Just now he was talking loudly on purpose.

The purpose is to draw Jiu Xinna out.

This is a huge trump card for Mikoto, because he just asked, Mikoto really considers Kushina as a friend, so here comes the important point, Mikoto absolutely doesn't want Kushina to know that she doubted herself.

With the appearance of Jiu Xinnai.

This question immediately came to a paragraph.


Kushina came out of the bathroom.

"Keep your voice down!"

"Woke me up!"

"I need to sleep a little longer!"

Jiu Xinnai complained a few words, but he was so sleepy that he didn't want to say more, so he went back to the bedroom and closed the door.

"Araki, I'm sorry..."

Because of Kushina's interruption just now, Uchiha Mikoto forgot even the doubts in her heart, and all she remembered was apology, especially when she felt Araki's true feelings just now, she felt more deeply that it was her I misunderstood Araki, and felt a lot of sad emotions in my heart.

"Now you believe me?" Araki asked lightly.


Uchiha Mikoto nodded, she was not perfunctory Araki, but really believed it.

In Araki's words just now, there is one point that directly made her believe.

That is, Araki defeated former Benlong!

Think about it now.

It's quite strange!

Because Araki defeated Mae Ben Takashi, she began to doubt Araki, wondering if Araki was hiding his strength, and actually had the ability to defeat Hinata Sora.

But after what Araki said just now, she suddenly realized and understood a truth, that is, at that time Araki couldn't beat Hinata Sora, so she chose to escape. If Araki could beat Hinata Sora, then she would definitely be like the current former Ben Takashi, Just beat it and you're done.

It seems...

This matter has nothing to do with Araki!

thought here.

Uchiha Mikoto sat in front of Araki again, after the emotional ups and downs just now, she had already begun to choose to believe in Araki in her heart.

that's it.

The watchman bear reappeared in Araki's sight.

"and many more!"

When Uchiha Mikoto just sat down, she was sorting out what Araki had just heard, thinking about some thoughts, and suddenly thought of the inspiration that burst out at that moment, but was overwhelmed by the follow-up Araki's words, and now she is re-opening remembered.

This kind of forgotten topic, when you think of it again, you must talk about it quickly, otherwise you may forget it again.

"You called Tsunade-sama Tsunade-sensei just now, could it be..." Uchiha Mikoto's pupils shrank slightly, and shock was written in her eyes.

"do not you know?"

This time it was Araki's turn to be shocked. He looked Uchiha Mikoto up and down, especially staying on the watchman bear for a while, and then said with a sneer: "You young detective team should disband as soon as possible. What's the point of it, and nothing can be investigated at all."

"..." Uchiha Mikoto was speechless for a while.

"You all went to Muye Hospital and you still don't know my identity, so you investigate me, what exactly are you investigating?"

Araki shook his head, and then said something that shocked Uchiha Mikoto, causing the latter's twisting body to drive the watchman to make various yoga-like movements.

"In the past six months, I have not only been learning gymnastics from Mr. Matt Dai, but also learning medical skills from Mr. Tsunade. I have two teachers!"

Chapter 134 Going through Tsunade's back door from now on ([-] more)

Uchiha Mikoto blinked her big shocked eyes, opened and closed her pink mouth, showing horror, and sat in front of Araki in a daze, speechless for a while.

After a few seconds.

She just reacted.

Unbelievable face.

"Two teachers..."

"is this real?"

"My God!"

The way Uchiha Mikoto looked at Araki has completely changed, this is not the Araki she used to know at all.

In the ninja world, there seems to be harmony between the major families, and between master and apprentice, but in fact there is a big gap.

Many families have their own secret arts.

These secret techniques will not be passed on at all.

No matter how deep the bond is!

It's a family thing!

Among them, the simplest truth is to take the Nara Clan's Shadow Realm Technique as an example. Only the Nara Clan can learn it, and other people can't learn it.

This is not the limit of blood inheritance.

It does not require talent conditions like Sharingan or Baiyan.

This is a technique that everyone can learn in theory, but it is a family secret technique, and if it is not taught to you, you will not be able to learn it.

This kind of secret technique is strict to an extremely exaggerated level.

For example, members of the Nara clan can learn family secrets, but if a man of the Nara clan marries a wife, even though the wife is also a clan member, the wife cannot learn it, only the children can learn it.

after all……

Marriage may lead to divorce!

Only parent-child blood is the real family blood!

The same is true of master-student inheritance. There are many things that a master will only teach his own disciples, and will not teach other people's disciples.

This makes many people not accept that their disciples have another teacher.

Unless the relationship between these two teachers is very good!

Uchiha Mikoto knew these concepts, and this was one of the reasons for her shock. After all, in her understanding, Maitedai ​​and Tsunade-sama were not at the same level at all.

To put it simply, Matt Dai is not qualified to share disciples with Master Tsunade.

But Araki did it.

There is no alternative.

No sacrifices or breakups were made.

In this way, I studied with two teachers for more than half a year.

"Then your medical ninjutsu..."

Uchiha Mikoto's breathing became rapid, and now she has fully believed that Araki is absolutely impossible to be the murderer who killed Hinata Sora, which can be seen from the fact that Tsunade-sama is Araki's teacher.

How could Tsunade-sama take in a dishonest disciple!

Absolutely impossible!

She is a more emotional person. When she first doubted Araki's mind, she didn't have any evidence, and all she relied on was her own doubts. In a nutshell, it is two words, feeling.

Now I also feel that Araki cannot be the murderer at all because of two simple words, feeling.

It's all about feel!

Uchiha Mikoto thinks that it is very difficult for Araki to be the disciple of two teachers, or the disciple of two teachers with such a huge gap. where, exactly where.

"Not good." Araki shook his head lightly.

"I believe you!" Mikoto Uchiha rolled her eyes angrily. If Araki had said directly and frankly that she was very skilled in medicine, she might still be skeptical, but such an answer was obviously deliberately perfunctory.

"You know what you should know, and you know what you shouldn't know." Araki finally took a reluctant look at the twisted watchman bear, then stood up and said, "Because you are Kushina's Girlfriend, I'm just telling you this, otherwise I don't need to explain at all. If you still doubt me like this, then you can pack up and move away. I don't want anyone in my family who thinks I'm a murderer at any time. "

"No, no, I didn't, I misunderstood, I'm sorry!" Uchiha Mikoto panicked, waved her hands repeatedly to apologize, and finally lowered her proud head.


Araki nodded lightly, and she didn't intend to push so hard, this is enough now, at least on some levels, it can provide him with alibi.

Followed by.

Araki raised his hand and picked up the bag containing the blank symbols.

After a night of hard work, he had already made the detonating talisman from the blank talisman he had taken away, but he didn't intend to put back the detonating talisman he made today, but kept it on his body.

What happened last night provided him with a lot of experience and lessons, which he couldn't bear when he was a low-key person in the past.

Full reckoning.

In the three and a half years since I came to the ninja world.

Count Kato off last night.

He has only experienced three battles.

No matter how firm and determined he is in his heart, how calm and calm he is when encountering things, he is still a novice after all, without ninja fighting experience, and even strictly speaking, he is not a ninja.

When killing Hyuga Sora, the opponent underestimated the enemy. He calculated with his heart and mind, and guided a certain distance to kill him with one blow.

When he killed the ninja of Yunyin Village, he showed his talents for the first time, but he was also assisted by poison. It is not so much that he is very powerful, but the effect of poison is stronger.

It wasn't until he met Kato Dan last night that he really realized how huge the gap between himself and Jonin was.

Before fighting with Kato Duan, he didn't know that the person following him was Kato Duan, so he didn't count it here at all, and he didn't know that the opponent could use the technique of spiritualization, so he was not prepared enough.

If it was another opponent, after the wooden clone and Kato Duan were both fascinated by the poison, the bound Kato Duan would be equivalent to a breathing corpse without any mobility at all.

There is nothing wrong with this layout.

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