this, trying to persuade Grandma Sun and the others to stay.

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