There were many complimenting voices outside the screen. After seeing Araki's attack, these medical ninjas immediately felt Araki's ability, and immediately admired him.

the other side.

Standing in the corner, separated from everyone by a certain distance, the seemingly out of place Zhuan Xiaochun also stared at Araki intently.

"This kid..."

The lines on Zhuanzhu Xiaochun's face softened a lot. What she saw was not the simple two-handed palm fairy technique, but the meticulous and calm aura, together with the rigorous attitude towards medicine.

These are very difficult!

Zhuanzhu Xiaochun has been engaged in the medical ninjutsu industry for decades. She started to become a medical ninja just after she graduated from the ninja school. It can be said that she is used to seeing all kinds of talented medical ninjas in Konoha Village.


For some geniuses, it is not so surprising.

There are many medical ninjas who can control Chakra well.

But there are very few people who can control their emotions well.

Everything about Araki just now was displayed in front of him.

When I came here, I didn't feel any panic because of everyone's gaze, and I didn't feel any complacency because of Tsunade's praise. The whole person looks like a piece of wood, Gujing has no waves There was hardly any expression on his face.

Standing on the operating table now, he is even more rigorous and meticulous in carrying out the work of disinfection and sterilization. Although the operation has not yet started, just such a beginning gave Zhuanju Xiaochun a new understanding of Araki.

"Lets see……"

Zhuanzhu Xiaochun didn't comment on Araki immediately, but wanted to take another look, but she didn't comment immediately, which was already a very high comment for her.


Araki in the operating room had already completed the disinfection work, and his eyes were focused on Mr. Maitedai's abdomen. This operation will deal with the problems of the gallbladder and pancreas.

What needs to be used is the technique of extracting fine patients.

So under this premise, you need to open an opening in the abdomen first, and then put your hand in.


Araki raised his right hand.

Under the gaze of countless gazes outside the glass, this hand suddenly condensed blue Chakra, forming a sharp Chakra scalpel.

With the appearance of the Chakra scalpel, Araki cut directly towards Maitedai's abdomen without any hesitation, forming a gash without blood in an instant.


Such a scene immediately made everyone outside the operating room exclaim, and everyone began to mutter, saying some rather shocking words.

It is because they have already made such psychological preparations from the very beginning, because this kind of operation must use the fine extraction technique, then the Chakra scalpel will definitely appear, but when they really see it with their own eyes When Araki used the Chakra scalpel, he was still extremely shocked in his heart.

"My God, this kid actually used the Chakra scalpel!"

"This kind of thing is not so stable even for me to use!"

"He's only ten years old!"

"Tatsuren Tsunade is right, he is really a genius!"

"What kind of talent is this that allows him to control Chakra to such a precise level!"

"Have you noticed the wound? There is no blood at all, which means that he controls Chakra and has temporarily sealed the blood vessel during the cutting process!"

"This level of subtle operation, even me, a medical ninja with decades of experience, can't fully guarantee it!"

"I now completely believe in Tsunade-sama's words!"


When these medical ninjas at the scene said these words, everyone's eyes shone with shock. They were really amazed by Araki.

The operation is still going on.

But just the palm fairy technique and the chakra scalpel, combined with Araki's age and calm performance, are enough to conquer them and form a new evaluation of Araki.

Turning to bed Xiaochun saw such a scene, nodded silently, the lines on his face became a little softer, and muttered: "Not bad! Not bad!"


in the operating room.

After Araki made a not-so-big incision, he immediately inserted his left hand into it.

Now he needs treatment for a gallbladder problem.

Then he must first find the gallbladder worn by Matt, and then use his hands to perform a method similar to the palm fairy technique in the opponent's body, and then start to treat the diseased problem on the organ from the inside.

The Palm Immortal Technique has always been able to treat external injuries the most, but it is actually not very effective in dealing with internal injuries.

Therefore, when dealing with internal injuries, it is necessary to use the art of careful extraction, which is a special way of extending the hand into the body and using the Palm Immortal Technique. However, there are still some subtle differences between this and the Palm Immortal Technique, and it is difficult to learn. Still very big.

of course.

The biggest difficulty in the art of fine trouble extraction is not just on the threshold of learning.

It lies in the collocation with medical knowledge.

Many people have mastered this medical number, but they cannot really treat patients accordingly through this medical ninjutsu.

The most fundamental reason is that their medical theoretical knowledge does not fully match, and there is still a lot to learn.

"found it!"

Araki's eyes lit up immediately, these days he has memorized the human body diagram countless times, and he is very clear about the location of every organ.

But when he actually practiced on the body of Teacher Maitedai, there are still many places that need to be paid attention to, and he has to be more careful and cautious than usual.

After all, he didn't want Mr. Matt Dai to have any bad problems.


Almost instantly.

Teacher Matt Dai's body suddenly trembled.

A strand of green light was seeping out through his skin.

Araki's hands began to melt the stones in his body little by little.

Up to this time, all the preliminary work has been done, and the next step is to patiently deal with these organ problems bit by bit.

The more it comes to this time, the more you can't be in a hurry, because you may make mistakes while you are busy.


"I feel that there is no suspense in this operation!"

"I think it's the same. A child of this age has already taken out the technique of extracting fine troubles, which makes an old man like me very ashamed!"

"The important thing is that he has already won from the step of daring to do it!"

"This child's future is limitless!"

"This is the future of our medical ninjas in Konoha Village!"

"No wonder Master Tsunade gave him such a high evaluation!"


The senior officials of Konoha Hospital on the scene were already convinced by Araki's actions, and everyone's eyes had changed when they looked at Huang.

the other side.

The lines on Turning Sleeping Xiaochun's face became softer.

"Why didn't Tsunade make it clear earlier..."

Her eyes were fixed on Araki, and she never left. Her eyes, which could hardly see any fluctuations, kept flickering with appreciation and relief.

"I haven't seen such a young man for a long time, I hope he can succeed in the end, don't let me down!"

Even she herself didn't realize the change in her heart, from wanting to see a medical accident to now wanting to see a medical miracle.

Chapter 153 The Famous Konoha Hospital

The glass in the operating room is transparent, and the outside can see the inside, but the inside cannot see the outside. The sound is also isolated, so that even if the outside sound is too noisy, it will not disturb the people who are undergoing surgery inside.

Araki didn't hear the shock of the people outside, and he was already immersed in the operation, not paying attention to those eyes that kept appearing.

Now he can't care about these anymore.

He himself has never investigated Mr. Mattai's condition. At that time, Mr. Tsunade made a full-body diagnosis. What he got was a scroll similar to the medical examination report. The entire treatment plan was drawn up in his mind. , The process of treatment is also carried out by him himself, so it is not clear to what extent the specific condition has reached. It was not until he really used the technique of extracting the disease to treat it that he really realized the truth of Teacher Maitedai. How serious the condition is.

This is no small matter.

There is no room left in the gallbladder, and the secretion of bile is completely compressed, which is inseparable from diet and work and rest.

of course.

The most important thing is...

Teacher Matt Dai is really good at it!

The nature of the chakra of the extraction technique is gentle. After all, it is in direct contact with the organs, and it needs to be treated in an extremely gentle way. If it is too sharp, it will cause harm.

The best way to deal with gallstones in the gallbladder is to dissolve them slowly, which requires the precise control and persistent ability of Chakra.

As time passed by every second.

Araki has been doing this for more than half an hour. From the outside, it looks like it’s frozen. Only the green light that seeps out from Matt’s belly tells everyone that the extraction technique is still there. in progress.


outside the operating room.

Almost everyone at the scene never took their eyes off the operating table, and there was tension in everyone's eyes.

If such a picture is changed to another place.

Or change to another group of onlookers.

Maybe I will feel bored because of continuing such actions.


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