With a loud roar, Ancestor Yan Jun showed despair on his face, obviously he still underestimated the strength of Ancestor Ba Cang.

It's just this violent knife that made Yanjun Patriarch directly explode and shatter.

"I thought you'd improved, but you're still a little bum after all these years."

The patriarch Ba Cang's eyes were dim, and he raised his knife again to kill another powerful patriarch.

I don't know that the fall of Yanjun Patriarch caused a series of chain reactions.

Or the foundations of several major forces, which are far from Guiyuan Holy Land.

Several major forces, the ancestors have continued to fall one after another.

"Damn it! Why haven't Hell God Palace and Demon God Abyss made a move yet?"

"If this continues, I'm afraid the whole army will be wiped out!"

The Dragon Lord of Dragon God Island climbed out of a huge collapsed mountain, clutching his broken arm and mouth stained with blood.

Looking at the world in front of him flooded by divine light, he was a little annoyed.

This is totally different from what he thought.

He has been secretly mobilizing the army these days, and even recalled the emperor from the battlefield outside the territory in advance.

Finally, several major forces were united to launch a strong attack on Guiyuan Holy Land.

But why was he stopped so easily by the other party?

It doesn't make sense at all!

"Damn it! You can't put your hopes on those two shady people. If we lose this battle, we, Dragon God Island, will have no future."

"Guiyuan Holy Land, you forced me to do this!"

The Dragon Lord's eyes were cold, and he roared to the sky.

"Sacrificing to the Emperor!"

Roar! !

A huge dragon chant frightened the nine heavens and ten earths, and a phantom of a real dragon that was ten thousand feet long rose into the sky from the depths of Dragon God Island.

Coming to the central area of ​​the battlefield as if alive!

And as the real dragon rolled, it gradually transformed into a golden long sword.

Taotao's dragon energy continuously vibrates out from the long sword.

"Emperor soldiers? Shouldn't all the emperor soldiers be used by the emperor?"

One person raised doubts.

The ever-sweeping imperial prestige from the depths of the universe has convinced them that the great emperors of the major forces have already used their imperial soldiers to kill each other.

But why does Dragon God Island still have emperor soldiers?

"That's... is that the Dragon Emperor Sword of the Dragon God Island Zhantian Dragon Emperor?"

An ancient figure immediately recognized the origin of the long sword.

"Dragon Emperor Zhantian was the founder of Dragon God Island. He died in battle outside the territory many years ago. This Dragon Emperor Sword was used by the Dragon Emperor Zhantian during his lifetime."

"Hiss... I didn't expect Dragon God Island to move out all the things used by my ancestors. This is Dragon God Island, a treasure specially used to suppress luck."

"It seems that Dragon God Island is indeed in a hurry."

The Phoenix Lord of the True Phoenix Cave also saw the changes in Dragon God Island.

A cold look flashed in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that this group of loaches even used the emperor's soldiers to suppress luck."

"Since that's the case, why should I be afraid of the True Phoenix Cave."

"Phoenix mirror, come out!"

A high-pitched phoenix cry resounded through the sky.

On the other side of the Zhenhuang Cave, there is also a mighty emperor's prestige sweeping out.

A shining mirror bathed in the divine fire soared into the sky.

What makes people feel terrifying is that in this divine realm, there seems to be an eternal flame burning, and there is even a phoenix in it, soaring and crying.

"Phoenix Emperor Mirror? Crazy! Crazy! This Zhenhuang Cave is also crazy!"

"The divine phoenix mirror, the luck emperor soldier before the Zhenhuang Cave, was taken away by Guiyuan Holy Land during the battle between the monsters."

"Now you actually use this Companion Emperor Soldier, do you want to send another wave of benefits to Guiyuan Holy Land?"

An ancestor in the restricted area saw his face full of emotion.

The Divine Phoenix Mirror and the Phoenix Mirror are actually the legendary soldiers of the two twin emperors of the Phoenix clan, and those two emperors were also well-known figures of the same era.

Now the Zhenhuang Cave was also pressed for a hurry, and sacrificed the emperor soldiers left by the ancestors without hesitation.

[ps: The rank of the emperor soldier: divided into ranks 1~9, the first rank is the highest, and the ninth rank is the lowest.

Luck Emperor Soldiers: Level 5 or above is enough to suppress one side's luck and protect one side's great teachings.

On it is the fairy artifact.

With the complete recovery of the world, Emperor Road will appear one after another.

If there are any deficiencies, please add, and the author will make changes. 】

Chapter 192 Please, Zhentian Monument, Four Ancient Characters Zhenwandao

But it's not over yet.

The direction where Tianshan Sect and Xiaoxitian were located also burst into an incomparably bright glow.

In the direction of Tianshan Sect, the sky is full of purple air, and the laws are intertwined, and a landscape painting vaguely emerges from it.

The mountains, rivers and rivers reflected on it, as if they are alive, show various principles of heaven and earth.

"The Heavenly Mountain Sect's Qiyun Emperor Soldiers, a map of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers!"

"This is the imperial soldier left behind by the legendary Emperor Zijin of the Tianshan Sect!"

Looking at this picture of mountains and rivers, the monk's scalp felt a little numb.

In the direction of Xiaoxitian, a bead shining with blazing Buddha light is suspended above the nine heavens.

The sound of chanting scriptures resounded from the sky and the earth, and the golden runes rose up, covering the sky and the sun.

This is Xiaoxitian's luck emperor soldier, Buddhist and Taoist jewel.

And these great emperors are fighting in the depths of the universe, and it is very difficult to get back.

Now that several major forces have sacrificed their fortune emperor soldiers one after another, the advantages that Guiyuan Holy Land had originally gained seemed to have disappeared at this moment.

A total of four Luck Emperor Soldiers were suspended in different positions.

Even that piece of heaven and earth was stimulated by these four pieces of emperor soldiers respectively to have different visions of heaven and earth.

Bursts of terrifying power rippled out.

The Dragon Master holds the Dragon Emperor Sword, his aura rises suddenly, even reaching the power of a great emperor.

And the grievance that was originally suppressed by Guiyuan Holy Land was swept away.

His face was full of arrogance.

"No matter how strong you are in Guiyuan Holy Land, you can only have at most two Luck Emperor Soldiers!"

"What are you holding back this time?"

This sentence is somewhat familiar.

The first immortal battle, the Guiyi suzerain also said so.

Now the grass on the grave is already tall!

"There are always people who want to use their family background to compare with my background in Guiyuan Holy Land."

"Emperor of Luck, what kind of rubbish is that?"

"Today, I will let you see what is the real background!"

The patriarch pinched the magic formula with his hand, and runes rose up all over the sky.

"Please, Tiantian Monument!"


A thunderbolt with a diameter of hundreds of miles across the universe.

In an instant, the pitch-black universe seemed to be dyed into daylight.

There is an ancient aura that permeates out, causing the void of the universe to collapse layer by layer.

The aura emanating from the fortune emperor soldiers of several major forces was instantly suppressed.

The situation in the sky is changing, and the power of countless Dao principles has turned into waves of storms, intertwined and entwined.

In everyone's shocked eyes.

The sky suddenly split open.

Blazing rays of light erupted from it, and endless chaotic light rose up.

An ancient bronze stele is as high as ten thousand feet, like an ancient and immortal mountain emerging from the sky!

The vast law of the Dao spewed out, the immortal divine light bloomed, and a majestic and mysterious force seemed to be able to suppress the eternal void.

"Suppressing Heaven Monument? Isn't that the stele used by Guiyuan Holy Land to test the talents of disciples?"

"That's actually a fortune emperor soldier!?"

A powerful patriarch looked terrified and suddenly exclaimed.

"Hiss...why do I always feel that the Heaven-shaking Monument doesn't fully display its power? It feels like it's deliberately suppressing it?"

"You don't know that the first immortal battle in Guiyuan Holy Land summoned a semi-immortal weapon called Zhang Tianzhu, and now there is such a terrifying emperor soldier."

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