It's like a switch of perspective.

It's like Araki was originally being chased by hungry wolves, but now he can sit inside the tank and look out, so the threat of these wolves to him is completely blocked.

It is precisely because of this that he can now carefully look at Yamata no Orochi through these eyes, and he can see more clearly what kind of majestic figure this giant snake with eight heads and eight tails is.

the other side.

After Araki separated a certain amount of attention to stare at Yamata no Orochi, he began to slowly close his eyes. While he was thinking, scene after scene flickered in his mind.

These pictures are very sudden.

It was created after the interstitial cells poured into his body.

Originally, the picture he thought he could read was just the picture when those intercolumnar cells merged into his body.

However, following the ranking technique that erupted at that moment, he understood that the things contained in these cells were not only what he saw on the surface, but also many things were hidden and were not directly discovered by him. , which means that the potential has not been exhausted.

You can continue to dig.

This is very good news for Araki.

Araki began to control himself, and carefully read these clips during this period of free time, so that he could get a certain degree of improvement here as much as possible.

Grinding the gun before the battle, unhappy also light.

Now there is not so much time for him to carefully accumulate strength.

Even after Orochimaru recovered from the state of Yaqizhijutsu, he did not have the confidence to completely defeat Orochimaru.

Facing a terrifying ninja like Orochimaru, he can't relax at any time. He hopes to find some techniques here that will allow him to break through, even if the price he needs to pay is to directly absorb the cells between the columns that he has just absorbed. All the energy in his body is exhausted, but as long as he can take the Orochimaru, everything is worth it for him.


At this moment.

Orochimaru and Araki actually had similar emotions.

Now Orochimaru hopes to get Araki at all costs, because he feels that as long as Araki is in his pocket, then the rest of these things are nothing. The price paid and the benefits obtained Also completely unremarkable.

After all, Araki is a wooden escape ninja who has already combined the cells between the columns.

In this way, he has no way to give up!

At the same time, Araki is also thinking, if he can win Orochimaru, then for a long time in the future, he can develop with peace of mind, so that he can truly become a wood escape that can rely on his own chakra. ninja.

Both of them are thinking that after solving each other, they can usher in a period of stability and comfort.

This also makes both sides hope to defeat the other regardless of the cost and consequences.

During this process, the two gradually fell into madness. Araki sat cross-legged under the shield with the fangs and fangs of the ghost face, observing the clips that kept flashing back in his mind, carefully flipping through the bits and pieces inside, thinking whether he could re- Find some details that have been overlooked.

At least this technique of ranking was something he didn't get when he obtained the intercolumnar cells, so he felt that there was a certain space in it that could be squeezed, and maybe he could discover some other secrets.

With such thoughts in mind, Araki's heart gradually calmed down. After all, with the shield of the ghost face and fangs, he believed that even Yamata no Orochi could not break through this defense.

Araki was really relieved, Orochimaru was always getting more and more anxious, looking at the shield with ghost face and fangs, there was almost no intention of being broken through, there was not even a trace of scratches on it, but human hands and eyes looked like It was looking at him with a contemptuous gaze, causing nameless anger to surge in his heart.

At the same time, Orochimaru's keen perception ability has discovered that someone is coming towards this side. Although there is still a distance, but the speed is very fast. If Araki can't be solved, then the secret of Mudun Ninja can't be hidden. .

Orochimaru has the same idea as Araki to a certain extent, that is, he does not want to let other people know about Mutun ninja. This is not a trivial matter. If the people in Konoha Village know, Especially with Sandai's sluggish and mediocre attitude, he will never be allowed to continue researching on Araki.

At that time, the program of transplanting cells between columns will be over.

For Muye Village, it may indeed be good news.

Because whether it is the Second Hokage or the follow-up who took over this experiment, their ultimate goal is to train Mutun ninjas for Konoha Village again.

If Araki is already a matter of Mudun ninjas, after being known by the people of Konoha Village, it means that the experiment has been successful and their goals have been achieved, so there is no need to conduct the experiment again, because the experiment will be accompanied by A very large sacrifice, which is also an important reason why the three generations have been hindering this matter.

Orochimaru is too aware of how stupid the third generation is. This person has a lot of thinking that is behind the times. Even doing some human experiments requires those people to agree to this matter. He had an indescribable feeling in his heart yesterday.

Those who make big things don't stick to the small details.

But I still think that three generations can't make a big deal.

On the one hand, I wanted to do this thing.

One side does not want to sacrifice.

How can there be such a good thing!

Orochimaru knows the third generation too well, so knowing that it was Araki's matter was known by the third generation, then all the remaining experiments will definitely be stopped, and no one in the village will be sacrificed.

From the perspective of the village, once the Wooden Ninja appears, it will be used well. With a certain degree of protection against the tailed beast, this is enough, and it can even deter other villages.

But from the perspective of a scientist named Orochimaru.

If he can't study Araki well, it will be a very big failure for him. He doesn't want such a thing to happen just like that, and wants to make good use of this rare opportunity to be able to communicate with the cells between the columns. If you study the fused cells of Araki well, it may even allow more people to have wood escapes and see through the secrets of life.

Over the years, although he has been doing intercolumnar cell transplantation operations, he is still studying intercolumn cells more, because he found that these cells can survive after leaving the body of the column space, and it takes tenacious vitality. Supporting these cells inspired a lot of inspiration in his heart, and he hoped that he could have such cells as well.

Through these experiments, he thought of some special curse seals, but he did not have the support of natural energy like the intercolumnar cells, so he has not been successful. The great meaning of life that can survive forever has a stronger desire to explore.

Orochimaru has a very strong idea in his heart. He feels that as long as he can see through the meaning of some of the life in the cells between the columns, he feels that the technique of reincarnation may be truly successful, and even as long as his own cells survive, he will be completely successful. A chance to be born again.


At that time, I still felt that Araki held the secret of eternal life.

This could allow him to peek into some of the mysteries of intercolumnar cells.

So he didn't want the village to know about Araki's becoming a wooden escape ninja, and then protect him. He wanted to study Araki well. With this eagerness, his attacks became more intensive. Carat consumption is also getting bigger and bigger.

For him, Yamata no Orochi still has a very strong consumption. Under this kind of terrifying consumption, even he began to be a little bit overwhelmed.

"Do you want to be a turtle all the time?"

Orochimaru's roar suddenly sounded, and the eight snake heads roared at the same time, the sound was earth-shattering, and it could be transmitted to Araki's ears very clearly.

For such a thing, he knew very well in his heart that now Araki has started to use the method of procrastination, which is very unfavorable to him.

Both of them are killing time.

It's all about who can last longer.

But obviously it is not so convenient for him at present, because he is almost unable to hold on now, but he doesn't know how long Araki can last, but he thinks that Araki may be barely supporting, so Start using verbal stimuli.

When Orochimaru was talking, the attack did not stop, but the shield of the ghost-faced fangs in front of him was like a barrier that could not be broken through at all. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't cross it. This ghastly fang mask casts a certain amount of shadow.

He never thought that there are such hard things in this world.

Even Yamata no Orochi couldn't break through.

With his attack method, not to mention a few logs, even a hill was leveled.

But even these woods couldn't break through.

"Is this the wood escape ninjutsu!"

Orochimaru's eight snake heads charged towards the shield of the ghost-faced fangs, while thinking quickly in his mind, the more tenacious Araki's performance now, the more he felt that Mu Dun's potential was stronger, which also made him I became more greedy in my heart, and wanted to own Mutun even more.


Time passed by minute by minute.

Another ten minutes passed.


Three figures suddenly appeared next to Orochimaru, each of them was wearing a mask, one of them was wearing a white robe, and the other two were wearing black robes, both of them were Anbu ninjas from Konoha Village.

"What monster is this?"

The three Anbe ninjas who came here were filled with indescribable shock when they saw the scene in front of them.

They were ordered to come here to see what happened. After all, there was a lot of commotion here, but as they arrived, the picture in front of them made them extremely shocked.

It was a giant snake with eight heads and eight tails. It was shaped like a hill, with eight-colored clouds on top of its head, and its visual impact was extremely terrifying.


There is also a shield with ghost face and fangs in front of the snake, which is also very huge, and the snake is attacking the shield frantically.

"What's the situation?"

"The movement just now was caused by this thing?"

Small question marks popped out of the heads of these three Anbu ninjas, and they were a little sluggish for a moment.

"Immediately go back and report to Lord Three Hokage!"

The eyes of the white-robed Anbu ninja flickered solemnly. He now felt that what happened here was beyond their control, and he had to go back and report it to Hokage immediately.

"Want to go?"

Suddenly there was a hoarse sound, as if it sounded from between heaven and earth, and the eight snake heads stopped attacking the ghost-faced fang shield at the same time, and turned to look at the three Anbu ninjas.

A strong killing intent flashed in the scarlet eyes.

Not long ago, Orochimaru felt that someone was coming here, but he hoped to be able to snatch and break through Araki's defense before these people came here, but he couldn't do such a thing.

Now seeing the three people who came here, he immediately recognized them as the people directly under Hokage Anbu.

At this time, Orochimaru also belongs to the roots and is Danzo's right-hand man, so he is still very clear about some information about Anbu, and he understands what these three people will do after seeing such a scene.

Will definitely tell the third generation!

In that way, not only his own secret would not be able to be concealed, but even the matter of the Mudun ninja would be spread. For him, it would completely break the plan he had imagined.

Never let this happen!

Now Orochimaru immediately shifted his focus to the three Anbu ninjas, and now he hopes to solve it quickly, and these three people will attack Araki again later, and Araki can also be left to dry during this period.

For him, he felt that the consumption of Araki must be not small, because the shield of the ghost face and fangs is not used once and it is over, but chakra must be continuously injected into it to stabilize its rigidity.

Even his attack consumed so much power, so Araki, who was on the defensive side, must have also consumed a lot of chakra.

Based on something like this.

Orochimaru felt that Araki must not know when he would launch an attack, so he would keep chakra filling the shield facing the ghost-faced fangs. At that point, Araki's consumption would also reach a limit. It might be a better choice to break through the shield of the ghost-faced fangs.

As for the three Anbu ninjas...

Must be resolved quickly!

Orochimaru didn't have too much energy to get involved with these three Anbe ninjas. After all, what he had to do now was to break through Araki's defense. Future experiments are difficult to grasp.

for a while.

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