The nature of the chakra of the extraction technique is gentle. After all, it is in direct contact with the organs, and it needs to be treated in an extremely gentle way. If it is too sharp, it will cause harm.

The best way to deal with gallstones in the gallbladder is to dissolve them slowly, which requires the precise control and persistent ability of Chakra.

As time passed by every second.

Araki has been doing this for more than half an hour. From the outside, it looks like it’s frozen. Only the green light that seeps out from Matt’s belly tells everyone that the extraction technique is still there. in progress.


outside the operating room.

Almost everyone at the scene never took their eyes off the operating table, and there was tension in everyone's eyes.

If such a picture is changed to another place.

Or change to another group of onlookers.

Maybe I will feel bored because of continuing such actions.


everyone here.

They all looked so relish.

"That little guy actually lasted so long, it really surprised me!"

Turning to bed Xiaochun's exclaimed voice suddenly sounded, and it was clearly heard by everyone on the scene, and the outside space that was still whispering suddenly became quiet.

After all, it is Konoha Consultant.

When she speaks, other people still have to be more or less concerned, which is the minimum courtesy to the top of power.


Everyone at the scene couldn't help but look at each other after hearing the exclamation of Zhuanbian Xiaochun, and they could all see each other's shock in each other's eyes.

"Master Xiaoharu, I told you that my disciple is still very good, you must believe it now." Tsunade said with a smile, now she is very proud, with a faint smile on her face.

On the surface, she seemed to be happy for herself. The disciple shocked everyone here, and the teacher's face was extremely shining.

But, in fact, Tsunade didn't care about these vulgar things, she didn't think about her own face at all, but simply felt happy and proud that she had such a disciple.

"Tsunade, you didn't say he's so powerful!" Turning to bed Xiaochun also laughed, the chat between the two seemed very gentle, as if there hadn't been any previous conflicts.

"Why didn't I say it, it's just that you don't believe it." Tsunade said with a smile.

"It was my fault. I really didn't expect that there is such a talented young man in the village. He is the future of our medical ninjas in Muye Village!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun sighed, admitting his mistake very frankly, and sighed : "I just don't know if he has the ability to survive this operation."

"It's only half an hour, to him, it's nothing." Tsunade smiled and shook her head. As Araki's teacher, she is too aware of Araki's amazing endurance. This level of surgery is not as good as Araki's usual practice. Time to get tired.

"I really want to wait and see!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said with great interest, after what happened just now, the way she looked at Araki became different, and her eyes were full of anticipation.


The scene became quiet.

The senior members of Konoha Hospital originally wanted to express their inner feelings, but because Koharu-sama and Tsunade-sama were talking just now, no one dared to say anything more, so they simply suppressed these words.

As the two became quiet, the whole environment became quiet, as if a needle could be heard, and almost everyone could hear their own heartbeat.

for a while.

Everyone had no choice but to put all their attention on Araki again.


More than half an hour passed.

It had been more than an hour since Araki entered the operating room.

Under everyone's gaze, he still maintained this movement, and the chakra in his hand showed no sign of weakening or losing control.

"It's almost ready!"

Araki felt the gallbladder worn by Mate, and under the action of extracting the fine pain, almost all the stones in it were dissolved, and flowed out with the operation of bile, coupled with the nourishment of chakra containing the breath of life , rejuvenated.

"Next is dealing with the inflammation of the pancreas, and some restoration of kidney function."

Araki found that the problems of Mr. Matt Dai were all related to long-term fatigue, but other organs, such as the heart, had become extraordinarily strong due to years of exercise.

"If I'm not wrong, in the original historical trajectory, Mr. Matt Dai should have cut off the gallbladder at this point in time, and it may have something to do with kidney function, which will make the body thin and weak, so When performing the eight-door Dunjia Formation, it was only by chance that some of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen escaped, after all, Teacher Matedai ​​had already surrounded them at that time."

Araki thought secretly in his heart, judging from the past historical trajectory, Matt Dai couldn't find anyone who could treat him patiently.

He couldn't find Tsunade-sensei to perform the surgery for him personally, let alone persuade Xiaoharu to do the surgery, so he could only do the most conventional treatment.

Otherwise, I can't justify...

Araki has thought about this problem countless times in the past. When Matt Dai opened the dead door, he did not explode with amazing strength, but this must not be based on physical fitness.

After all, Bamen Dunjia has very strict physical fitness requirements to implement. If the physical fitness cannot meet this requirement, then the dead door cannot be opened at all. Xiao Li is an example.

Until the moment of the finale, Xiao Li could only open six doors, and couldn't do what Matt Dai did.

This problem has troubled Desolation for a long time, because it also opened the Eight Gates Dunjia Formation, but why is there such a big difference?

Araki didn't know how serious Maitedai's condition was until today when he was undergoing surgery. Calculated according to the power generated by a patient when he opened the Eight-door Dunjia Formation, everything was justified.

"Don't worry, Teacher Dai, I will definitely cure you!"

There was strong determination in Araki's eyes, because the most difficult part has been passed, and the remaining part can be treated with the technique of extracting fine disease.

Immediately after...

Araki continued to start treatment.

The time passed by minute by second, seemingly slow, but actually fast. Before I knew it, it had been almost two hours since Araki entered the operating room.

outside the operating room.

The high-level executives of the Konoha Hospital gathered here at the scene, after seeing Araki's continuous treatment, the expressions on everyone's faces have changed to varying degrees.

Now the eyes of these people looking at Araki have changed drastically!

At the beginning, they just regarded Araki as a child, even if they later saw that Araki was a little stronger, they only regarded Araki as a disciple of Tsunade.

But until now.

They suddenly felt awe of Araki, and they already regarded Araki as a real medical ninja.

All previous doubts have been dispelled at this moment.

Because it is already very difficult to create such an ability just on the surface, let alone lasted for nearly two hours.

Now this time.

Araki still maintains the original appearance, his left hand is using the fine-changing twitch technique in Mattai's body, while his right hand is using the palm fairy technique to keep it near the knife edge to prevent wound infection and bleeding.

"This is too scary!"

"How much chakra does this child have?"

"With this kind of terrifying subtle chakra control ability, coupled with such a long-lasting chakra use time, it is simply a monster!"

"Even if I'm allowed to perform such an operation, even if I can use the fine extraction technique, maybe I need someone to do it for me!"

"I feel that Tsunade-sama came here to replace him, but he didn't get this opportunity."

"This is really perverted!"

"Under this kind of control, for such a long time, the subsequent consumption will be doubled, and it can last for such a long time, and every minute and every second that passes now will cause a very terrifying Chakra consumption, but you Judging from his face, it seems that there is no change, as if there is no problem at all."

"This kid is a born medical ninja!"

"It's really scary!"


The senior executives of the Konoha Hospital at the scene really couldn't hold back, even if Master Koharu and Master Tsunade were present, they still had to express their sighs, because the surprise that Araki brought to them was too strong.

They had never seen such a person!

"It's over."

At this moment, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun's faint voice sounded, immediately suppressed the discussion on the scene, and turned almost everyone's eyes to her. Anyone can hear the meaning of this simple voice. Contains shock.

"He actually did it!"

"This time I am impressed with him!"


"I remember this name!"

"Tsunade, you have a very good disciple, I apologize for the previous doubts!"

When turning to sleep Xiaoharu said the last sentence, Tsunade who turned her head looked over, her face was serious and calm, and she had been watching Araki's every move for the past two hours, and it can be said that she could hardly find any faults Come.

Such a point is very rare!

As soon as Xiaochun's words came out, everyone shifted their eyes to the operating room again, and saw Araki pulling out his left hand glowing green again.

Araki's left hand was still performing the technique of extracting the patient's pain, and the entire palm was not stained with a drop of blood. During the treatment process, there was no bleeding at all.

After Araki withdrew his palms, his hands immediately spread out his five fingers, and blue chakra lines appeared on the corresponding fingertips of both hands. These lines are very thin, and they are formal chakra sutures.

Followed by.

Araki's hands were like butterflies piercing through flowers, quickly entangled around the knife edge worn by Matt, and sewed these knife edges together firmly in the blink of an eye.

After suturing, the incision becomes a straight line, perfectly aligned as before.


Araki stretched out his hands together, and at the same time cast the palm fairy technique, lingering on the edge of the knife worn by Matt, and the soft green light continuously repaired the damaged body.

This process lasted about 5 minutes.

Under the gaze of everyone, they can clearly see that the wound that Maite Dana was cut by the Chakra scalpel quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally returned to a perfect appearance, as if Nothing suffered the same.


Araki breathed a long sigh of relief after finishing the final suturing process. This was his first surgery, and it was for Mr. Matt Dai. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous.

After completing the operation now, he felt a sense of relief, and then he felt a very strong sense of fatigue, which he did not feel at all when he was concentrating, because his heart rate did not reach that high. High level, so the green chakra stored in the heart did not come out to relieve his fatigue.

It was entirely by his own will that he survived.

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