Quanmin: A Little Bit Of Meat Is Not Too Much

Chapter 20 Target [Mythical Level] Dungeon!

[Black Mountain copy]

There are three tiers of core dungeons.

They are level 200, level 400, level 600, three cores [Top of Black Mountain]

Each core copy spawns fifteen secondary copies.

The core copy determines the output of the secondary copy, including experience, equipment, materials and so on.

The higher the depth of the core copy.

The more resources will be produced, and it will show an exponential rise.

Depth 5, resource output ratio is 25.

Depth 6, resource output ratio is 36.

Depth 7, resource output ratio is 49.


Depth 10, resource output ratio is 100.


The depth is 15, and the resource output ratio is 225.


The core depth is 10, which is 4 times that of depth 5. Brushing once is equivalent to brushing 4 times.

And depth 15 is 9 times of depth 5. Swiping once is equivalent to swiping 9 times.

It is conceivable that this higher-depth copy is of high value.

You know, the dungeon at depth 5 can already be used as a dungeon for the guild master.

Depth 10 and depth 15 are even more addictive.

More importantly.

With the opening up of the core copy.

The level of the copy will also become higher.

Currently, the Black Mountain dungeon has a depth of 6 and is a [Legendary level] dungeon.

It can drop legendary equipment, stably produce dark gold equipment and gold equipment, and the attributes are very good.

If developed to a depth of 10.

Then the [Legendary level] dungeon will be promoted to [Epic level] dungeon.

There will be a certain probability of dropping "epic level" equipment, stable output of legendary equipment, dark gold equipment, and a large amount of gold equipment.

If depth 15 is reached.

The Black Mountain dungeon will become a [mythical level] dungeon, with a small probability of dropping mythical equipment and a high probability of dropping epic level equipment, and stable output of legendary and dark gold equipment.

You know, in the human world, at the current location, there is no [mythical level] copy.

Not to mention [mythical level] dungeons, there are only three [epic level] dungeons.

Once the land reclamation reaches a depth of 15, it is not an exaggeration to say that the value of the Montenegro dungeon will soar a hundred times.

The era of the whole people.

Equipment can also be upgraded.

Although it is only a 200-level dungeon, the output is 200-level legendary, epic, and mythical equipment.

However, these equipment can be continuously upgraded through the efficient output of materials.

Gold equipment doesn't have much upgrade value.

The dark gold equipment can be steadily upgraded.

As for legendary and above equipment, it goes without saying that once you get it, it is definitely the core equipment.

It can be upgraded continuously, and it will not be a big problem to use it to the next level of 1000.

This makes low-level legendary, epic, and mythical equipment equally valuable.

Even low-level legendary and epic equipment are more practical for individuals.

After all, professionals can invest resources so that equipment can be upgraded with their own level and worn all the time.

In this way, the value of the level 200 copy of Montenegro is very high.

And this is why the newly formed Baishen Guild attaches so much importance to the depth of the 200-level class in the next Montenegro dungeon.

The higher the depth of the dungeon, the higher the efficiency of resource acquisition and the higher the height of equipment acquisition.

However, the in-depth development of the dungeon is not the slightest bit of difficulty.

But the difficulty is super high.

Otherwise, neither would the human world, there would only be three epic copies.

conference table.

Guo Mi spoke slowly.

"At present, our Baishen Guild is reorganized."

"Although the power has expanded, the cutting-edge power is obviously not enough."

"There are only five professionals above level 600."

"Professionals at level 500, no more than 20."

"Level 400, barely close to 500 people."

"More than three hundred levels, more than 2,800 people."

"The most over 200 levels, there are almost 8,000 people."

"A total of 12,000 people. It can be regarded as all the combatants of our guild today."

"Those who are above level 300 are considered the main combat personnel."

"There is still a big gap with the Azurite Guild whose average level is above 400."

"Not to mention, once the Blue Scale Race wants to attack our Holy Glory City-State, what they will come will be professionals with an average level of more than 500."

"This time, we relied on Li Mo to win this war."

"But we can't rely on Li Mo forever."

"So, the in-depth development of the dungeon, and the acquisition of the secret realm after the in-depth development is completed."

"This is our next priority."

"It won't be long, half a month, or a month at the latest, and the Blue Scale Clan will definitely deploy troops to attack our Holy City."

"We need to complete the development of resources as soon as possible within half a month or even a month."

As Guo Yan finished his narration.

Li Mo stood up and asked.

"President! Even if we have completed the in-depth land reclamation of the dungeon, and even completed the development of the secret realm."

"In just half a month, it's hard for our guild to improve everyone's strength!"

"At that time, in a large-scale confrontation, I'm afraid they still won't be able to beat those high-level professionals from the Blue Scale Clan who came over."

When Li Mo finished speaking, Guo Mi laughed.

Not only that, Pan Yexue and Ni Hai, the two vice-chairmen of the newly formed Baishen Guild, also laughed.

"Li Mo, that's not how you settle accounts."

Pan Yexue spoke.

"If we don't develop the copy in depth, and the blue scales attack us, we naturally don't have enough confidence to seek support from other city-states."

"But if, we have developed an epic copy in depth."

"Do you think other guilds will covet it?"

Li Mo thought for a while and nodded.

"Then at this time, we will allow them to enter as a condition and let them defend with us. Do you think they are willing?"

Li Mo immediately raised his brows, and he figured it out instantly.


If the Baishen Guild develops a deep dungeon, other guilds will definitely come over to collect the high-value dungeons here, but the dungeons here belong to the Shenghui City-State.

If they want to cooperate, they will naturally invest their troops.

Dora several city-states, and even let those federal-level grand guilds live in their names.

At that time, it doesn't matter whether the Blue Scale Clan is grabbing the copy or attacking the city of Shenghui.

The big guilds of these human federations are bound to join forces to resist.

Although, a large number of professionals brushing copies will lead to a decrease in output efficiency.

But that's an [Epic Rank] dungeon!

A piece of level 200 "legendary" equipment is worth 50 million to 100 million federal coins.

Not to mention the level 200 [epic level] equipment.

Worth 300 million to 500 million federal currency.

These legendary and epic equipment are of great cultivation value.

These high-value equipment can be crafted and upgraded as the level of the professional increases.

The three epic copies of the current human world.

That is all controlled by the Grand Council at the federal level.

At this time, another [Epic Rank] copy was born.

Although it is only a 200-level epic copy, it is still a super fat.

Everyone wants to come and have a bite.

As long as it is developed, there is no need to worry about not being able to get the Grand Guild to defend.

Figured it all out.

Li Mo instantly understood the importance of in-depth development of the Montenegro dungeon.

At the same time, he also realized the importance of himself, the invincible Chaos Knight, opening up the dungeon.

Once you open up enough epic-level dungeons, or even enough mythical-level dungeons.

These duplicate resources are in the hands of humans.

Human beings have the capital to become stronger rapidly.

The depth of [Dungeon] determines the upper limit of the group.

This sentence is not just said casually.


"The next in-depth land reclamation in the Black Mountain dungeon is related to the fate of our Shenghui city-state. It is not an exaggeration at all."

"And all this!"

"It's up to you, Li Mo."

Having said that, Guo Yan, the "acting president" of the New Baishen Guild, looked at Li Mo.

"In the next few days, you should improve your strength and be promoted to the second rank. Then we can open up the epic dungeon of Montenegro."

Li Mo smiled lightly as he squeezed his fist slightly.

Now that you know the huge value of the 200-level copy of Montenegro.

Then Li Mo will naturally attack the 200-level Black Mountain copy with all his strength.

Guo Mi's goal is epic level.

However, a 10-deep epic dungeon is not Li Mo's goal at all.

The 15-depth [mythical level] dungeon is Li Mo's real goal.

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