The waiter brought them what they asked for and walked out.

"Try it!" Wang An picked up a spoon and stuffed a piece of strawberry ice cream into Zi Yan's mouth.

Zi Yan took a bite, the taste was really good.

"How does it taste?" Wang An asked with a smile.

"Well, it's okay." Zi Yan nodded.

Seeing Ziyan's delicious food, Wang An was very satisfied.

"Take another bite." He reached for the ice cream on the plate again.

"Yeah!" Zi Yan continued to eat.

She just stretched out the spoon, but Wang An took it back and said, "Forget it, I won't eat."

"What's the matter?" Zi Yan asked puzzledly, "Why didn't you eat?"

"Because I'm afraid that after I eat it, I will be reluctant to eat it again." Wang An said.

"Then don't eat it!" Zi Yan said, "I don't really like ice cream anyway."

"But I want to eat more times!" Wang An said helplessly, "If you don't eat it, I won't have a chance to eat it!"

"Then eat!" Zi Yan stretched the spoon towards the ice cream again.


Wang An just wanted to stop her, but saw that she had already eaten it.

Zi Yan took a bite, then raised her head and said with a smile: "The taste is not bad!"

"Hmm! Is it delicious?" Wang An asked.

"Well, it's delicious." Zi Yan smiled.

"Then you can eat more." Wang An said, "I want to eat more."

"Okay, I'll feed you."

Zi Yan handed the ice cream to Wang An's mouth, and then used a fork to dig a small spoonful of ice cream and handed it to Wang An's mouth.

Wang An opened his mouth and ate it.

Zi Yan continued to feed, and Wang An also opened his mouth to eat.

"Zi Yan, you can eat too." Wang An stuffed an ice cream into her mouth.

"Okay!" Zi Yan also swallowed the small piece of ice cream.

"Zi Yan, let's eat it!"

"Mmm! It's delicious."

The picture of the two feeding each other looks very warm, causing passers-by to turn their heads frequently.

The two ate another piece of ice cream.

"Zi Yan, feed me again." Wang An said with a smile.

Zi Yan brought another large spoonful of ice cream to Wang An's mouth.

Wang An ate the ice cream again.

"Zi Yan, feed me again."

"Okay, I'll feed you another bite." Zi Yan put the ice cream into Wang An's mouth.

Wang An ate mouthful after mouthful, with a happy expression on his face.

Seeing the smile on his face, Zi Yan also felt very happy.

After eating the ice cream, Wang An took Zi Yan's hand and walked to the cafe across the street.

They went into the café and ordered two cappuccinos.

Zi Yan looked at Wang An in front of her, and suddenly thought of a question: "An An, we met once in a teahouse before."

"Really?" Wang An said, "I forgot."

"You forgot?" Zi Yan stared at him.

"Yeah." Wang An nodded with a smile, "I've never had a good memory."

"You have a bad memory and still learn from others?" Zi Yan gave him a white look.

"This is my hobby!" Wang An said, "Do you want me to drive like this every day?"

"Of course not."

"Then you support me!" Wang An said with a smile, "Anyway, after you marry me, you will support me. It shouldn't be difficult to support my boyfriend, right?"

"Hmph! Who wants to support you!"

"Then I will depend on you, who made you my girlfriend?"

"Who is your girlfriend!"

"You are!" Wang An said.

Zi Yan frowned and looked at him displeased.

"Zi Yan, you don't want to deny it!" Wang An said.

Zi Yan shook her head and said: "I just feel strange, why do you want to associate with me?"

"Didn't I tell you? You're beautiful!"

"Pretty?" Zi Yan sneered, "But I don't think so."

"Look at this restaurant." Wang An pointed to the restaurant not far away, and said, "Do you think the food here is delicious?"

Zi Yan looked in the direction Wang An pointed, and saw a giant oil painting hanging at the entrance of this restaurant.

Next to the oil painting, there are four big characters "Breakfast with Love"!

"Don't you find it attractive?" Wang An said.

Zi Yan looked at the oil painting and nodded: "It's really attractive."

"So, you'll like it too."

"I just wonder why it's hanging on the wall."

"I opened this restaurant." Wang An said, "and I am a regular customer here."

"So that's it, I said why it is hung on the wall." Zi Yan said.

"Does it feel very mysterious?" Wang An said.

Zi Yan nodded.

"Actually, I not only opened a coffee shop in this restaurant, but also bought real estate nearby, and we will live there in the future." Wang An said.

Zi Yan widened her eyes and asked: "There are so many places, why did you choose to buy a house here?"

"Because I like this place!" Wang An said, "Because I like living here with Ziyan."

When Zi Yan heard this, her heart moved, and her cheeks couldn't help turning red.

"You see, the two of us really understand each other." Wang An said.

"Huh!" Zi Yan curled her lips, "I don't have a tacit understanding with you."

"Then how did you guess what I was thinking?"

"I'm too lazy to guess what's on your mind!"

"Hehe!" Wang An touched his nose with a smile, "You are right, you are too lazy to guess, I can just guess."

" are so annoying!" Zi Yan said coquettishly.

"Hehe, I hate it so much, what can you do with me?" Wang An pretended to be arrogant.

"What will I do if I don't take you! Hahahaha." Zi Yan said, "

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