Quanmin: Knock Your Head Off! I'm A Funny Character

Chapter 101 There Is A Fight In Montenegro, You Want Me To Be The President? [Please Customize, Plea

【Phantom Feather Set 5/5】

All attributes +30%.

Defense +30%.

A control effect can be forcibly canceled.

Set skills:

Power of Phantom Feather:

When equipped with the Phantom Feather Suit, the ability to fly can be used at any time.

Stamina is continuously consumed during the flight.

Overload: You can equip a piece of equipment that exceeds your own level (limited to this class).

Read the skill description.

Li Luo was very pleasantly surprised.

Unexpectedly, he directly obtained the ability to fly.

Being able to fly is something that almost everyone has dreamed of.

Although the previous phantom feather cloak allowed him to fly for five minutes, it was only temporary.

This time I have collected all the phantom feather suits, so I can fly anytime, anywhere.

It really surprised Li Luo.

Immune to one control effect is also useful.

It was the last one that concerned Li Luo the most.


It is possible to equip a piece of equipment that exceeds its own level limit.

I don't know how many levels can be equipped.

Is full-level equipment also possible?

Thinking of this, Li Luo became excited.

But there is still an artifact in his package that he can't use before!

The great sword that Emperor Lin Dong gave him is still in the package.

But now there are too many people in the 940 car, so let's study it after we get back.

The movement of the skill fusion is too big, and they will wait until they go back before merging.

Li Luo glanced at the people around him and began to close his eyes to rest.

When he opened his eyes again, the car had already stopped at the gate of Zhanhun.

After everyone got out of the car one by one.

Zhou Mingjie gave everyone a holiday and told them to go back and rest.

But Li Luo and Li Xue were left alone.

The two followed Zhou Mingjie to the headquarters of the Battle Spirit.

After entering the room, Zhou Mingjie signaled the two to sit down, and Li Xiaozhong, who had been following Li Luo, also sat beside him.

But as soon as he sat down, Zhou Mingjie's words made Li Luo's heart skip a beat.

"This little girl must be the seed of pain."

Seeing the faint smile on Zhou Mingjie's face, Li Luo finally didn't hide it.

He thought, if Zhou Mingjie really couldn't accept the creation of a cultist to stay in the battle spirit.

Then he can only leave here.

After getting along for such a long time, his feelings for Li Xiaozhong gradually deepened.

Now he really treats this little guy like a younger sister.

Although her body is the seed of pain.

But in Li Luo's eyes, she is just a child who has just seen this world.

Seemingly seeing Li Luo's concerns, Zhou Mingjie smiled heartily.

"Don't worry, I don't mean anything else, I just want to make sure."

"I noticed something special about her when I was in Montenegro."

"Can you tell me more about it?"

"Of course, if you don't want to say it, I won't force it."

After hearing this, Li Luo pondered for two seconds.

Finally, he began to tell the story of Li Xiaozhong.

After all, he had already told Zhou Mingjie about his encounter with a cultist before.

A curious look appeared on Zhou Mingjie's face.

"So it is."

"In other words, she has her own thoughts, just like a child now.

Li Luo nodded.

"Okay, I'm just making sure."

"Since she is your special summon now."

"That means you can completely control her.

"Then I have nothing to worry about."

While talking, Zhou Mingjie took out a pen and a ring from the package and put them on the coffee table.

"this is?"

"The renaming pen can modify the system name of pets or summoned objects."

"Let's change her name, in case some people with advanced insight skills are too far behind.

He pointed to the ring again.

"The cover ring returns to the state of hiding the attributes of the summoned object."

Li Luo took these two things and checked the properties.

Sure enough, it is a name-changing pen that can change the name of pets or summoned objects, and a ring that conceals the breath.

"Thank you very much."

Thank you Li Luo.

Now Li Xiaozhong's name on the system panel is still Seed of Pain (cibb).

Changed her name.

Put on the masking ring again.

She will be able to appear in the city openly.

Zhou Mingjie smiled and waved his hands.

"It's just a gadget, I don't have any summons, and I don't need them.

After speaking, he pushed the brewed tea in front of Li Luo and Li Xue.

"Now let's talk about your problem."

"my question?"

Li Luo picked up the tea and took a sip, feeling a little puzzled.

Zhou Mingjie also took a sip of tea.

"Are you interested in being the president?"

Li Luo sprayed Zhou Mingjie's face with a sip of tea.

"Sorry sorry."

Li Xue took out a handkerchief to help Zhou Mingjie wipe it.

Zhou Mingjie waved his hand and took out a towel from under the coffee table to wipe his face.

"Sorry...this topic is really a bit exciting."

"It's okay, I also know it's a bit too exciting to suddenly bring up this topic...haha.

Zhou Mingjie wiped his face and smiled to resolve the embarrassment.

"Actually, I don't want you to be the president now."

"I mean later."

Zhou Mingjie stuffed the towel under the coffee table and continued.

"I mean two years later, I have another two years, and I guess I will be transferred to the headquarters.

"By then, I guess you've grown up too."

"With your strength and character, you will accumulate enough reputation in the guild."

Li Luo was confused.

"why me?"

"There are still so many masters in the guild."

"Brother Long ranks first in the combat power guild."

"Xuan Zong is smart and has strong commanding skills."

Zhou Mingjie sighed.

"Although that guy Zhanjianglong is strong, he is a drunkard in life, so we can't count on him at all.

"Xuan Hao is a good candidate, but this person lives a transparent life, and he has no idea about the position of president.

"Several other high-level people also have various problems."

"I've been watching you all this time."

"Whether it is character or strength, you are qualified to be the president."

"Especially this battle in Montenegro, you fought so beautifully."

"If the guild has you in charge in the future, then I will feel much more at ease when I leave here."

"How? Think about it?"

Li Luo was silent for a few seconds, and finally shook his head.

"Sorry, President, I don't want to be fixed in one position, I also want to go out and have a look, I hope you can understand.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Zhou Mingjie's face, but it was not too obvious.


"Actually, I already guessed your answer."

"It's impossible for a person like you to be willing to stay in one place."

"That's all."

"These one and two are all indifferent to fame and fortune."

"Those who want to sit in this seat squeeze their heads and can't sit in it.

"If you don't want to sit in this seat, you won't be able to send it out.".

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