Jin Shanshan was stunned. He didn't expect Feng Xi and Zhang Jiao to react so strongly.

The First Emperor:"Oh, are you the descendants of this king?"

The First Emperor:"Very good, very energetic, but there is no need to be angry about it."

The First Emperor:"Don't lose the demeanor of the people of a big country like us in front of the king of an ignorant small country."

The Hero King:"Ignorant small country?!"

The Hero King:"Za Xiu, who are you talking about?"

The First Emperor:"Humph, the king of the barbarians, you really have no etiquette."

The Hero King:"What the world's first emperor is, it's just a pretense with a different title."

The First Emperor:"How can you, ignorant people, understand the meaning of the emperor?"

The First Emperor:"My Great Qin has a vast territory, with its territory stretching from Liaodong in the east, the plateau in the west, Lingnan in the south, and Yinshan in the north. There are more than a thousand counties, and each county is a city."

The First Emperor:"This foreign king, how many cities do you rule?"

The Hero King:"......"

The Conqueror King:"Hahaha, you are indeed the first emperor. You are really awesome."

The Conqueror King:"But I am no worse than you."

The First Emperor:"Oh, you are......"

Feng Xi:"First Emperor, this is Iskandar, the King of Conquerors in the West. He lived in the same period as your ancestor. During his lifetime, he occupied 5.2 million square kilometers of land and ruled over 20 million people."

First Emperor:"Oh, what about me?"

Feng Xi:"You ruled over about 3.4 million square kilometers of land and had a population of about 30 million."

The King of Conquerors:"Hahaha, First Emperor, it seems that we are both better than each other."

First Emperor:"You are a good king and deserve my recognition."

The King of Conquerors:"First Emperor, are you willing to be my assistant?"

The King of Conquerors:"If we join forces, maybe we can conquer the world."


Weber:"What nonsense are you talking about again!"

The First Emperor:"Humph, you are so bold that you actually want me to work for you."

The First Emperor:"But my achievements are all due to the joint efforts of my Great Qin army and civilians, especially those soldiers who charge into battle. You can't conquer the world just by me."

The Conqueror King:"Hahaha, we have the same opinion on this point."

Toosaka Tokiomi:"Your Majesty, are you here to participate in this Holy Grail War as well?"

The First Emperor:"The Holy Grail is a convenient thing."

The First Emperor:"If I knew about this thing when I was still alive, I would definitely seize it at all costs."

The First Emperor:"But I didn't come here for this thing this time."

Toosaka Tokiomi:"Then you are......"

The First Emperor:"I am the Ruler. I have come down from the Seat of Heroes on behalf of the Restraint."

The First Emperor:"Because the form of this Holy Grail War has become very special and seriously deviated from the original Holy Grail War, the Restraint sent me to serve as the referee of this Holy Grail War."

Kenneth:"Ruler! Arbiter!"

Weber:"Didn't expect that this Holy Grail War has even alarmed the Restraint."

Toosaka Tokiomi:"Excuse me, what do you do as a referee?"

The First Emperor:"If one day I have to weigh two things, I will definitely choose the more important one without hesitation. This is my duty as a referee."

The First Emperor:"I will not favor anyone, nor will I interfere in your fight. My only goal is to ensure that the Holy Grail War ends peacefully." The First Emperor:

"Well, do you have anything else to ask?"

Toosaka Tokiomi:"No."

When he heard that the First Emperor was the referee just now, he was actually a little panicked.

Strictly speaking, he cheated in this Holy Grail War. He secretly colluded with Kotomine Risei, the supervisor of this Holy Grail War, to obtain information about other contestants.

He really thought that the First Emperor was here to settle accounts with him.

[Ding! The first question is about to begin!]

[This is a debate question. Please watch a video first.]

Weber:"Debate question? A new way of answering questions."

Kenneth:"Are you asking us to debate something in the video?""

【The video starts with the Einzbern Castle.】

【The castle gate was smashed for the second time. This time it was Iskandar who drove the Shenwei Wheel directly into the hall.】

【Upon hearing the noise, Artoria and Irisviel also rushed over to check.】

【"Hi, Saber"】

【Iskander was dressed in casual clothes, not feeling like an intruder at all. He came down from the car carrying a barrel of wine and greeted the king.】

【Weber looked exhausted, leaning against the car and panting. 】

Weber:"Rider, what are you doing again!"

The King of Conquerors:"How should I know, but it looks like you're going to drink with Saber."

Artoria:"You didn't look like you were going to drink when you came in uninvited."

Feng Xi:"I remember that this door was destroyed by Director Ken yesterday."

Toosaka Rin:"It didn't even last a day after it was repaired."

Feng Xi:"Why not just leave it like this?""

【"I heard you have a castle, so I came to see it. It's such a dead place."】

【Iskandar said in a familiar voice,"Why are you still wearing armor instead of fashionable modern clothes?""】

【Altria was somewhat speechless and said,"Rider, what are you doing here?"】

【"Can't you see? Of course we're here to drink."】

【Iskandar smiled and said,"Okay, stop standing there in a daze and lead the way quickly."】

【"Is there a courtyard suitable for drinking? It's all dusty here."】

【Altria and Irisviel were helpless and could only take him to the central courtyard.】

【The two sat down facing each other, with Irisviel and Waver standing not far behind them.】

【Iskandar smashed the lid of the barrel with a hammer, picked up the wine ladle, scooped up a scoop and put it into his mouth.】

"This guy really is......"

Waver felt ashamed watching this scene.

No one was asked for their opinion during the whole process. It was totally forced.

Feng Xi:"King of Conquerors, if you smash the lid of the barrel directly, all the wood chips will fall in."

King of Conquerors:"Ah, man, don't care about such trivial matters."

Feng Xi:"But the one you are drinking with is a lady."

Altria:"It doesn't matter to me."

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