Quanmin: A Little Bit Of Meat Is Not Too Much

Chapter 95: 18-Star Chaos Knight!

According to the information held by Li Mo.

The chaotic gray fog deep in the chaotic star field.

There seems to be an endless tide of Chaos beasts emerging.


After so many years of war.

There are more and more chaos beasts.

At present, the gates of the ethnic groups in many ethnic groups are in urgent need.

The Chaos Star Field guarded by the Night Souls was defeated.

And the gate of the territory was almost lost.

These are the epitome of this war in the Chaos Star Field ~.

Fortunately, human beings were relatively weak before.

Did not take the initiative to serve as the main guard-work of the city-state in the Chaos Star Field.

Just get involved.

Although little profit.

But with the big rout.

On the human side, the loss is not too much.

Moreover, when Li Mo was discussing with Priest Wade.

A decision has been made to allow all human professionals stationed in the Chaos Starfield to return.

For more than two years.

Human beings are in a stable state of development.

The surrounding territory has also been continuously expanded.

Among them, many professionals are highly enthusiastic about the development of the Dark Light Race.

For the current dark light clan, there is one embarrassment to highlight.

Humans have opened up three safe zone camps in the dark light tribe.

The half-year period of protection is up.

The Dark Light Clan directly mobilized their power to destroy these three safe zones.

As a result, instead of being destroyed, they were directly pushed back to several safe areas near them by humans.

Kill red-eyed humans.

Even directly killed each other in the opponent's safe zone.

The dark light tribe directly reported this situation to the gods above.

And Priest Wade's reply is: "The accidental spread of the war zone officially captured the safe zone.

Then give a warning to human professionals.

The next large-scale attack on the safe zone is not allowed to happen.

If this happened in the past, at least the priests punished the group, at least revoking several safe zones of their group.

But now, anyone with a discerning eye knows.

The gods, even the rest priests are partial to humans.

That human being came here on purpose, yet you are still pretending not to see it.

This blew up the high-level members of the Dark Light Clan.

If this continues, the human beings will directly press them at the gate of the safe zone and kill them.

In their own ethnic group, except for the safe zone designated by the gods.

They can't go anywhere else.

Human professionals, on the other hand, are in the territory of the dark light tribe.

It's all about giving the other party a face.

You don't come out, do you?

Then we will occupy your copy of myth.

Expand the depth of your world tree copy.

Directly snatch the world domination of your ethnic group.

When human beings are gradually advancing towards the copy of the world tree.

The dark light tribe obviously started to get anxious.

with the advancement of mankind.

The dark light clan started a war of attrition with humans.

Use human life to stack the number of human deaths.

Small-scale wars continued.

For humans, it is just a part of the power of the three guilds.

And what affects most of the energy of the Dark Light Clan.

Holy city-state!

Underground confinement in a cage.

With the guidance of a pastor.

Intense resurrection golden light diffused.

A corpse quickly revived in the resurrection golden light.

Immediately afterwards.

A series of magical attacks descended.

The professional who had just completed the construction of the resurrection sequence frame level and so on, fell down before he could figure out the situation.

Immediately, the 9-star reaper sequence professional "Zhou Hanhai" was a sequence harvester.

The opponent's nine-star sequence was perfectly harvested by Zhou Hai.

Although this job is a bit boring.

However, the Reaper sequence is somewhat different from other sequences.

For other sequences, as long as you get the corresponding occupation sequence with a high star rank, you can change jobs.

The promotion path of the reaper sequence requires continuous harvesting of other sequence occupations.

Only in this way can one's own star rank be continuously promoted and transformed.

At the beginning, he inherited a 6-star reaper.

In just over two months.

Various high-star-level professionals are continuously harvested every day.

His star rank soared to nine stars.

It is said that when it reaches 10 stars and its level reaches 800 or above.

Then you can apply to become a super harvester.

Now, the Human Territory has begun to gradually form an army of super professionals.

Although Zhou Hai knew that his reaper sequence could reach the threshold of a 10-star super professional.

But Zhou Hanhai is still very clear about his own fighting ability.

The upper limit can be seen at a glance.

Being able to enter a general large-scale guild and become the main force is already his ultimate goal.

And the reason why he was able to find such a good move.

Of course it's because he is Li Mo's classmate and former close buddy!

He still keeps in touch with Li Mo frequently, and even invited Li Mo out for a barbecue some time ago.

He didn't ask Li Mo to arrange work for him.

After all, in the human territory now, as long as you work hard, your future is bright.

He also applied for the reaper sequence casually, and it came in.

Then he arranged for her a job with low risk and high income.

He didn't know if Li Mo spoke for him, but he also knew.

Such a good job fell on the head, and it must be inseparable from Li Mo.

Not far from the next door is [Resurrection Kingdom], and those who can get close to [Resurrection Kingdom] are people who are believed by the high-level human beings.

He is just a small person, but now his fate has been changed because of Li Mo.


It can even be said that the destiny of the entire human race has been changed because of Li Mo.

Another underground secret room.

Several thousand-level powerhouses are reporting to Li Mo.

"During this period of time, we gathered the corpses of high-star-level occupations for melee combat very smoothly.

"Five-star, six-star, seven-star, there are many."

"Currently, this high-star occupation has begun to radiate to small trade unions."

"Even, some guys started to buy these high-star occupations to sell the surrounding territories.

"Of course, we still don't sell high-level occupations above the eight-star rank."

"Only large guilds can get it."

"In addition...we are in the process of resurrection. We have also paid attention to many knight-sequence occupations especially for Your Highness Li Mo.

"We know that you need a high-rank sequence knight now."

"Therefore, we are currently purchasing some treasures, and are preparing to use a large number of 9-star, 10-star, and even 11-star sequences for you to build higher sequence star-level knights.

Li Mo frowned slightly, then shook his head.

"Although low-star-level occupations can obtain high-star-level occupations through occupational fusion.

"But this method of fusion itself consumes a lot of sequence stars."

"It's not worth it."

The thousand-level wizard at the side smiled and said: "There is no such thing as cost-effective or not for your enhancement."

"As long as you become stronger, no amount of resources can be spent on our human race."

"Even the corresponding fighter sequence, we can dismantle it to a certain extent, and then carry out enhanced fusion.

"Huh? Warrior sequence occupations can also be added?"

Li Mo was a little curious.


The thousand-level wizard nodded.

"Many professionals who are proficient in various professions, some of them have inherited the reaper sequence.

"With their in-depth development of the Reaper sequence."

"With their unique capabilities. It has been confirmed that this fusion is feasible."

"In itself, the framework of serial occupations can be integrated, and the process of changing jobs is a process of integration.

"They only need to be guided to a certain extent, and powerful sequence occupations with high star ranks will naturally be born.

"If the number of foundations is sufficient, there is no problem at all in creating a powerful 18-star Chaos Knight.

Create an 18-star knight?

Li Mo was startled.

"Wouldn't that consume a huge amount of 10-star super sequences?"

"About 6,500 10-star super sequences are needed."

The thousand-level wizard gave the data accurately.

"so much!"

Li Mo was also taken aback by this statistic.

"This can already form a super professional legion guild."

"Actually, for our current human race, it's not too much."

The thousand-level wizard smiled.

"There are not many 10-star super sequences."

"But we have the 7th, 8th, and 9th star sequences in our hands, Neptune.

"We cooperate with many neutral sequence camps to purchase corpses."

"Because our bid is high, many neutral sequence camps are willing to sell it to us.

"We will build all the knight sequences we have acquired into fusion, with the core of Chaos Cavalier Tian Bing."

"First integrate the 7, 8, and 9-star ranks into 10-star ranks, and then gradually improve."

"Now every day, we are able to harvest 20,000 to 30,000 corpses of high star sequence.

"With these alone, we can fuse more than a dozen 10-star super meat shield sequences every day."

"In the past two years, we have almost completed your 18-star sequence - Chaos Knight!"

Almost done!

This is undoubtedly news that surprised Li Mo again.

"Lord Li Mo, you are the great leader, pioneer, and pioneer of our mankind."

"Your high-star rank sequence is something we humans must do to raise the strength of our clan."

The thousand-level wizard said so.

"In the past two years, I have not received any news. Could it be that Gu Liguang deliberately let you hide it from us?"

Li Mo looked at these people.

The thousand-level wizard smiled.

"Master Gu Liguang knows that you don't like things that consume a lot of resources."

"You probably don't want to either."

"That's why Master Gu Liguang convened a thousand-level powerhouse council."

"This resolution was unanimously passed by all thousand-level human powerhouses.

Now that the matter has come to this point, even if Li Mo wants to object, he probably won't be able to do so.

...0 for flowers...

18-star Chaos Knight!

Li Mo stared slightly.

The higher the star rank, the more amazing the attributes that will be promoted in the future.

Before that, Li Mo was thinking about whether to use the 15-star [Holy Light Knight] in his hand to change his job to squeeze out his own [Chaos Knight].

Now it seems that no need.

[Holy Light Knight] naturally has a strong recovery ability.

It has BUFFs that increase shields, increase health, and increase various states.

More inclined to assist.

Chaos Cavalry

Warriors are better at defense.

And Li Mo also has the idea of ​​​​the follow-up core skills of Chaos Knight.

Naturally, it is not suitable for changing jobs to other sequences.

Now that there are 18 star-level, full-star top-sequence occupations, that is naturally excellent.

"When will it be finished?"

Li Mo asked.

"There are still some resources missing, and it will take about two months."

The thousand-level wizard responded like this.

"Well... I still have a 15-star Holy Light Knight in my hand.

"It should be able to be used as a synthetic material for the 16-star sequence of the chaotic sequence!"

"of course can!"

The thousand-level wizard was overjoyed.

"If we get the 15-star Holy Light Knight, then in less than half a month, we can complete the construction of the entire 18-star Chaos Knight sequence.

"At that time, Master Li Mo, you will be able to officially master the 18-star Chaos Knight."

"And at that time, you will be able to officially advance to level 1,000."

Li Mo smiled and nodded.

Over the past two years, Li Mo has accumulated 7 and 8 upgrades.

And the human realm has already accumulated enough experience for Li Mo to go straight up to a thousand levels.

As long as Li Mo transfers to a high-star sequence, he can go straight up to level 1000.

Then complete the reincarnation and make up for all the lost attributes.

At that time, an 18-star level full-status, field-level powerhouse will be born.

At the same time as the attribute explosion, the strength will also be greatly improved.

"18 star level, 1000 level."

"After that, I can lead mankind to formally open up the city-states of the Chaos Star Territory."

"Under my garrison, we human beings can defend a city-state alone, and there is no big problem.

"If humans can guard a city-state alone."

"Then the upgrade speed of the ethnic group can be increased, especially the upgrade speed of the strong above a thousand levels will be very obvious.

The current professional upgrade of human beings.

Before level 500, it is generally very fast.

Before level 800, the speed will be much slower.

Except for top-level professionals and guild main upgrades.

Many professionals will slow down when they reach level 500.

Even at level 800.

Upgrades are also much slower.

After level 1000.

Not to mention.

Li Mo is now worried about upgrading after level 1000.

If there is no chaotic city-state, there will be no massive high-level monsters.

The level of a thousand-level powerhouse can basically be regarded as unable to move.

Human beings don't really lack the roots of the world now, and there is no problem with increasing the level cap.

But the problem is experience!

Massive experience.

There are currently more than forty thousand-level powerhouses in the human race, and the highest level is only in the early 1100s.

There is no way, these thousand-level powerhouses are all guarded by humans, and only a small number can upgrade through the chaotic star field.

Next, it is necessary to solve the upgrade problem of Ji Mo himself and many upgraders.

Another aspect is - time!

Humanity is certainly rising very fast.

But experience is something that cannot be obtained easily.

The experience of chaos creatures is more than thirty times that of ordinary monsters, which is very rich.

The garrison work of the chaotic city-state.

It is Li Mo, and it is also the focus of many powerful human beings to work on next.

Moreover, only the Chaos Copy Invention of the Chaos City-State can produce the upgrade materials for artifacts above a thousand levels.

Entering the chaotic city-state is a must for a large clan.

Just after the meeting ended, there was a call message on Zimmer's friend information bar.

It was the priest [Wade] calling.

"Li Mo, how have you been recently?"

"Master Torwaid, you have taken care of me, I have been practicing well recently."

"Well! I've also heard that you humans have developed rapidly in the past two years, and a large number of professionals above level 500 have appeared."

"It's almost time for you human race to enter the Chaos City-State."

Although Li Mo has plans in this regard.

But Priest Wade, this time he called in person, but it was the first time.

Before, Li Mo heard that the defense situation in Chaos City-State was getting more and more serious.

"How's the defense there?" Li Mo asked.

"The claim to the outside is that the first line of defense has retreated back."

"The actual situation is that the second line of defense is almost unstoppable now."

"The second line of defense can't even defend?"

Li Mo frowned suddenly.

"The situation is worse than the news from the outside."

Priest Wade's deep voice spoke of people. .

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