"Beautiful! So beautiful! It's so beautiful!"

At this moment, the citizens in the arena all admired from the bottom of their hearts.

"Your Majesty the Emperor! You must be the most beautiful woman in the world!"

"That's right, that's it."

The smile on the face of the girl in red became more and more obvious.

"To be a woman, I will be the most beautiful woman. To be an emperor, I will naturally be the most powerful emperor... Do you know how to distinguish between emperors?"


Doberman didn't quite want to answer the question, his throat was a little dry.

But the girl in red didn't wait for his answer, but said the answer herself.

"The so-called king is the person who expands the territory, and the so-called emperor is the one who wants to conquer everything in the world."

Saying this, the girl in red opened her arms, as if embracing the entire arena.

"I will conquer their eyes with beauty, and conquer their hearts with wisdom. As for what you said just now, women cannot become Roman emperors... In other words, in your opinion, only men can be called qualified?"

Having said that, the girl in red narrowed her eyes.

"If I heard correctly just now, they say you are a man's man, that you are a man's man... That is to say, as long as I conquer you, then I will be more like a man than you, and my Xiong. Will be above you too!"

Saying this, the red-clothed girl suddenly shouted.

"Citizens of Rome! Do you want to see what a real hero is!"

"Think! Think! Think!"

"Emperor! Emperor! Emperor!"

"Please do it quickly! We can't wait!"

At this moment, the entire arena was completely boiling, just because all the audience understood the meaning of those words——their majesty the emperor, the great emperor, clearly wanted to fight with the newly promoted wrestling star, Fight head-to-head with that man among men!

Indeed, this is a very irrational move, and it can even be called stupid, but how many people who come to see the gladiator fight come here for reason?All they want to see is irrationality!All they want to see is the fiercest conflict!And now, their emperor, His Majesty, generously satisfied them!

He even had to let go of his dignified figure as an emperor to have a wrestling fight with that daring lunatic!

"Emperor! Emperor! Emperor! Emperor!"

People cheered and congratulated their emperor, even they knew that no matter how loud they shouted, the emperor couldn't see themselves even a single glance-but it didn't matter, it didn't matter to them, they were just saying Proud of my own emperor, proud of being able to meet such a good emperor who enjoys fun with the people!

"Go! Hack him!"

"Chop him up!"

"Kill him! You must be able to kill him!"

At this moment, the audience clamored again, and the girl in red who claimed to be the emperor of Rome seemed to be a hero—and as the opposite of a hero, Dubin could only end up being beaten by everyone. .Those who applauded him before had turned their heads and began to scold him at this moment, and some even got rotten vegetable leaves or rotten eggs from nowhere and threw them at him.

Of course, with Dubin's skills, it's enough that these things can't beat him, but just now he was praised by thousands of people, and he was criticized by thousands of people when he turned his head. This kind of huge gap, no matter how good-tempered Dubin is, at this moment it is a little bit Get angry.

"So...even if I beat the Roman emperor to death, it's fine, right?"

Du Bin couldn't help turning his head to look at Lao Luo who was still pretending to be dead on the ground.

"They're planning to kill me. I'm doing it in self-defense..."

"Go ahead, whatever you want."

Seeing that things have developed to this extent, Lao Luo on the side can only smash the cans and smash them.

"It's up to you, I'll open it again..."

"Well, I'm really sorry."

Hearing what Lao Luo said, Du Bin was relieved.Since the person concerned didn't care too much about it, he can naturally relax a bit.

This time, he's ready to go all out!

"Bring me my sword!"

On the other side of the arena, the girl in red also stretched out her hand in the direction of the stands.

A heavy crimson sword fell from the stands and fell into the hands of the girl in red. It was obviously as heavy and rough as iron, but when the girl in red swung it, it was as light as straw.

This can't help but make Dubin's pupils shrink. Maybe he really underestimated the other party too much before.

Being able to use that kind of weapon freely...how could it be an idler!

"Ah... It's been a long time since I got off the court in person, and the last time I got off the court was the last time."

Walking on the sandy soil with a big sword in hand, the girl in red has a bit of nostalgia on her face.

"Ah, I remembered. At that time, in order to prove that I was comparable to the legendary Hercules, I killed a lion with my bare hands in the arena...Of course, although the lion was very big, but compared For you, a hero among heroes, you are still far behind."

While saying this, the girl in red raised her head and looked into Dubin's eyes.

With four eyes facing each other, there seemed to be a flame burning in the pupils of the girl in red.

"I will conquer you, let you see what a real hero looks like, I will crush you, just like you crush those weak... Indeed, you are different from other slaves, you are stronger than them, rebellious Taming? But it doesn't matter, I will let you understand what is superior and inferior."

The fiery red sword swept across, and the girl in red stood holding the sword.

"Come on, let me see, your..."


A harsh wind blows head-on.

A big hand had already strangled the throat of the girl in red.

"What do you want to see?"

The neck was gripped, and the red-clothed girl could even feel the snort almost sticking to her face.

"Then I'll let you see enough!"

Roman Holiday, Passion in the Arena: Chapter 139 Chapter 130 Chapter [-] King's Journey ([-] words)

Became the emperor of Rome, when did that happen?

She can't remember clearly, after all, it has been quite a while.She only remembered that it was supposed to be a sunny day, and the weather was relatively warm. Surrounded by everyone, she was crowned king...

But that was still not the happiest thing in her heart.

So, when is the best memory?

Ah, she remembered, although this memory is really too long - after all, she was only three or four years old at that time.At that time, her father died, and the emperor's uncle exiled her mother. She failed to inherit the inheritance, and penniless, if she hadn't been adopted by a kind aunt, she might have been thrown into the street, or even Being dragged to a corner of the city and ravaged...

Wait, is this a good memory?

It seems that it can't be counted. After all, this kind of memory has nothing to do with beauty, but in the year when she got along with her aunt, she really felt very happy when she just started to remember things.

Then her mother came back.

The reason why the mother can come back is entirely because the emperor's uncle died.Of course, some people said that the reason why her mother was exiled was actually because after she became her uncle's woman, she married another man, that is, her father...

She didn't understand those intricate relationships, and she didn't want to understand them when she was still young. She only knew that after her mother came back, she was no longer the orphan without parents like other children said.

But when she was young, she didn't expect that this was the beginning of the nightmare.

Training, training, training, she was caught and trained like a monkey, and the teachers forced that knowledge into her head like cleaning a toilet—but more importantly than that knowledge, she had to learn to obey, Obey her mother, obey the woman who once again married the new Emperor His Majesty.

The new Emperor His Majesty is her mother's uncle, that is, her uncle, in other words, this is her grandfather's generation - and the old man's age is indeed comparable to her grandfather, It's just that, unlike the old man's appearance, her grandfather is still physically strong. At least every time she wants to find her mother, she will hear the sound of the old man fighting with her mother outside the door.

Of course, she also knew later that it was not the "slapstick" that her mother said, but some other things. Wait outside the door, instead of pushing the door rashly to break in.

However, although she was still young and ignorant at that time, she had already noticed that something seemed wrong.

Her mother had always told her she loved her, or at least said so, but in reality, she saw her mother only a handful of times.On weekdays, she saw her teacher Seneca the most... Indeed, she admitted that he was a respectable person, but the more she studied, the more puzzled she became.

"Teacher, can a simple life really calm down my heart?"

After growing up gradually, she once asked the teacher this way.

"But why don't I feel any sense of tranquility? What's wrong?"

"It means that your heart is still restless, which means that your rationality has not yet been able to control your desires."

She still remembered that the teacher answered him like this at the beginning.

"If you can live a humble life with a simple attitude like a teacher..."

"I understand! As long as you become a famous rich man like you, teacher, and have real estate in various places in Rome, you can be called simple!"

Although at the time she felt that there was nothing wrong with her understanding, after all, her teacher was right, but after that, her teacher didn't pay much attention to her.

Only the day-to-day training was pressed down, making her breathless.

That was the mother's order. She must be extremely excellent in her growth, even several times better than those male nobles, in order to win the chance to become emperor—yes, to become the emperor of Rome, this is The path her mother arranged for her.She must run wildly on this road, and must truly be crowned king in order to meet her mother's expectations.

As a woman, she must be more beautiful than all women, and as a man, she must be braver than all men. In order to step on the position of the king, she has already erased her gender and even her will, and she has already fully activated her. Become a living machine.

Fortunately, she is indeed very talented, even her uncle, that is, His Majesty the Emperor, also praised her talent.Therefore, under the arrangement of her mother, she also successfully became the adopted daughter of her uncle, became the heir of the Roman Empire, and was crowned emperor of Rome after her uncle died.

Everything is getting better, obviously everything is getting better.

But why, she felt more and more out of breath?

It was as if a big hand was wrapping around her neck, making her unable to breathe...


After recovering from the trance, she glanced down subconsciously, only then saw that there was really a big hand pinching her neck!

"Go away!!!"

Fiery and scorching breath spewed on her face, and those eyes that were close at hand were even more crazy like wild animals. Hearing the animal-like gasps in her ears, her whole body was almost pressed to the ground, and she hurriedly He raised his leg and kicked, kicking that daring lunatic away.

In a sense, this is the first time Dupin was kicked head-on.

As for the reason, after all, it was because he was too careless.Although he has achieved perfection in combat, he has forgotten the important thing other than combat - although he can temper his willpower with ten times the sensitivity, he must never fight women.

Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean that he has forgotten, after all, in Du Bin's eyes, he should have passed this demon level long ago.After using some unorthodox methods to strengthen his confidence, he can already be sure that even if he is asked to fight Joan again, he will never fall into any beauty tricks.

And this point has also been confirmed in the previous Toyo mission line. When he fights with Okita Souji, he can completely touch his body.Although it also made him feel a little trance, but this trance feeling began to become less and less—so he may have completely passed this hurdle, and he no longer has any worldly desires.

However, think so.

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