Quanmin: Knock Your Head Off! I'm A Funny Character

Chapter 136 Nidhogg's Tomb 【Please Customize! Ask For Flowers! Ask For An Evaluation Ticket! 】

Although a little uncomfortable at first.

But Li Luo's ability to adapt is not bad.

While dealing with the enthusiastic Ye family.

He lowered his head and slammed into the rice.

When someone proposes a toast, he raises his glass.

From time to time, I raised my glass to respect the old man and Ye Qing.

All in all he enjoyed his meal.

During the banquet, many people took turns to toast Ye Rong.

Everyone said a few auspicious words.

Then he took out the birthday gift from the package and handed it to Ye Rong.

The butler on the side will put these birthday gifts into the package.

Ye Rong just raised his glass and bang, took a symbolic sip and thanked him.

The toaster drank it all in one gulp.

The whole banquet seemed very lively.

Li Luo felt very novel.

The etiquette of this world is quite interesting.

It is similar to the previous life, but the form is a little different.

Since coming to this world, it was the first time for Li Luo to experience such a lively occasion.

It feels quite fun.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Everyone is almost there.

Ye Qing came to the stage to express his thanks again.

The people who came to celebrate the birthday also left one by one.

Some people were talking in the hall just before.

Some went straight home.

This birthday celebration is actually an occasion for communication.

Many people usually don't have time for this kind of communication.

In this world, everyone is either going to fight monsters, or they are on the way to fight monsters.

There are very few such purely social occasions.

We chatted for a while after eating.

Li Luo is also preparing to leave.

But he hasn't said it yet.

Ye Rong spoke first.

"I don't know, little friend Li Luo, are you interested in having a cup of tea after you come?"

Li Luo was a little surprised, but nodded anyway.

The old man said so, of course you have to go and see.

It's just that Li Luo is a little worried.

I'm afraid the old man really misunderstood.

What if he is really going to hand Linglong over to him?

Li Luo was a little distressed.

He's not thinking about falling in love at all right now.

And he and Linglong didn't reach that point either.

There is no emotion at all.

Besides, Linglong didn't say what she thought.

I hope the old man doesn't mess with the mandarin ducks.

Linglong was also a little surprised.

He glanced at Li Luo, then at Ye Rong.

Unexpectedly, his grandfather would just call Li Luo to the back hall.

Follow Ye Rong all the way to the back hall.

Ye Rong waved to Linglong, signaling her to avoid it for a while.

Linglong suddenly looked puzzled.

(ciba) "Grandpa, is there anything I can't hear?

"If I don't leave, I will listen!"

Linglong directly pulled Ye Rong's arm and began to act like a baby.

"You girl."

Ye Rong smiled helplessly.

Finally, he motioned her to sit on the sofa next to Li Luo.

Ye Qing didn't know where to go after eating just now.

Now there are only Ye Rong, Li Luo and Linglong in the back hall.

The butler quickly came in with a pot of tea, first poured a cup for the guests, then Ye Rong and Linglong, and then stepped back.

Ye Rong took a sip from his teacup, looked at Li Luo with a smile, and then at Linglong.

"My little friend Li Luo."

"Just call me Li Luo."

"Okay, Li Luo, actually, the old man invited you over because of a sympathy.

Li Luo Xindao is here!

Wait a moment for the old man to speak, how should I answer?

Is it an outright rejection?

No, it's a little too hurtful to say no outright.

Linglong is still beside her.

This guy's temper is very big, maybe if he refuses.

This girl can initiate a duel against herself on the spot.


No, I didn't come here for a blind date!

It seems that I can only find an excuse to politely refuse.

Just when Li Luo was thinking about what excuse to use to politely reject the old man.

Ye Rong continued.

"As you can see, old man, I am seventy years old this year."

"Normally speaking, I haven't lived for a few years."

"It's just that, old man, I haven't seen enough of this world.

"I haven't killed enough monsters that threaten humans."

"I always want to live a few more years and kill a few more monsters."

"But as I got older, I couldn't do what I wanted.

"I haven't been to the wilderness for three years."

Listening to Ye Rong's words, Li Luo gradually felt something was wrong.

It seems that what the old man wants to talk about is not about him and Linglong.

This relieved him.

She sneaked a glance at Linglong who was at the side.

He found that there was a trace of disappointment on Linglong's face.

Ye Rong continued:

"I believe you have heard of it, or seen it in the information."

"After the level reaches 80, there is a chance to increase the lifespan."

"On this basis, every time you upgrade a level, the life span will be increased more."

"Old man, I am now level 79."

"Basically, if you go out to kill monsters every day, it will take 8 years to advance to a level.

"But maybe I don't have that much time."

Speaking of which, Ye Rong sighed.


"A while ago, my second child got a secret order at the auction in Yinlong City."

"In this Secret Realm Order, upgrade pills are produced."

"Valid for characters below level 80."

"But he failed."

"Dead in the secret realm, returned to the real world with resurrection props.

"In that secret realm, there is a very huge dragon."

"Level unknown."

"He fought the dragon before, exhausted all his strength and only knocked out one-third of its blood volume."

"Even the one-time mass destruction props in the package were used."

"I've given up on it before."

"But I saw the two videos of little friend Li Luo."

"I think you still have a chance to succeed.

"If little friend Li Luo agrees to take a trip to the secret realm, then all the props in this secret realm will belong to you."

"And the Ye family will give you another reward."

"Old man, I just want the upgrade pill."

Hearing this, Li Luo finally understood.

It was not them who misunderstood, but themselves.

Li Luo knows that lifespan will increase after level 80.

But I didn't expect the old man to be 79.

Now in this world, there are very few people above level 80.

No more than two hundred people.

None of these people have experienced various adventures.

It is not piled up by age.

Just like the Ryugu Yuta that Li Luo saw in the Super Arena before.

He looks very young, he has already reached level 86, and he has definitely gone through many adventures.

Maybe there is no need for Li Luo to experience less.

"Old man, I don't force it, Ji Luo Xiaofa doesn't have to be too entangled.

"Life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are in the sky."

"The secret realm is dangerous, and personal safety must also be considered."

"After all, you are only level 46 now."

"It's normal to have concerns.

Ye Rong smiled and took a sip of tea.

Take a golden token from the package and place it on the table.

"This is a secret order, you can check it out, my friend."

Li Luo nodded, picked up the Secret Realm Token to check the attributes.

Then he was shocked.

On the secret realm, there are six large characters written clearly.

[Nid Hogg's Tomb].

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