Few people know that in addition to magic immunity, Akunorollia also has a wealth of magical knowledge.Now let it put its claws on the opening of the space channel, and it may not be long before it can be opened again.

"Want to come back? It's not that easy!"

Kira's magic power is urged again, and another space channel is opened, but this new channel is in the opposite direction to the original one, and it is also smaller. On the contrary, it is for reverse wrapping, and the small one is for the convenience of closing.

With a wave of Kira's fingers, the new space channel moved upwards quickly towards a big mouth, swallowing the original channel into the mouth, and then the huge mouth quickly closed, completely swallowing Akunorollia's voice.

The whole world seemed to be quiet, the roar of the sky-shattering dragon disappeared, and the shadow of the illusion dragon also faded away, leaving only the faint sound of wind in the whole sky.

Kira opened his hand, looked at the triangular pyramid prop in his palm, and wiped the sweat from his head: "Fortunately, there is any door, what a close call!"

Akunorollia is exiled!

You are safe!

Chapter 360 Four Post-war Restoration

At dawn, the warm and charming sunlight pierced the sky, dispelling the cold and darkness of the night, and bringing new vitality to Sirius Island, which has been fighting all day and night.

In the guild camp, the aroma of food broke the seal of the bedding in the wooden house and lured Kira out of his sleep.

When Kira came out of the wooden house, she found that there were only Mira, Wendy and Melty left.

"Are you finally awake?" Mira greeted first with a smile.

"Yesterday's battle consumed too much mana, so I naturally need to rest more!"

Without blushing, Kira casually gave himself an excuse to stay in bed, and then turned his gaze to the distant sky—that was the direction of the seaside of Sirius Island—where thick blue-black smoke was billowing into the sky.

"what is that?"

"The president and the others are dealing with the corpses left on the island yesterday." Mira replied, handing over a bowl of steaming broth, "Breakfast, please!"

"Thank you!" Kira was already hungry and couldn't wait to eat.

Hmm... Mira's cooking skills are really good!

Too many lives were lost in the war yesterday, no matter whether they were humans or demons, their corpses cannot be left on the island like this, they must be cleaned up, otherwise it will pollute the sanctity of Sirius Island.

How to clean up?Of course, it is to pile up the corpses, burn them, and throw them into the sea; as for the battlefield, thanks to the heavy rain yesterday, it will not be too troublesome to clean up; the last thing is to plant trees and restore the vitality of Sirius Island.

Mira is in charge of the guild's housekeeping, so she naturally has to stay here. Wendy and Melty are children, so they are not allowed to go out to help, and besides, Mira also needs help here.

"So, even Gerald and Urrutia went to help?"

Melti nodded: "Yes! After all, there are quite a few 'devil's hearts' people there, and Urrutia said that he wants to deal with it himself!"

"Oh? I can't tell she has such leisure time! Speaking of which, with the magic of Arc of Time, it should be much easier to restore the greenery on Sirius Island! Hmm... planting trees is a great thing, We should support..."

Seeing that Kira was talking endlessly, Melty just pretended that he didn't hear, and walked aside silently, but a pair of eyes still peeked at Kira from time to time.

'Did Urrutia and Gerard join this person's organization?Although judging from yesterday's performance, he seems to be stronger than Mr. Hades, but why does he seem to be not serious now? '

Just when Melty was thinking wildly, a soft voice rang in her ear: "What are you doing here?"

It's rare to meet someone of the same age. Wendy really hopes to become friends with Melty, but Melty has been blank, no matter what she says or does, she just passively listens and accepts it.

Wendy felt that it must be the fault of 'Devil's Heart', who had ruined the nature of such a little girl!I should play the role of "sister" to take care of her and let her out of the darkness!

'Again, this woman! "Melty quietly looked at Wendy who was close to her, with an undetectable vigilance hidden in her eyes, "Since the first meeting yesterday, this girl named Wendy has been acting weird to her, if not If you can't beat her, you won't be led away by the opponent forever.Obviously she fought so crazily when facing the giant dragon last night, but now she looks like a simple little girl in front of me, she is a terrifying person! '

Melty curled herself up again: "No...what are you doing..."

Wendy was confused, she clearly wanted to make friends, why was it so difficult?

When Kira arrived at the beach, what he saw was this scene:

A raging fire was burning in the open space, and the thick smoke shot straight into the sky. It is estimated that the smoke could be seen hundreds of miles away; beside the flames, there were corpses piled up in the shape of a hill, including demons and humans, those who fought yesterday The dead and alive sides, at this moment, either one's head is on that's foot, or that's face is next to this's buttocks, it seems that they are inseparable.

Makarov stood beside the flames, quietly watching the final outcome of these enemies, without saying a word, as if mourning for their departure.

Not long after Kira arrived, other people came here one after another, each carrying a corpse like a hill.

"Everyone has worked hard..."

"Oh, I got up late, I'm ashamed that I didn't help..."

"Slept well, slept well, thanks to the fact that you are here to dispose of the corpse..."

"No, no, no...I don't dare to take on such an important task as rebuilding Sirius Island, and I still need everyone to cooperate!"

"Look at what you said, why are you being polite to me? This is the holy land of our guild, everyone has a share! I will send Urutia to plant trees, and you can figure out the rest..."

Kira greeted one by one, and the others were also very friendly and energetic. They each responded to his sarcastic remarks with white eyes and fists. After the disaster, it was very easy for them to communicate.

In the end, Kira still couldn't escape the fate of moving the corpse, and gritted his teeth to take over the work of several girls. When he returned to the seaside with the corpse of the devil again, he found that Kanna and Lucy were drinking with each other. , and tried to bring down the two minors, Rebby and Lisanna.

unacceptable!Don't you see the atmosphere of drinking here?By the way, what kind of wine do you drink?Wouldn't it be soju?Wouldn't it be burned with the fire in front of you?

So Kira joined in with righteous indignation, and was finally scolded by Makarov as expected.

The fire burned for a whole day, and the unpleasant dark atmosphere on the island was burned away. Whether it was the magician of the 'Devil's Heart' or the demon of the 'Gate of Hades', they were all cleaned up.

Silver's body was frozen and taken away by Gray alone, as if he intended to take him back to his hometown to be buried with his mother.After that, Kana mentioned the Necromancer Keith to Gray, and was grateful to Gray, as well as Jubia's "Rival Mark";

Sera and Kuanghua were taken over by Mira, Stormy and Jackal blew themselves up, Keith was frozen and crushed, and there were no corpses left; the corpses of Mardo, Trafsa, and Ethel were recovered by Kira, and he was going to take them back and share with Xi Erff and others conducted experiments; the only exception was Franmars, which was not seen in the entire Sirius Island.

According to Lucy and Rocky, their last move to defeat each other was not fatal, so the other party should have escaped.Thinking that this demon has the ability to "let itself be accepted by others", Kira guessed that the other party probably used this method to leave with the 'devil's heart' person, so he didn't pursue it anymore.


"Eh?! That Meister is a member of the council?!"

At night, by the campfire, Naz and the others finally realized that something was wrong.

"No wonder I have a very bad impression of him, it turns out to be like this!"

The disadvantage of memory magic is that as long as they notice something is wrong, they can quickly unravel the magic along with the "wrongness", so when they finally talked about Wendy's partner, they woke up immediately.

"President, is this all right?"

Makarov waved his hand indifferently: "Don't worry, he's not a bad guy!"

"Did Kira know about it earlier?"

"Didn't the president say that? He is...he is not a bad person!"

"Well...I always feel that your words are a little bit..."

Since Makarov didn't want to speak out about the "undercover Senate", Kira was also happy to cooperate with him. Anyway, Kira didn't like this Meister--who would give him a good impression if he went undercover to his own guild?Not to mention, in the last chapter, such despicable things as "modifying Bran's memory and sneak attacking the Sorcerer King" were done.

After the wine was hot, several people talked about Gerald, Urrutia and Melti.

The people in the guild naturally don't care about the arrest warrants of the Senate, and they have a comrade-in-arms relationship to deal with Akunorollia together. Makarov even invited them to join the "Fairy Tail" when he was drunk. 'This kind of words.

It's just that Gerald didn't agree in order to atone for his sin. Urrutia didn't want to implicate others, so he naturally declined. Melti chose to follow Urrutia without accident.

Even so, after this incident, they have officially joined Kira's "money-gathering organization", but this kind of thing is not clearly stated, and everyone tacitly agrees.

According to Kira's plan, after they go back, they will officially choose a base to carry out business activities connecting the three continents and the three worlds. As for the first pot of gold for the organization to start, it is already there, and it is the treasure house of the "Gate of Hades"—— Although there are demons in it, a lot of money has been accumulated over the past 400 years, and Kira secretly accepts it with a smile.

"Where did you lead Aku Norollia to?" This was the last question everyone cared about.

Kira was silent for a long time before replying, "Maybe it's... Elendina!"

Chapter 360 Five Daxin who Shocked Fiore Kingdom

The year X784 was destined to be recorded in history.

The last time it was enough to affect the entire magic world of Ishgar was the establishment of the organizational form of the "Magic Guild", and that was already a hundred years ago.

At the beginning of the year, the dark guilds of the wizarding world formed the most terrifying alliance ever - the Balam Alliance.

The iron triangle of the alliance includes the oldest and most mysterious 'Gate of Hades', the most powerful and legendary 'Devil's Heart', and the youngest and most troublesome 'Six Generals'.

In the entire Ishgar, more than [-]% of the dark guilds belong to the Balam Alliance; even counting the regular guilds, more than half of them. All of them tremble with fear.

But who would have thought that at the end of the same year, news broke that the three major guilds had been completely disintegrated!And they all died in the same guild!

Fairy Tail!


"Have you read today's paper?"

"no, what happened?"

"The Iron Triangle of 'Baram Union' has been defeated!"

"What?! Really?! This is awesome! Who did it?"

"It's 'Fairy Tail'!

I heard that the other party took the initiative to start the war, and they won with one against two! "

"My gosh! This is unbelievable!"

"Isn't it? 'Fairy Tail' is really powerful, right? I've always been a fan of them. The mages in it are strong and handsome, and they're really responsible for the strength of the Kingdom of Fiore!"

"It's really amazing! By the way, I have another question."

"what is the problem?"

"What is 'Balam Union'?"



Scales of the Snake Princess.

The president, Auba, pressed the newspaper on the table with a "snap": "It's 'Fairy Tail' again! If this continues, the task will all go to their side! I said you should try to cheer me up. !"

Seeing that the old lady was so excited that she was about to turn around, Jura quickly consoled her: "Okay, president. There are Makarovsang and Kirasang there. I heard that even Gildassang has gone back. They all He is a very powerful mage, and it is not surprising that he can take down these two guilds in one fell swoop!"

Several familiar players immediately praised: "Jurasang, you are also very good!"

Leon looked at the news in capitals and close-ups in the newspaper, with a gratified smile on his face: "Guy Gray, he should be stronger now, right?"


Cyan Pegasus.

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