"Why are you helping me?"

On the other side, after successfully retreating, Emiya Kiritsugu found Matou Kariya and asked him about his purpose.

He didn't think that he was just helping Altria out on a whim.

"I want to form an alliance with you."

Matou Kariya stated his purpose with a gloomy face, as if he was enduring something.

"Why do you suddenly want to form an alliance with me?"

Emiya Kiritsugu also saw that something was wrong with Matou Kariya, but he did not ask.

He would rather investigate this matter himself.

"......I hope you can help me kill Feng Xi."

Jian Tong Yan Ye said slowly.


Emiya Kiritsugu expressed his incomprehension of Matou Kariya's reason.

There should be no hatred between Feng Xi and Matou Kariya.

Could it be because Feng Xi killed Matou Zouken?

But are Matou Kariya and Matou Zouken so good?

Emiya Kiritsugu:"Can I know the reason?"


Matou Kariya kept silent about this.

Seeing that he could not get any information out of him, Emiya Kiritsugu also kept silent. After thinking for a moment, he agreed.

After all, he really needed an ally in his current situation.

Tonight, even he was a little surprised that the Heroic Spirits could deal with Diarmuid.

It can only be said that Diarmuid's luck is really bad.

According to the usual practice, Emiya Kiritsugu took out the self-compulsory essay and signed it with Matou Kariya.

Matou Kariya checked it several times, fearing that he would be tricked by Emiya Kiritsugu.

Emiya Kiritsugu did not care about it.

And all of this was seen by Hassan of the Hundred Faces in the dark.

Feng Xi had asked Hassan of the Hundred Faces to keep an eye on him in secret since nightfall.

Hearing the message sent back by Hassan of the Hundred Faces, Feng Xi was also confused.

Like Emiya Kiritsugu, he was also wondering how he had offended Matou Kariya.

Could it be that Matou Kariya really wanted to avenge Matou Zouken?

At the same time, he was speechless about Waver and the others.

How can you not play? You can lose even when you are three against one, and you are killed by the opponent.

The key opponent is not the King of Silence.

I can only say that Heroic Spirit Qisi is worthy of being the man favored by the Holy Grail.

The next day

[Ding! The quiz will start in ten minutes. Please be ready.]

[Ding! New member"Old Bug" joins the group chat. ]


Wasn't this old guy's house robbed by Feng Xi and Zhang Jiao, yet he's still alive.

Emiya Kiritsugu suddenly realized.

Great, the case is solved.

No wonder Matou Kariya suddenly wanted to deal with Feng Xi, it must be related to the old bug.

I just don't know what handle the old bug has on him.

The old bug:"Hehe, Kariya, is this the group you mentioned?"

Feng Xi:"Old bug, you're not dead."

Damn Murphy's Law.

He thought that the old bug died too easily before, and was a little worried that he couldn't get rid of it. Now it has come true.

Feng Xi:"But how did he escape in the first place?"

Zhang Jiao thought for a while and said,"I'm afraid that before we took action, the other party had already transferred his life bug to other places."

Feng Xi:"Well, it really fits the style of the old bug."

At the same time, he decided in his heart that he would no longer hide his shortcomings today and would never give the old bug any chance to get the treasure chest.

Old Bug:"Are you in this group too?"

Old Bug:"Haha, you little brat, just wait for me, I will avenge you sooner or later."

Feng Xi:"Hmph, come on."

Feng Xi:"If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time."

Old Bug:"Without that Heroic Spirit, you're nothing."

Toosaka Tokiomi:"And there's still me, Matou Zouken."

Old Bug:"What a pity, Tokiomi, I thought our good relationship could be maintained."

Toosaka Tokiomi:"Never, ever!"

Kenneth:"Hmph, has the Matou family fallen to such a level."

Old Bug:"Lord El-Melloi, why are you so unfriendly? We should have no intersection."

Feng Xi:"Don't worry, you won't find many people in this group who are good to you."

Feng Xi:"Oh, Bluebeard doesn't count."

Bluebeard:"Ah! Feng Xi, kill you!"

[Ding! The first question is about to begin!]

[This question is a three-stage competitive multiple-choice question.]

[Three multiple-choice questions will be given in the video. Each question will take 5 minutes to answer. All group members can answer the questions.]

[If you answer correctly, you will get 3 Saint Quartz. If you answer incorrectly, 1 Saint Quartz will be deducted. If no one answers correctly within 5 minutes, the answer will be invalid.]

[This question adopts the elimination system. Only those who answer the first question correctly can choose the second question, and the same is true for the following questions.]

[If all are eliminated, the remaining questions will be discarded.]

[If you get 2 questions right in a row, you can get 1 more Saint Quartz. If you get 3 questions right in a row, you can get 3 more Saint Quartz.]

Weber:"Are there new rules?"

Iskandar:"Haha, elimination system? It's more competitive now."

Kenneth:"If you get all the first questions right, you can win today."

Feng Xi:"It's not that easy. I'm afraid the questions will get harder and harder."

Weber:"That's right, this is the reward for this question."

[Please watch the video below]

【Video starts】

【In the Emiya family's warehouse, Irisviel was lying on a magic circle, her face pale and looking very weak.】

【"You came to see me, thank you."】

【Irisviel looked at Emiya Kiritsugu who came to her side and said with a smile:"This is the last moment, I must return it to you."】

【Then a white light flashed on Irisviel's body, and Avalon slowly floated out of her body.】

【Emiya Kiritsugu took Avalon, his face somewhat gloomy.】

【"You need it now, it will definitely come in handy in the final battle"】

【Irisviel smiled and said,"Thank you, I am very happy."】

【"The person I like is loved by someone else, and I have spent 9 years with my husband and daughter."】

·· ·······Request flowers0 ·········

·· ·······Request flowers0 ·········

【"You gave me the happiness I never expected"】

【Emiya Kiritsugu's icy face finally changed】

【"Sorry, I wanted you to see more of the outside world."】

【Irisviel:"That's enough. Leave the happiness I haven't gotten to Illya."】

""Irisviel, what happened to your body?"

After seeing the situation in the video, Altria hurriedly checked Irisviel's body.

"Don't worry, Saber, I'm fine."

Irisviel smiled and comforted her, but her heart was full of bitterness.

Sure enough, that time was coming.

She really hoped that time could stop and let her live a little longer.

But there was no way. For Kiritsugu's ideal, this was a necessary sacrifice.

【Time flies and it is almost dusk】

【Emiya Kiritsugu is nowhere to be found, and Artoria is also not there, leaving only Hisau Maiya to guard here.】

........ 0 0

........ 0 0

【"Maiya, why do you fight for Kiritsugu?"】

【Irisviel looked at Hisau Maiya who was sorting out her weapons and said】

【"Because I have nothing else."】

【Hisau Maiya kept moving and replied expressionlessly:"My family, my original name, I can't even remember them now."】

【"Hisau Maiya is the name of the first fake passport Kiritsugu made for me."】

【"The only thing I remember is that the country I was born in was very poor, but the war never stopped."】

【"It's ridiculous, they can't even get enough food, but they still kill each other every day."】

【"Later, someone proposed a suggestion that instead of conscripting and training them, it would be better to directly abduct children from other places and let them take up arms and fight directly."】

【"That's when I was kidnapped."】

【"After that, my heart and soul were dead, and only my body was alive numbly."】

【"There is only one thing left in my life, killing the enemy"】

【"Apart from this thought, all other emotions have been abandoned by me."】

【"Later, I met Kiritsugu, who picked me up from the battlefield."】

【"From that moment on, I became his weapon, it was that simple"】


Weber, Tohsaka Rin and the others were silent.

Hisau Maiya's past was too dark and depressing.


Feng Xi also had some feelings about this.

Hisahi Maiya had actually said it very implicitly, and the real situation was much darker.

For a woman like Hisahi Maiya, living in such a place was not lucky at all, but a nightmare.

She was not only a weapon to kill the enemy, but also a tool for men to vent.

Even Emiya Kiritsugu didn't know that Hisahi Maiya actually had a son.

Because this son was the product of her being violated, and it was also a shame that she could not get rid of for the rest of her life. 九九.

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