It is said to be a goddess, but weak indigenous gods like Yuri Allie often play the role of "trophies" in mythology.

For example, being caught by a monster, then rescued by a hero, and finally becoming the hero's wife or something - Yuri Ellie is a weak goddess of this level.

In the myth, her final ending was also devoured by her sister who ran out of control and became a sacrifice for the birth of the monster Gorgon.

Yuri Ellie, who has a somewhat self-destructive outlook on life, has been thinking about how to die decently since the beginning of her appearance.

Such Euryale discovered a monster that also manifested in the world—"the monster of Minotaur", which is the prototype starting point of the current "tauren culture".

That is Asterios.

Thinking "Being killed by a monster is better than being taken away by other gods as a sacrifice", Euryale entered the cave where Asterios was hiding alone.

However, to Yurielle's expectation, the legendary tauren monster, Asterios, is also a young child with a peaceful personality.

Although Asterios also appeared as a servant of the heroic spirit because of the high reputation of the legend of the tauren monster, but his brain, which is only eight or nine years old in actual age, cannot understand human restoration or Holy Grail competition at all. of.

In this way, the goddess who will eventually become the monster's birth sacrifice, and the monster boy who does not want to participate in any competition, live in seclusion in the cave of this unknown island together.

...Until the berserk Minamoto Raimitsu came to their door.

The hero's blood, which was as crazy as a thunderstorm, was unconsciously attracted by the 'monster blood' on Asterios.

"You are... what are you?"

Yuri Ellie stared wide-eyed, looking at Minamoto Raimiko in front of her, as if she saw something unbelievable.

The battle is imminent.

A terrifying thunderstorm gushed out of Minamoto Laikou's body in an instant, and Asterios subconsciously hugged the petite native goddess beside him to protect him. The native goddess and the monster boy were bounced away by the thunderbolt, and Leisu slashed Get Monster Boy instantly scarred.

- light flashes

A samurai sword flew out of the purple waterfall of thunder, and the thunder of the gods entangled with it, and the blade pointed directly at the center of Asterios' eyebrows!

Instinctively afraid of the majesty of the thunder, Asterios, who had been frightened into a fool... was not fatally injured as expected.

Minamoto Yorimitsu stood in front of Asterios, and received the blow of the divine thunder with his body.

Just like that, under the stunned gazes of Euryale and Asterios, the ghost of thunder split into two.

"...protect your sister, boy."

Ms. Minamoto seems to have misunderstood something.

However, if there are any other heroic spirits who know Minamoto Raimitsu here, they will definitely be amazed at her state at this moment——

That was a state of incomparable rationality that Minamoto Raikou had never had before. In the past, his eyes were always cloudy and filled with madness like a ghost mother. People are the same!

It seems that it is not Minamoto Raimitsu that splits from Ushio Mae, but something like the 'reason' of the ghost of thunder.

And what about the other side that is divided into two - the "main body" of Ugly Yuqian?

It looks similar to Minamoto Lamititsu on the outside, but behind it emerges a huge three jade jades forming a 'sampa pattern' - this is the symbol of the 'Thunder God' among the gods of Tianjin.

Compared with Yuan Laiguang as a human being, the biggest difference in Ugly Yumae's body is her face. Her entire head is covered by a huge bone mask like exoskeleton horny. On her forehead is a pair of huge Horns, people can't help but think of the names of legendary creatures like 'bull ghost'.

The monster and the samurai, who were originally one, started a fierce battle like this!

Because of restraint, even if the clumsy Asterios wants to help, it is difficult for the clumsy Asterios to cross the thunder pool of the two sides. environment of!

Not only was Asterios unable to get close to help, but because Minamoto Raimitsu had to pull out his hand to protect him and Urielle, he became Minamoto Raimitsu's burden, causing her to be distracted and injured repeatedly.

Asterios also thought about running away with Euryale...but Ugly Yuqian's actions may seem clumsy, but as the incarnation of ghosts and gods, she can turn into a thunderbolt at any time to show amazing mobility , Asterios could not escape at all.

Until... Drake came along.

The appearance of Drake was purely a dramatic accident like a movie story. She originally wanted to take an adventure on the nearby islands to hunt for treasure, but unexpectedly found the settlement of ghosts. And the vigilant ghosts subconsciously regarded the strange humans that suddenly appeared as enemies, so they launched an attack on Drake——

Then he was blasted back by Drake's call artillery group.

The ghosts immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, and then explained the whole story to Drake, and said that as long as Drake was willing to help them solve the threat of Ugly Gozen (Men Laiguang), then they would regard Drake as king and The treasure of the village is given to Drake.

When Drake heard that there was a treasure, he was naturally motivated!

In this way, under the guidance of the ghosts on Oni Island, Drake found Minamoto Raimitsu and Ugly Gozen who were fighting fiercely on Labyrinth Island.

With the addition of Drake, Minamoto Raimitsu finally doesn't have to be distracted to protect Asterios and Urielle!

...and things are still not getting better.

The reason is very simple.

——Chou Yuqian is too strong.

The essence of this monster that looks like a bull demon is the birth of the god of thunder, and it is the posture of the bull-headed king descending on the ground-and the bull-headed king is one of the incarnations of the heavenly emperor Indra.

That is, Emperor Shitian.

It's not an aboriginal god or the incarnation of primitive divinity, because of the chaos of time and space caused by the burning of human nature, what is manifesting here at this moment is a veritable god.

Yuan Laiguang was able to hold her back, not so much because of how powerful Raiguang himself was, but because she and Ugly Yuqian were one with each other, she was fighting with herself.

Outsiders who want to get involved in the battle between them are tantamount to seeking their own death.

Not long after Drake arrived, he noticed the difference. If he was an enemy of the gods of the ocean lineage, because of the characteristics of the captain class, Drake could have a powerful restraint effect on the gods of the ocean lineage, even create a miracle.

But Chou Yuqian is different.

She is a god of the sky lineage, and Wanjun Thunder is the manifestation of her majesty. No source Laiguang.

Run away if you can't fight——Drake planned this way, but at this moment, the environment on Maze Island has become so bad that there are thunder pools and thunder waterfalls everywhere, and Drake and others who are locked as enemies can't quit at all .

Drake could only fire a signal flare into the air, hoping that his companions would find out the problems on Labyrinth Island and come to help.

" could you see it."

Yuri Ellie looked up at the labyrinth island, because the ugly Yuqian was constantly overflowing with magic energy, the entire labyrinth island was shrouded in dark clouds, and the situation inside could not be seen from the outside.

"It's hard to say." Drake gritted his teeth and showed a forced smile, "My companions have special skills in finding people. They must have known that I was in danger! They must have rushed over On the way! My luck has always been good!"

Yuri Allie couldn't help but be dumbfounded when she heard the words.

But as the little goddess of pessimism, Yuri Ellie still has no hope: "What if it comes? You pirates have no idea what the enemy we are facing now is not just a simple monster, but Because of this problematic time and space...Because of the environment of the original struggle, all divinity has been activated, and the seal called 'myth' that humans have woven for the gods has gone out of control..."

Yuri Allie sighed.

"The gods gain power from mythology and stabilize their authority, but they must also accept restrictions from mythology... However, the incarnation of the Eastern God of War in front of her has completely lost control. She only accepts power, but Disregarding the limitations of the myth, manifesting in a place that doesn't belong to her at all..."

Yuri Allie's eyes dimmed because of this: "That is... the God of Disobedience! Emperor Shitian of Disobedience! It is impossible for mortals to fight with him!"

For Yuri Allie, who is so self-destructive...

Drake punched her straight in the head!

Yuri Allie: "???"

"What are you saying to be discouraged? Isn't that Japanese female samurai still fighting to protect you? Don't get discouraged so quickly!"

Drake summoned several snake cannons and fired towards the sky to guide the possible companions who were coming here.

"I'm a pirate who earns my living at sea... What kind of bad weather and what kind of desperate situation have I never seen? Miracles exist! I am the proof! If you give up from the beginning, it will be considered good luck. I can't catch it either!"

It's incredible.

It wasn't long before they met, but Drake actually believed in that person at this moment—believed in Kujo Jotaro, and he could really come here.

Minamoto Raimitsu, who desperately fought against 'himself', gradually weakened due to the accumulation of injuries on his body.

Drake is ready, she keeps calling out the naval guns, ready to go up and fight desperately at any time!

(The magicians at the observatory have said that One Piece can gain power in this sea of ​​imaginary numbers...Since that black beard can! Then I, Drake, can definitely too!)

(Isn’t that the One Piece? It’s as if I’m not!)

Drake tried to feel the power of the sea of ​​imaginary numbers, and planned to go up to fight with the incarnation of the disobedient Emperor Shitian when he had no choice but to gamble on the possibility of miracles

[Thunder is colliding, in such a fierce battle——]

【Can Jotaro make it to the battlefield between Minamoto Raimitsu and Ugami in time...? 】

【Difficulty: 175】

【Jotaro's 'Full Rush': 1D100=86】

[Ripple maneuver (spirit): 1D100=93]

【Total: 179】

【Fucking fast!A true hero kills with his face! 】


Jotaro felt the aura of Ushi Gozen and Minamoto Raimitsu, and also felt the cry for help from Drake!

Jotaro! go!

Chapter 104: The True Pioneer of the Stars! (5K second update! Ask for blades! Ask for a monthly pass!)

Can you catch up?

And if legs alone aren't enough... then try your newfound strength!

Jotaro reveals a new form of Star Platinum!

"——[Star Platinum·Weather Report (Platinum Star·Weather Forecast)]"

At the cost of reducing the strength to A level, Platinum Star obtained a semi-gaseous body, and through the conductivity of the ripples and the ability to manipulate in detail, it can manipulate the 'water molecules' in a huge range around the body.

"3000 meters ahead - partial showers!"

Because of the sudden torrential rain in a limited area, under the influence of such a spectacle, the road leading to the labyrinth island battlefield became especially wet. other words!That is, the density of water molecules in the atmosphere has reached an extremely high level!

But it's not over yet.

Water is the best conductor for ripples, and the best medium for transmitting ripple energy, and because ripples are the power of the sun, the traditional ripple fighters headed by Jonathan and Joseph often use 'heating' as way of fighting.

But...if only with the 'nuanced' power of the Platinum Star!Ripple heating or something - totally reversible!

In the final analysis, the essence of corrugated heating of liquid is to transfer heat.

So as long as it is reversed, the temperature inside the water molecule is transferred out-won't the opposite result be obtained?

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